Chapter 327 Let the people mourn for his son

"Hey! That's right!"

Her Du Qing also has a bit of a temper.

Of course, she was not used to him being too gentle to her.

But with his temperament, she would always feel that he was secretly plotting something against her.

Now she feels much more at ease!

Luo Jiuli lay back down again, adjusted to a comfortable position, and waved lazily to everyone, "Let's go! Let's go! Shopkeeper Du and I don't have the hobbies you think, but we are just good friends!"

When everyone heard this, they didn't believe it and stopped staring at them.

The scene returned to normal.

Luo Jiuli tilted his head and looked out the window. What he saw was not a bustling city, but green bricks and black tiles, white clouds and blue sky.

"How is the thing you were asked to do?" she asked in a voice that only two people could hear.

Du Qing: "It's been done long ago!"


Since it has been done long ago, how come there is no news at all?
Luo Jiuli was confused.

"Three days ago." Du Qing replied.

"Three days ago?" Luo Jiuli played with the safety buckle on his waist with his fingertips, speaking slowly and slowly, as if he was thinking about something.

"That was the day Zi Su came." She whispered to herself, "But so many days have passed, how come there is no news at all??"

She slowly sat up and looked at the people passing by downstairs, doubting her abilities for the first time.

"Did I draw the spell wrong???"

"No no no!!!"

Almost as soon as the words came out of her mouth, she shook her head.

"It's not wrong, it's not wrong!!! It's definitely not wrong!!!"

If Bai Hua knew that she could even draw a simple luck charm incorrectly, she would be so angry that she would be so angry!
She can't afford to lose this person herself!

"What did you say???" Du Qing said he didn't hear clearly.

Luo Jiuli turned to look at him, "Nothing."

She stretched her hand out of the window and pointed downstairs, changing the subject calmly, "I mean, why are the candied haws fruits green? They look sour and astringent. No one will buy them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from downstairs.

"Boss, give me ten skewers of candied haws!"

"Hey! That's great! Hahahahaha, you have such a good taste, my candied haws are the most delicious on this street!"

Luo Jiuli's face turned green, "..."

fuck! ! !
Who the hell is so hungry? ! !

In the safe button, Wen Yi burst into laughter.

Du Qing couldn't help laughing, "Actually, the reason why this candied haws is made of green fruit is..."

"My lord, spare your life, spare your life! We don't dare to do it anymore, we really don't do it anymore!!!"

"Yes! I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!!! The official is so kind and kind, just let us go!!!"

Du Qing's words were interrupted by begging for mercy.

Luo Jiuli looked around and saw at the other end of the street, a group of officers and soldiers with sabers on their waists, escorting a middle-aged couple who were crying bitterly.


"Master, sir, we are new here, so we broke the rules of this capital. Please, please, please give us a chance to change our ways!!!" "The common people will be punished severely when we go back. This woman, let her never dare to wear red clothes again!!!"

“Yes, yes, yes, civilian women don’t wear it anymore, they don’t wear it anymore, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......”

No matter how the middle-aged couple shook their heads and begged for mercy, the officers and soldiers remained unmoved and scolded them with a straight face.

"Walk faster! If you dare to wear red or green in broad daylight and resist the decree, I will see how many heads you can chop off when you get to the Yamen!"

“When did wearing red clothes become a sign of disobedience and disrespect???”

After seeing the farce, Luo Jiuli finally remembered what was wrong.

It turns out that the whole street, and even the whole capital, is missing a touch of red!

The candied haws, which are usually brightly red, have turned green!

Lipstick is a must-have for girls when going out. Nowadays, they just don’t wipe it off!

The hairpins in the hair are mostly in light colors such as lily and narcissus.

Even the red silk outside the brothel has been replaced by blue, cyan, white...

The officers and soldiers were equipped with swords, and they all looked fierce. No one dared to stop them wherever they went. The people gave way one after another, waiting for people to go far away before they dared to make a sound.

“How pathetic!!!”

"Yes, I bumped into the little prince when I first arrived. I'm afraid it will be a bad time to go to the Yamen!!!"

"Why are you pretending to be good people here and showing pity to them? Why pity them!"

"The Emperor takes pity on the miscarriage of Concubine Shu, and decrees that no one in the capital will be allowed to see red for half a month. Anyone who violates this rule will be killed without mercy!"

"We are all here like this these days. We don't dare to get even the slightest bit of blood. Even if we bump into each other and bleed, we have to wipe it off quickly for fear of being caught by the officers and soldiers. It's good for them. They dare to show off as soon as they enter Beijing. Wearing red clothes, maybe they did it on purpose, they are caught now, hey, they deserve it!"

"Hey! How come you..."

"What's wrong with me, what's wrong with me! Isn't what I said the truth? Which of us hasn't been here these days?"

"You, why don't you shout here, and don't show how much you sympathize with that couple here. If you have the ability, speak to me here. If you have the ability, go to the palace and scold the person who issued the order!!!"

"Did you see it?" Du Qing served Luo Jiuli some tea.

The fragrance of tea overflows, and it is light, just like the recliner, it is exclusive to Luo Jiuli.

"Yes." Luo Jiuli picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "Let the people mourn his son."

"Hmph! This is too much!! Hun Jun!!! Hun Jun!!!"

Wen Yi came out of the safety buckle and floated to the window. She looked at the direction where the officers and soldiers were leaving, with her hands on her hips and an angry look on her face.

"Don't say Xiao Ruoyan had a miscarriage. Even though she was born, we don't know whether it is a boy or a girl!"

"To be so doting on her! The people are mourning together. It's such a great honor, and the Xiao family dares to accept it!!"

"Okay." Luo Jiuli put down the tea cup and whispered: "It's not like you don't understand his situation and you just had to do it. Why are you so angry?"

"Huh!" Wen Yi snorted, obviously very angry, but she said, "I'm not angry! I'm not angry!!!"

"It's all that old witch's fault! It must be that old witch!!!"

"If she doesn't agree, this decree will definitely not be made!!!"

Luo Jiuli: "That's not necessarily the case!"

What common people mourn together and what great honors they have are all illusory things in the final analysis.

If these things make his reputation as fatuous and make Xiao Hui feel more at ease with him, then what if this honor is given to him?

"Sister-in-law Wang, what do you mean by this?" Wen Yi floated back to Luo Jiuli, "You mean that even if the old witch doesn't agree, Jun Mozhe will make this decree!!!???"

(End of this chapter)

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