Chapter 27

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Luo Jiuli lowered his head pretending to be shy.

Ahhhh! ! !Old Bai!Come and save your apprentice! ! !

This girl is so handsome and so gentle. Sooner or later, she will be able to help but become sexually attracted to her!

Chang Yuze left after dinner.

Luo Jiuli took advantage of their lively conversation to find an excuse to sneak back to Jinglan Courtyard.

What she didn't expect was that Nuo Da's room was completely empty, not even a bed!
There are no beds!


When I returned to Xiuzhuyuan again, everyone had dispersed.

Except for the two guards at the door, even Zisu Xinyi was nowhere to be seen.

Jun Mohan was lying beside the bed, looking at her with a smile in his eyes, "Ali, come here."

Luo Jiuli pretended not to hear and walked towards the small couch.

"Are you angry?" Jun Mohan flew over and pulled Luo Jiuli into his arms, playing with a strand of her black hair.

"I'm just not used to it." Luo Jiuli bit her lip.

right!She is angry!

Very angry!
Get her back quickly!

"It's useless to be angry." Jun Mohan raised his lips, "Husband and wife should sleep in the same bed, you have to get used to it."

Luo Jiuli: "."

Get used to it, uncle!
"Please, Your Majesty, give me some time." So that she can think of a way to escape.

"Okay." Jun Mohan agreed.

Luo Jiuli was delighted, so simple?Can she go back? !
However, after all, she thought too simply.

Jun Mohan hugged her and turned around a few times, and then they fell on the bed.

He pressed her little head into his arms and said, "Just think about it slowly. Don't worry, as long as you don't agree, I will never touch you."

The tangy sandalwood fragrance and the rhythmic heartbeat made Luo Jiuli couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster and his face became red and hot.

There was a voice in her mind that kept telling her to push him away, push him away, push him away.
Unfortunately, she stopped moving.

She didn't seem to dislike this person.

Ning'an Street, crossroads.

As soon as Luo Jiuli arrived, a man in black appeared out of thin air and led her into the eldest princess' mansion through a secret passage just like last time.

"Sister-in-law Wang, look, that's my boudoir over there." Wen Yi pointed to a place.

"Hey, Axiu!" Wen Yi spotted someone and floated in front of her, "I didn't expect that you have been managing the eldest princess's mansion for me for so many years!"

Axiu passed by Luo Jiuli through Wen Yi. She didn't know what to call him, so she bowed slightly.

Luo Jiuli smiled back. When he entered the hall, Jun Mohan was already waiting there, and Wei Yan stood beside him.

"Peach wood sword!" Wei Yan was shocked.

This was the first time he saw Luo Jiuli come up with something related to him.

"It's rare to see something strange!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes at him, and pushed the peach wood sword and the prepared basket into his hand, "Let's go, show me."

"Master, please come this way." Jun Mohan didn't wear a mask and made a gesture of invitation with his hands. When Luo Jiuli passed by, he immediately stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Master Jia, you're welcome." Luo Jiuli nodded distantly, thinking about his conversation with Chang Yuze yesterday, and feeling a little panicked.The Xia clan will never be allowed to step foot into the imperial city.

If anyone knew this, it would be a serious crime to behead someone.

Although her identity is unknown for such a confidential matter, it cannot be ruled out that they would rather kill her by mistake than let her go.

In the secret room, Xia Qinghe's limbs were still restrained by iron chains, but because he was unconscious for half a month, there was a special person to take care of him. He was lying peacefully at this time, and he could not see the ferocious appearance of the previous days.

Next to him, there was a blue soul-nurturing lamp. The body of the lamp was in the shape of a lotus, and the core of the lamp was a burning blue flame. The flame had been burning for fifteen days.

From the white flame at the beginning, the color deepened day by day, and this is the fierce blue it is today.

This is also proof that Xia Qinghe's soul is growing day by day.

"It's well raised." Luo Jiuli slowly took out a dozen talismans from the basket, "You guys, stay away. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to come over for a while."

She put the talismans in the palm of her hand, recited a few spells, and the talismans flew to multiple locations and stuck to each other.

After setting everything up, she walked to the soul-nourishing lamp, flicked her hand gently, and the blue flame turned into a beam of blue light and penetrated into Xia Qinghe's eyebrows.

At the same time, Xia Qinghe suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

He struggled, he was angry, he was confused.

"I'm not something you, a slutty brat like you, can trap. Let me go quickly, or you'll risk your life!"

"What's going on with me? How did it become like this? What kind of monsters and ghosts, get out of me!" As the person involved, Xia Qinghe can hear the voice of the ghost and see the existence of the ghost.

The same person makes two completely different voices.

"What's going on?" Wei Yan asked.

"It's okay, it's just that the main body soul has awakened and is fighting for the dominance of the body with the ghost."

Luo Jiuli took out a ceramic bottle from the bamboo basket and poured the unknown liquid in it onto the peach wood sword. The sword's entire body lit up for a moment, and everyone felt the fragrance of peach.

"If you take me in, this kid will die!" The ghost howled with the dual voices of a man and a woman. "Why don't you let me go? If I leave voluntarily, he will live. If you force him to take him in, he will die." If you kill me, then this kid will also die, and he will be killed by you!"

"Really!" Luo Jiuli raised his lips, "If I let you go, he can live?"

"That's right." Sensing the looseness of Luo Jiuli's words, Yin Hun hurriedly said: "As long as I leave voluntarily, he can live. But if you forcefully take me back, then he will only die!"

"Really?" Luo Jiuli sneered, "Then let's try and see if he will die if I take you in!"

She really looks like a three-year-old child!
This kind of soul-eating and soul-stealing person who takes over a person's body, if he hadn't met her, he wouldn't have been able to survive even if the ghost left voluntarily.

On the contrary, when the ghost leaves the body, it is the time of death.

She waved the mahogany sword and muttered words, and saw the talisman paper she had posted earlier emitting a burst of golden light. She walked along the golden light and activated the formation.

The formation was like a net, shrinking little by little, pulling the ghost out of Xia Qinghe's body.

"No, don't!" the ghost wailed, "He will die! He will die!"

Luo Jiu sat down, his peach wood sword out of his hand, hanging in the air, the tip of the sword pointing directly at the ghost.

After the ghost was completely separated from the human body, the peach wood sword automatically flew back to Luo Jiuli's hand.

Luo Jiuli wiped the sweat from his temples and looked at the lump of flesh trapped in the golden net, feeling like vomiting.

No wonder Wen Yi said that the person following Xia Qinghe was an ugly person.

"It's really ugly!"

Compared to Luo Jiuli's indifferent vomiting, Yinhun was not doing so well. His whole body was burned by golden light, as if it was about to be torn apart. It was angry, "Why is he okay!"

Luo Jiuli glanced at Xia Qinghe, who was still breathing after he fainted, "If something happens to him when he encounters me, wouldn't I be too incompetent?"

(End of this chapter)

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