Chapter 359
"The princess, please calm down!" Seeing that Xiao Ruoling was wrong, Grandma Wang immediately interrupted, "This is not what I meant, and this is not what the concubine meant. After Miss Xinyi got the prayer flag, she stayed in the house, in front of everyone's eyes. Down there, there must be no chance to accomplish this."

"But after the old slave checked, there were several people who had touched the prayer flags. I hope the princess will be aware of it, and she will find out when the old slave brings them here."

Luo Jiuli did not agree immediately, but looked deeply at Grandma Wang until Grandma Wang spoke again, "I beg the princess to be aware of it, and I will tell you when I ask the old slave to bring him!"

Luo Jiuli then responded: "Okay, Xin Yi, you go with Grandma Wang."

"Yes!" Xin Yifu stepped back.

After a while, he and Grandma Wang brought a few people back from Ningshuangyuan.

Everyone was shouting that they were wronged, except for a maid with a disfigured face and a knife wound. She was shouting that she was wronged, while looking around with a guilty conscience.

No one present was stupid, let alone Grandma Wang, the human spirit who had been mediating in the palace for a long time. She almost effortlessly pulled the person out.

"Tell me, why are you dripping blood on the prayer flags? Your concubine treats you badly, why do you frame her like this!"

The maid was forced to her knees by her servants, her face was congested, the scar was a new wound, it was still tender, and it was so red that it looked like it was about to bleed.

"Slave, slave, I didn't. I was wronged. I didn't drop blood on the prayer flag, and I didn't frame the concubine!"

"This slave is unjustly accused, this slave is unjustly accused, the princess, the princess is aware of it!"

"No?" Grandma Wang has been in the palace for a long time. There is no torture method in the palace that she doesn't know how to do. Her voice is stern, "Then let me ask you, before you came here, were you in the courtyard with frost flowers?" What fell?"

"Yes, yes" the maid hesitated, unable to explain for a long time.

"You have to think clearly before you speak!" Grandma Wang looked fierce, and Hu's face was even more frightening. "If you don't answer well and hide anything, the palace will use the method of carefully interrogating prisoners, and I'm afraid you will be punished in the palace. Everything has been fulfilled in you.”

"Slave, slave, no, no!!! Not a slave, not a slave!!!"

Although the maid was frightened by Grandma Wang's words and tears came out of her eyes and flowed down her cheeks, her mouth was still firm.

"No?" Grandma Wang said coldly, "In that case, drag her out and beat her eighty times!"

"You're just giving in." Zisu couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately wanted to stop him, but was pulled back by Xin Yi beside him.


The two servants who were escorting the maid immediately responded and were about to drag the maid out.

The maid was frightened, her strength increased, she broke free from the restraint, knelt at the feet of Grandma Wang, held her hand tightly, and cried bitterly, "No, no! No!!!!"

The servant was about to step forward to take someone again, but Grandma Wang raised her hand to stop her and looked down at the maid, "Then do you want to hire someone or not?"

"Here, slave!" The maid sniffed and wiped her face with her hands, "Yes, it's blood, blood. What I poured under the frost flowers was blood."

Grandma Wang: "It is indeed you!"

"No, not slave!!!" The maid shook her head repeatedly, "Slave, slave, it's just a small day for me today. It happens that it is my turn to work in the flower garden again, and my back is sore, so, so, I thought of being lazy, using, using Used water, come on, water the flowers."

"You are so brave!" Xiao Ruoling was furious after hearing this, and gave the maid a loud slap, "The frost flower is my favorite thing, how dare you, how dare you use the pickled water from which you washed your buttocks to give her Water her, beat her, drag her down, and beat her hard!"

"Concubine, please calm down."

Grandma Wang pulled Xiao Ruoling's sleeve and winked at Luo Jiuli to signal her to calm down.Xiao Ruoling turned her head and glanced at Luo Jiuli, who was sitting in the upper seat, took a deep breath and seriously stopped talking.

"What blood? It's obviously blood, but she still refuses to call her for it. Come on, drag her down and beat her until she says so!"

Grandma Wang gave an order, and the two servants stepped forward to get the person again. Taking advantage of the experience of being broken free before, the servants used strong force this time and dragged the person straight out.

Not long after, the sound of banging boards came from the courtyard, as well as the pitiful screams of injustice from the maid.

"Ah!!! This slave is wrongly accused!!! This slave is wrongly accused!!!"

"Blood, blood, it was not done by slaves, the princess and the concubine know it clearly, and the concubine knows it!!!"

"Not a slave!!! I don't have a slave!!! I really don't have a slave!!!"

"Don't, don't fight, I'm going to attack you, slave!!!"

The maid, covered in blood, was dragged back into the house by two servants and thrown to the ground like dead flesh, dying.

"Slave, my face was disfigured by my concubine, and I felt resentful in my heart, so I tampered with the prayer flags."

"Sure enough, it's you!" Xiao Ruo stepped forward smartly and slapped the maid, "You seduced the prince and the concubine hasn't settled the account with you yet, but you still have the nerve to take revenge on me!!!"

"Ah!!!" the maid screamed, "Concubine, please forgive me, Concubine, please have mercy!!!"

"Concubine, please calm down." Grandma Wang quickly grabbed Xiao Ruoling, fearing that she would kick her to death.

"Hmph!" Xiao Ruoling was pulled to a stop. She turned around and looked at Luo Jiuli, "Sister, you must have seen it. The blood on the prayer flags was hers and has nothing to do with me."

Seeing that everyone's attention was turned to her, Luo Jiuli, who was drinking tea and watching a show, immediately adjusted his state.

With a bit of unbearability in his heart, he said, "It's not that my sister did the right thing, but she is yours. My sister has no good discipline. I'm afraid it won't sound good if word spreads. Those who don't know may think that my sister ordered someone to do this. "

Xiao Ruoling gritted her teeth and said, "You"

"So, if you want to stop talking, my sister will kneel in front of the mansion and get up again at night."

Luo Jiuli was extremely tired, as if his mind had been exhausted by this incident.

She stood up, walked slowly to Xiao Ruoling, took her hand, and said softly and remorsefully.

"Sister, don't overthink it. My sister is actually doing this for my own good. My sister is kind-hearted and I know it, but people outside don't know."

"Just now you went to fetch someone. There was a lot of commotion along the way. This matter must have spread in the house. If you don't stop everyone from talking about it, the poisonous woman in everyone's mouth may be referring to my sister."

"When I think of this, my sister feels very distressed. I can only ask my sister to suffer more and suffer more injustice now. It is better than being called a poisonous woman. Don't you think so, sister?"

Luo Jiuli looked considerate of others, which made people angry, but who was Xiao Ruoling? She was the daughter of Zuo Xiangfu, and she was asked to kneel down? ? ?

Or kneel in front of the mansion? ? ?
impossible! ! !
Absolutely impossible! ! !
"I am the legitimate daughter of the Prime Minister Zuo. Who dares to say anything wrong about me?"

(End of this chapter)

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