Chapter 40 Red Flame Ice Silkworm
"My concubine's previous courtyard is no longer inhabited." Luo Jiuli glanced at the things in the hands of the imperial guards. His heart skipped a beat, but it didn't show on his face. He smiled and said, "What? Could it be that Mr. Pei searched it from Jinglan Courtyard?" What’s coming out?”

"Princess, do you know what this is?" Pei Huaian asked without answering, turning sideways and lifting the hollow lid.

The Yu Linjun's hand holding the small alchemy furnace was slightly tilted, and he saw a transparent silkworm chrysalis lying quietly in the furnace, completely wrapped in distinct ice silk.

It's the Red Flame Ice Silkworm!
Luo Jiuli's hands hidden in his sleeves tightened slightly, his expression unchanged, "Master Pei, what do you mean?"

The incident was actually directed at her!
"This is the scarlet flame ice silkworm, the most precious treasure in southern Xinjiang. Eating it can cure all kinds of diseases." Pei Huai'an answered the question, and the following sentence was meaningful, "The princess has been weak since she was a child, and the lower officials have heard about it."

"Master Pei, do you mean to say that this concubine stole the red flame ice silkworm? But..." Luo Jiuli coughed weakly before he could finish his words, and Xin De Zisu brought a cup of tea in time.

While the tea was being served, Luo Jiuli pretended to have a severe cough, and grabbed Zi Su's hand and wouldn't let go, as if to use his strength to support him.

However, it was actually a code drawn on the palm of his hand.

They had grown up together since they were young, and had secretly left the house to help Luo Jiuli. They had agreed on many secret codes like this.

Zi Su received the signal, squeezed her back, and caressed her back, and said worriedly: "Princess, don't be anxious, take your time, drink some water first and take your time."

Luo Jiuli let go of her hand, took the water and took two sips before his coughing subsided.

She returned the tea cup, but the latter didn't catch it.

'boom! 'The sound is the crisp sound of porcelain touching the ground.

Zisu knelt down in response, "Princess, calm down!"

"It's okay." Luo Jiuli waved his hands, "The left and right cups are only one cup, just change it."

"Yes." Zi Su kowtowed on the spot and quickly picked up the broken pieces of the cup. Even when his fingertips were cut open and there was blood, he had no time to care and hurried out.

Luo Jiuli smiled helplessly, looked at Pei Huai'an, and returned to the topic just now.

"I am just a backyard woman. I am too weak to see the wind. How can I go to the inn to steal the treasure of southern Xinjiang? Mr. Pei praises me."

"As a princess, there are many capable people who want to help you, so why do you need to do it yourself." Pei Huaian said, "Regardless of whether you have the ability to go to the inn to obtain the Red Flame Ice Silkworm, judging from the results alone , the things were found in your Jinglan Courtyard, so I have to ask you to act in accordance with the law."

Two forest guards surrounded him and wanted to capture Luo Jiuli.

But someone kicked him from behind.

"Commander Wei, what do you mean?" Pei Huaian said sternly as he looked at Wei Yan who suddenly appeared.

Wei Yan stood in front of Luo Jiuli and glanced at Pei Huai'an, "Who are you? How dare you take away the princess!"

"You!" Pei Huai'an said with an ugly face, "The things were found from Jinglan Courtyard! I have the authority to arrest the princess and bring her to justice. Commander Wei had better get out of the way, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what are you going to do?" Wei Yan looked at the surrounding Imperial Guards with disdain, "How do you think you, the generals, can lead me? Oh, it's just a dream!"

Not to mention that Pei Huai'an is here today, even if the person in front of him is Jun Mozhe, as long as Jun Mohan doesn't agree, Wei Yan will never allow them to take Luo Jiuli away!

If you want to take it away, you can!

If you can, walk over his corpse!

So domineering, brother!
Luo Jiuli secretly applauded Wei Yan and whispered behind him: "Delay time."

Being picked on like this, Pei Huaian's face looked really ugly.

However, even if the Royal Forest Army who searched the palace surrounded him, he did not dare to easily order the arrest of Wei Yan.

After all, no one knows better than him how valuable the imperial guard's force is.

Everyone is a showman, either the young master of this family or the young master of that family.On weekdays, it's just a matter of showing off in front of ordinary people.

Wei Yan had been on the battlefield, and his fierceness was not something they could match.

If he really took action and two people died, it would be difficult for him to deal with him later.

"Commander Wei is openly defying the Holy Order!"

Pei Huai'an wanted to use the emperor's name to suppress Wei Yan.

Wei Yan didn't like him at all. He looked at him and didn't even want to say anything to him.

What is written all over the body is that labor and management are too lazy to talk to you. Anyway, labor and management won't let you do it. If you have the ability, just do it!
Pei Huai'an gritted his teeth and secretly cursed, "Ruffian!"

If he hadn't thought about the man's instructions when he came, to take Luo Jiuli back, he would have wanted to turn around and leave now!

The two of them are in a stalemate. If you don't retreat, I won't give in.

It wasn't until a man in official uniform came in from the door with two groups of people that he broke the calm.

"I have given instructions from the Queen Mother to come and help Mr. Pei."

The man's name is Bao Wenlin, and he is the new Minister of Punishment after Li Zhao.

"The Queen Mother has a decree. The loss of the Red Flame Ice Silkworm is of great importance. No matter what, we must give an explanation to Nanjiang."

"Master Bao!" Pei Huai'an looked happy.

"Master Pei!" Bao Wenlin greeted the person calmly on the surface, but in his heart he was cursing that he was useless and that he still needed to step forward for such a trivial matter.

"Princess Yi, I'm offended!" Bao Wenlin bowed to Luo Jiuli thoughtfully, and with a wave of his hand, the people who came with him immediately surrounded him.

"If you want to capture the princess, you must first get through me, Wei Yan!" Wei Yan drew his sword to protect Luo Jiuli.

People are still approaching.

"Commander Wei, it's better to get out of the way. These are all people from the Shenji Battalion." They are not those idiots from the Royal Forest Army!
Bao Wenlin advised Wei Yan.

Wei Yan didn't listen to him. He had never been timid when it came to fighting!

"Ahem!" Luo Jiuli suddenly walked out from behind Wei Yan, stopping Wei Yan's movements. The people approaching also stopped and looked at Luo Jiuli in confusion.

Luo Jiuli smiled softly and said to Bao Wenlin: "I am not afraid of shadows. Since the things were found in our Jinglan Courtyard, I will go with Mr. Pei."

"Princess!" Wei Yan was shocked, wondering why Luo Jiuli suddenly compromised.

Didn’t you say you want to delay time?

Although there were many of them, Wei Yan was not a vegetarian, not to mention that the other secret guards waiting around Xiuzhuyuan were not just decorations.

Luo Jiuli waved his hand and walked in the direction of Bao Wenlin and Pei Huai'an, "I believe that these two adults will understand everything and clear my name."

These people obviously came prepared.

Moreover, the matter was directed at her!
Otherwise, how to explain that Bao Wenlin came without anyone notifying him!

Moreover, as soon as he arrived, he knew that it was the Red Flame Ice Silkworm found in her courtyard!

In this case, she might as well follow these people.

(End of this chapter)

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