Chapter 312 Eating too much meat
After a while, Luo Yaozhi finally took back his hand.


"Brother, how is it?"

Bai Hua and Luo Jiuli asked in unison.

Qiao Su also opened his eyes at this time and yawned, "I'm here, what are you in a hurry for?"

He stretched out greatly, "As long as I don't let go, even if the Lord of Hell comes, he won't be able to take Xiao Yue'er away today!"

No one refuted such wild words!
Because they all know that Qiao Su does have this ability!
The people in the world call him the ancestor of poison, and his reputation is not in vain!
"Xiao Yue'er's body is different from that of ordinary people and he cannot eat meat. I told you this when you first adopted him." Luo Yaozhi took out the acupuncture kit from the self-diagnosis medicine box and asked Bai Hua, "Have you followed the rules in these years?" Doctor’s orders?”

"Of course there is." Bai Hua looked at Bai Yue, who was lying on the bed dying, and frowned tightly, "Is this because of eating meat?"

"Yes." Luo Yaozhi nodded and untied the acupuncture bag, revealing a piece of silver needle with a cold glow, "Eating too much meat accumulated in the abdomen and the body cannot tolerate it."

He selected one of the many silver needles and held it in his hand, "I am going to give him a needle to stop the bleeding. You guys should go out first."

Bai Hua had [-]% trust in Luo Yaozhi's medical skills. Although he was worried when he heard this, he still nodded without saying anything and walked out first.

Luo Jiuli followed closely behind.

"Do you want to stay and help me?" Qiao Su asked Luo Yaozhi.

"No!" Luo Yaozhi shook his head quite simply, "You'd better go out for some fresh air and wake up!"

"Hey! You brat!" Qiao Su raised his hand and pretended to hit someone, "You actually dislike being a teacher!"

"Even if you are drunk as a teacher, your skills with needles are still superior to yours!"

Luo Yaozhi dodged Qiao Su's hand and said very perfunctorily: "Yes, yes, I am above me!"

He raised his chin towards the door, "You'd better go out quickly, Xiao Yue'er's condition cannot be delayed!"

"If he has a three-card short, Master Bai and my sister will make you feel better!"

Hearing this, Qiao Su snorted, then gave up and walked towards the door, "You brat, my master is right outside. If you want help, just say a word."

After finishing speaking, seeing Luo Yaozhi nodding, Qiao Su closed the door.

Wangyou Inn is the best inn in the capital, and Bai Hua and Bai Yue live in the best Tianzihao room among them.

Even though the downstairs is close to the busy city, where they are now, there is not a sound in their ears, it is very quiet.

The three of them stood leaning on the railing, looking at the gurgling water and willow trees downstairs.

Luo Jiuli said, "Old Bai, usually the meat goes into your mouth in small chunks, but why did it end up in Xiao Yue'er's belly this time?"

Bai Hua shook his head and didn't know what to expect. Then after thinking about it, he changed his mind and said, "I went out for a while at noon, and Xiao Yue'er was alone in the inn. Could it be that someone took some meat and tricked him into eating it at that time?"

Luo Jiuli, "What's so important? I asked you to leave Xiao Yue'er alone in the inn."

Bai Hua, "Bai An."

"What!" Luo Jiuli was shocked, "Uncle Master!!!"

She turned to look at Bai Hua and asked in disbelief, "Have you met???"

"Yes." Bai Hua nodded, "But not today, but in Yanchang."

"Yanchang!" Luo Jiuli frowned slightly, "So, the fact that the prince of Canaan became a mummy must have something to do with him."

Bai An had originally learned about the forbidden arts in Xuanmen. When he learned that he had escaped from Tianshan Pavilion, Luo Jiuli had doubted whether he was the one who used forbidden arts to do evil in the capital.

Now that Bai Hua said this, she was a little more certain.

"That's what he did." Bai Hua put his hands behind his back, and his already frowned brows became even tighter.A gust of wind blew, bringing up the robe, and the silver threads were flying, which made him look a bit like an outsider.

"Alas!" He sighed heavily, "It seems that he was allowed to escape from the water prison and come to the capital to cause trouble because of Master Youfu's entrustment."

"I said, Lao Bai, why are you so worried?" Qiao Su put his hand on Bai Hua's shoulder, "He secretly bribed the people who sent him meals to help him escape from the water prison. It's not like you can prevent him!"

"Besides, you let him escape with so many people guarding you outside the water prison. It shows how long he has been planning this!"

"Oh! Be more liberal!" Qiao Su stretched out his hand and tugged at Bai Hua's beard, "If he escapes, he will escape. The worst we can do is catch him back!"

"Easy to say!"

Bai Hua snorted coldly and waved Qiao Su's hand away, preventing him from touching his precious beard.

"Except for accidentally meeting him in Yanchang that day, I don't even know where he is, so how can I catch him!"

"Is there any instructions on the commander's dashboard?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"No." Bai Hua shook his head.

"Although I don't know where he is, what I can confirm is that he is the person behind the Queen Mother and the Left Prime Minister!"

So far, except for Xiao Hui and the others who wanted to arrest her, Luo Jiuli didn't want to hide the rest from Bai Hua.

"Is there such a connection?" Bai Hua's frown did not relax, "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Luo Jiuli nodded, with a serious look on his face, and continued: "Uncle Master is working for the Queen Mother and Zuo Xiang. For what purpose, I don't know yet."

"They seem to be trying to save someone, but they are so cruel and murderous that I can't really see clearly."

"Rescue people?" Bai Hua murmured, suddenly seeming to remember something, "Oh! That's right! I saw a monster next to him in Yanchang that day."

"I don't know what that monster is. Every time it eats a ghost, it grows an inch larger. It's surprisingly big!"

"I heard from the surviving ghosts on Yanchang Mountain about that monster. I heard it was very powerful." Luo Jiuli was confused, "Master, you don't know what that monster is?"

"I don't know." Bai Hua shook his head.

"They used forbidden techniques." Luo Jiuli asked, "Is there any record in the forbidden news of Xuanmen?"

Bai Hua still shook his head, "No."

"Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we win every battle. If we don't even know what that monster is, it will be difficult."

'Squeak! '

Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Several people turned around and looked at Luo Yaozhi who came out of the house, "How's it going?"

"The bleeding has stopped." Luo Yaozhi wiped the sweat from his forehead, took out the written prescription from his sleeve and handed it to Bai Hua, "Follow this prescription and take it for more than a month."

"Thank you!" Bai Hua took the prescription.

"They are all members of our family, so there is no need to say thank you!" Luo Yaozhi said to Bai Hua while carrying the medical box, "This illness is really dangerous. Fortunately, Master Bai knew the pathology and didn't carry Xiao Yue'er around."

"Otherwise, the bumpy road will cause the vomiting of blood to become more serious. Then I will be the reincarnation of Hua Tuo and I will not be able to cure him."

"Xiao Yue'er's fortune has been restored this time, but please don't eat meat next time!"

"Yeah!" Bai Hua nodded, "I was negligent this time. I learned a lesson and gained a good memory."

(End of this chapter)

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