Chapter 44 It’s so dark here, I’m so scared!
"What about you? What did you do to get arrested?" Luo Jiuli stopped grabbing Lao Yu's head.

Since people don't talk about it, it's private, and it's hard for her to explore too much.

"I was caught stealing!"

"That stinky bitch of mine stole someone, so I'm going to kill that bastard man!"

"I was originally a member of the Communist Party of China, but later..."

The ghosts each talk about their own deeds, and everyone laughs together when it's interesting.

Unknowingly, Luo Jiuli also became involved with them, "Brother, this is the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and it handles all major cases. How did you sneak in here?"

"Because I stole money from officials of the Ministry of Justice."

Yinhun's words made everyone burst into laughter.

"Cancancanhahahaha, you can't steal the chicken but lose the rice!"

"You stole it from the official! If you don't come in, who will?"

"Cancancan, you kid......"

The ghosts continued to talk about their own affairs, and Luo Jiuli listened on the side, chatting with each other from time to time, which was quite leisurely.

To say that she was the only one in the capital who could be put in jail as much as she was.

Not to mention the capital, even looking at the entire Yuansheng, she, Luo Jiuli, is the only one who can treat jail as a change of place!
After an unknown amount of time, the stone door in the darkness rang again.

I thought it was the mute guard who came to deliver dinner, but when the person came closer to his sight, Luo Jiuli almost didn't react.

It wasn't until Pei Yong opened the cell door and was pulled into a familiar embrace by the man, and the sandalwood scent hit her nostrils, that she came back to her senses and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Take you back home." Jun Mohan rubbed her head with a gentle voice.

It was obviously the simplest four words, but Luo Jiuli was so heartbroken that he missed a beat.

"Hey! Who is this person?"

"Ouch! I'll take you back home! So disgusting!"

"The clothes are extraordinary and the air is majestic. This person is not a creature in the pool!"

"The young master is so handsome! Is he the master's husband?"

The ghosts were making noises and circling around the two of them.

Lao Yutou also followed. He did not get close, but stood on the edge of darkness, looking at this side with cloudy eyes and mixed emotions.

Luo Jiuli felt a little embarrassed at being teased. She backed away from Jun Mohan's arms, originally wanting to say, 'You bitch!Why did you come! '.

But when she noticed Pei Yong beside her, she stopped herself and said delicately, "Why did you come here, Your Majesty? It's so dark here, I'm so scared!"

Such a pretentious look made all the ghosts hang their jaws in shock.

"..." Didn't everyone have a great time chatting?Why are you scared? !
"…………"Fear?Aren't they the ones who should be afraid?

Only Zhao Laosi was floating around her excitedly, feeling that she should be like this!

"A Li has suffered." Jun Mohan tidied her hair distressedly, "No one can take you away from me next time!"

Luo Jiuli was slightly startled.

She was just talking about it for fun!


"Prince, please go out first!" Pei Yong reminded.

"Let's go." Jun Mohan went to hold Luo Jiuli's hand, but Luo Jiuli avoided him, "You guys go out first, I have something else to do."

She promised to take these ghosts out.

With Pei Yong around, Luo Jiuli couldn't speak directly, so she winked at Jun Mohan. The latter understood, looked up at the empty sky, and turned around first, "Waiting for you outside."

Pei Yong followed and walked out.

"Ouch! Young Master just looked at me!" Yin Hun smiled sheepishly, looking like he was dazed by Jun Mohan's face. "It's just a matter of looking at others. If I really saw you, I would be scared to death by you!"

"That's it, what kind of ghost do you look like now? You have to be as beautiful as the master, so that others can take a liking to you!"

"There is definitely no chance in this life. You should try your best in the next life!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and took off the safety buckle from his waist. "Come in here, I will take you out. The space inside will be a bit small. You Squeeze first.”

As soon as they heard that they could get out, the ghosts rushed into the safety button.

"Hey, why is there another person here?"

"It looks pretty!"

"Looks like her clothes are not bad either. She must have been a young lady from a wealthy family during her lifetime!"

"Hehehe, the little lady is so beautiful, I would like to marry you"

'Snapped! "A crisp slap interrupted Zhao Laosi's words, followed by Wen Yi's arrogant voice, "What a piece of shit! You are so ugly that you are neither human nor ghost! How dare you touch this princess!"

Zhao Laosi was stunned, "."

Why don’t the women I met today look very gentle?

Wen Yi was not relieved after slapping the man, and before he could recover, he slapped him in the face, "Ugly thing, you've dirty my princess's eyes!"

The space in Ping'an Button is not as big as the gourd space in Ruyi Restaurant. More and more ghosts are pouring in, and almost everyone is rubbing shoulders and squeezing back.

Wen Yi came out of the safe button and Zhao Laosi came back to his senses. He gritted his teeth and said: "Damn girl! You dare to hit labor! Is it okay to ask for a beating?"

"Sister-in-law Wang, he bullied me!" Wen Yi leaned against Luo Jiuli's side and acted coquettishly.

Luo Jiuli burst into laughter.

It's a good move, the wicked will report first!

It's even better than her!

"Sister-in-law Wang!" Wen Yi said coquettishly and rubbed against Luo Jiuli, "If someone bullies your sister, don't care!"

She actually laughed, oh oh oh, Mrs. Wang definitely doesn’t love her anymore!
"Just take care!!!" Luo Jiuli laughed and warned: "Zhao Laosi, if you do this again, I won't take you out!"

"Yes, yes! Let him continue to be trapped here to fend for himself!" Wen Yi said, "A dog can't change its habit of eating shit, so it will definitely be a pervert after reincarnation!"

Zhao Laosi felt aggrieved: "."

He was just talking, but he didn't actually take action!

She slapped and kicked him again. Why?
"Hahaha! I didn't expect you, Zhao Laosi, would be here today too!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

All the ghosts laughed.

The ghosts in the secret room all entered the safety buckle, and Luo Jiuli tied the safety buckle back to his waist.

She walked towards Lao Yu's head and asked again, "Has the old man thought about it?"

Lao Yu nodded and watched Luo Jiuli leave. His cloudy eyes were full of struggle. He opened his mouth several times to stop the person, but in the end he couldn't.

He sighed and shook his head, "That's it, that's all!"

Jun Mohan and Pei Yong were waiting outside the stone gate. There was light from the prison of the Ministry of Punishment outside. Luo Jiuli could see it clearly. She walked over quickly and said, "Let's go!"

Jun Mohan turned around and naturally took her hand, "Let's go back home."

Seeing Jun Mohan being kind to Luo Jiuli, Wen Yi jumped up and down with excitement, "Go back home, go home! Let's go back home!"

The ghosts in the safe buckle collectively said "Eh"!
"This man is so gentle to Master!"

"So considerate, even holding hands!"

"Have you noticed that he only smiles at the master? He has a wooden face at the man next to him!"

 TT tried the water but failed to advance, sad ~

(End of this chapter)

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