Chapter 48 Yo ho!What a coincidence!

The magic talisman she worked so hard for was treated as a gift! !
Luo Jiuli walked in angrily. Du Qing was busy collecting the money and had no time to pay attention to her.

She forcefully 'cough cough' a few times. Du Qing didn't look over, but the people in line to check out looked at her and said, "If you are sick, please stay away and don't block the way."

"That's right, you don't want to jump in line! Let me tell you, Master Bai Xi doesn't have many talismans this time. They will only be given to you after you have eaten. Even if you jump in line, the shopkeeper will not give them to you."

Luo Jiuli glanced at Du Qing.

MMP!He actually ignored her so completely.

She walked to the end of the team and said, "Hey, brother, let me ask, who is this Master Bai Xi? I've never heard of it before, why are so many people suddenly rushing to her? Is this magic talisman useful?"

She glanced around and found that there were more people sitting in the hall drinking tea than eating.

The waiter walked by with the dishes, "Guests, wait a moment! Your dishes will be served soon!"

"Master Bai Xi, you don't even know. Brother, you are ignorant!"

Hearing her question, the man in front turned around and pressed his fat belly in front of Luo Jiuli, making her take two steps back in fright.

"Three days ago, Mrs. Zhong Bohou's wife Shi came here to have dinner with her son. She accidentally picked up a spiritual talisman in front of the door. She didn't know what was painted on the talisman and wanted to throw it away, but shopkeeper Du happened to see it and said it was The marriage talisman is also said to be the talisman of Master Bai Xi, and it is very effective.

Mrs. Zhongbohou was already worried about Quanzi's marriage. When she heard what Shopkeeper Du said, she kept the magic talisman. "

Someone came up from behind and answered mysteriously: "I heard that Mrs. Zhongbohou took the magic talisman back, and that night a girl agreed to the marriage at Zhongbohou Mansion."

"Zhongbo Houfu is also a marquis after all. The young master in the family should not be able to get a wife if he doesn't ask for a wife. Why?" More and more people came over.

"Hey, that's too bad!" Someone shook his head, "There are two direct descendants of the Zhongbo Hou Mansion. The eldest lady is as beautiful as a fairy, talented and elegant, but the eldest son, that's not the case. I heard that the eldest son and the younger one are I had a high fever at that time, and this fever made me confused. Even now, I am twenty-eight, and I am still stupid. Even when I pee, I have to be waited on by someone. Who wants to marry a girl from a good family?"

Luo Jiuli made a clear exit. No wonder she suddenly became popular in the city.

The marriage of the young master of the Zhongbo Hou Mansion is said to be one of the ten most difficult problems in the capital, and she has easily solved it. How can it not be so popular!
Luo Jiuli no longer cares about the affairs in the building. She came today to fulfill the wish of the ghost.

"Master, the old lady lived in Tianshui Village when she was alive. Just go out to the west of the city and walk along the path on the edge. It's not far." Mrs. Liang's voice was sad. "After the old man passed away, my granddaughter has been living with me. I don't know what will happen now." Already?"

"We'll find out what's going on now." Luo Jiuli picked up the gourd and looked at the table, only to see that the dozen talismans he had written and put there were gone.

Luo Jiuli hired a carriage to go out of the city, found the path Mrs. Liang had mentioned, walked along the path, and soon entered the village.

There is a pond at the entrance of the village, and several women are squatting washing clothes.

"I heard those people are here again?"

"Yes! It just happened. What a sin. Grandpa passed away and grandma disappeared. What can I do if I leave a ten-year-old child behind!"

"This old man Gao is also a harmful person. He is willing to die, and he lets his granddaughter suffer the same!"

"It's right in front, it's right in front." Mrs. Liang's voice trembled with excitement, "Master, just turn left in front."

Luo Jiuli followed Mrs. Liang's words and turned left, and two shabby thatched houses appeared in front of her. A few small green vegetables with stunted leaves and yellowing leaves were planted on the small fence.

The waist-high wooden door opened. Luo Jiuli did not go in directly, but politely shouted, "Is there anyone there?"

When no one responded, she raised her voice and shouted again, "Is anyone there?" The response was 'Bang! ' With a sound, five tall men stumbled out, shouting, "Dead, dead!"

"There's a fatality, call the officer! Call the officer quickly!"

The man running in the middle stumbled on something and threw himself forward, causing all the people in front and behind him to fall down, screaming in pain.

"Third brother, what do you want to eat? Do you want to die?"

"Boss, I, I was tripped by a stone, not on purpose!"

"Hey, OK, OK!!! Let's go, let's go!!! It's bad luck every day!!!"

As soon as they got up from the ground, they met Luo Jiuli who came in from outside.

Several people froze in place.

It was the boss who reacted first, his tongue stumbling like a knot and he said: "Big, big, hero! How could you be here!"

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "Oh! What a coincidence!"

These people were the ones who defrauded Luo Jiuli of 50 taels of silver by juggling in front of Ruyi Restaurant. Finally, thanks to Luo Jiuli's friendly and harmonious communication, they returned the money to her and gave her an additional 20 taels of silver. Jianghu people.

"What? Instead of doing sideshows, cheating, and robbing families?"

She approached a few people with her hands behind her back, looking like she was easy to talk to and easy to bully. She didn't dare to let a few people look down on her, so they all backed away in fear.

After all, they remember the beating deeply!

"Da, hero, after last time, we have never deceived anyone again!" The boss grimaced. He never thought that he would encounter the evil star Luo Jiuli when he came to ask for an account.

"Yes! Hero, this is a reasonable bill collection with documented evidence!" The fourth man behind him said, "You, please stop hitting us."

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes at them, making them all cowards!

She turned slightly sideways and passed by a few people, "What did you see? Everyone looked like they had seen a ghost!"

She walked to the door, but before she could step in, someone caught her by the corner of her robe.

"Hero, don't go in! The people inside are dead!" The boss thought about the scene he just saw. Even under the scorching sun, he still felt chills on his spine.

"The death state is a bit weird! It looks weird! Let's go, let's go!!" Lao Si said mysteriously. He came up to take Luo Jiuli back, but Luo Jiuli waved his hand. Both hands were knocked off, "If you dare to touch me again, I will destroy you!"

After saying that, he pushed open the door and walked in. Apart from a dilapidated wooden table, there were only two benches in the empty hall. One of the benches was half-legged.

The five of them did not dare to enter the house, and even took two steps back when Luo Jiuli opened the door, pointing to the right.

Luo Jiuli turned around and looked, his expression suddenly changed.

In a dark room, a man wearing wet red clothes and long hair was tied and hung on the beam. His feet were tied with a rope three or four times and tied with a heavy knot. iron ball.

 I can’t see the series during the day, so I’m asking you if you are afraid hhhhhhh
(End of this chapter)

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