Chapter 356 Killing Hades
After resting and divination, everyone stopped grinding and worked together to lift the big locust tree to the entrance of the village and plant it into a deep pit.

Planting is much simpler and faster than digging, and it doesn't take long to get it done.

Skynet appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air at this time.

The ghosts thought that the opportunity had come again, so they first mocked Luo Jiuli.

"What Xuanmen??? What master??? And what Skynet??? Hahahaha, it's only so dazzling!!!"

“How dare you do anything in front of me, let’s see if I don’t tear you apart now!!!!”

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli was far away from the crowd. She looked disdainful and didn't panic at all. She straightened her skirt and said, "If you can come out, will I, my aunt, continue to hang out?"

Sure enough, in the next moment, the clamoring ghosts rushing out were all bounced back by an unknown force, leaving a trace of burns on their souls.

"Ah!!! What, what is this!!!!"

"The enhanced version of Ten Thousand Talismans. In the past, you were trapped in it at most. You could still travel at night, but now you can't!" Luo Jiuli smiled slightly and continued in the gentlest voice: "Now not only can you travel at night, If you can't travel, if you try to break through forcefully, you will suffer backlash, just like it."

She pointed at one of the burned ghosts and seemed to be trying to persuade her, "So, you must never rush out, otherwise you will get burned!"

"The burn is still light. If it were serious, it would be completely destroyed!"

It was clear that the other party spoke softly and was very gentle, but in the eyes of Yinhun, this was not a little girl, not a naughty young lady disguised as a man. This was clearly the deadly King of Hell!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Master, we shouldn't have scolded you just now, but we have only been trapped for a long time. We have never killed anyone. Please forgive us, Master!!!!"

"Yes, Master, please be kind, be kind, and just spare us!!!!"

"Now I know he is the master, and just now he said he was a junior!" Luo Jiuli is very vindictive.

"No, no, no! It's not you, it's us who don't know Taishan, not even the master!!!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's us who have the eyesight but cannot recognize Mount Tai. Master is full of awe-inspiring aura. How can we be young people? It's us. We have the eyesight and cannot see Mount Tai. Please forgive us, Master!"

"Please master, please let us out! Please master, please let us out!!!"

Luo Jiuli opened his mouth and was about to say something when a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears.

"That's it, all right?"

The third aunt, who came back at an unknown time, stood beside Luo Jiuli with big and small bags in her hands. She looked at the beautiful big locust tree planted in front of her house in the morning, but she arrived at the entrance of the village in a blink of an eye, and was very emotional.

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli tilted his head and looked at his third aunt, "That's all."

"Then this time, can you protect my son for 20 years?" The third aunt tried to ask.

"Not just." Luo Jiuli said, "This time it's for life."

"What!!!" The third aunt was so happy that she even started to stutter when speaking, "Is it true or false??? One by one for a lifetime???"

Luo Jiuli: "Really, and although Zhang Huai and Da Huai Shu are still closely related this time, they are not connected by fate."

"If the tree disappears in the future, at most it will cause a slight loss of luck, and you will not be able to get rich. Generally speaking, it will not have much impact, so you don't need to cherish this tree too much in the future."

"Ah ha ha ha ha!!!!" The third aunt laughed. The stone that had been weighing on her heart for many years finally settled down safely, and she felt instantly relaxed. "This ha ha ha ha. This is great ha ha ha ha!!!!"

As a parent, who doesn’t hope that their children will be safe and live a long life?

As for being rich and powerful, it is not as important as life. "Mom, what's wrong? What happened? You're smiling so happily."

Seeing the figure of the third aunt, Cao Yongnian and his brothers, who were sitting on the slope to rest, trotted over.

Each of them shared some and took what the third aunt was holding.

"Mom, you are finally back. Are you tired after traveling so far to the city and back?" Zhang Huai carried something in one hand and used his sleeve as a fan to fan his third aunt.

"I'm not tired, I'm not tired." The third aunt's smile did not diminish, and she held Luo Jiuli affectionately with her free hand, "Let's go, master, let's go back and rest. I bought some good wine. I’ll make some good food later and eat well at night, hahahaha!!!!”

Before Luo Jiuli could refuse, the third aunt had already walked a short distance with her arm in her arms.

When passing by the crowd, the third aunt grinned and said, "There are a lot of mosquitoes here. Don't sit on the ground here to rest. Walk around. Follow me back to the yard to rest."

"Daughter-in-law of the old Zhang family, why don't you go into the city and pick up some treasures? I'll look at you smiling like that."

The big locust tree is the third aunt's treasure, the kind that is more important than life.

When they heard the news, everyone thought she didn't know how to dig trees, but not only did she dig it, she was now as happy as if she was celebrating the New Year.

Abnormal, really abnormal.

"Hey, I'm happy. You don't care how I laugh. Every day, fourth uncle, you talk the most." The third aunt laughed and scolded, "In a while, you have to drink a few more glasses. Let's see how good the good wine in this city can be." I can’t shut your mouth.”

With that said, the third aunt let go of Luo Jiuli's hand, turned around and took back all the things that Cao Yongnian and his brothers had taken from her.

He said to Zhang Huai, "Son, you brothers don't want to go back yet. You run for me first and call all the people in the village to come for dinner, including those who help and those who don't."


Not only Zhang Huai, but also Cao Yongnian, Cao Yongchu, and Mao Sihu were stunned.

what's the situation? ? ? ?

When did Third Aunt become so generous? ? ? ?
"Ah, what? What are you stunned about? Go quickly!"

Hearing the third aunt's voice again, the brothers came back to their senses, "Oh oh oh oh!!! Okay!!!"

"Hey, what are you doing, little bastard, running so fast? The little beggar in the shabby hut at the foot of the mountain is also shouting!" The third aunt shouted at the people who were running away, "Don't miss any of them. !!!”


Fushan Village was a little far away from the capital. Luo Jiuli followed his third aunt back to the house and left after sitting there for a while.

On the way, Wen Yi asked curiously, "Sister-in-law Wang, in the past, if you met the ghosts of injustice, you would save them and send them away, but what about this time???"

"There are too many, too lazy to move. Moreover, the pure land where yin and yang are harmonious is a natural pool of evil spirits. If you are truly kind, you will be reincarnated in a few days. If your heart is evil, it will be harvested by itself. Why should I waste it? Vibrant and spirited.”

A few days later, Prince Yi's Mansion.

As usual, Jun Mohan accompanied Luo Jiuli after breakfast and ran to the army.

As soon as he left, Xin Yi came to report, "Princess, the one from Ningshuangyuan is here."

(End of this chapter)

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