Chapter 62 The princess decides
"Oh, then Eunuch Laofu would like to say congratulations to the Emperor, Concubine Shu, on behalf of the concubine and the prince, and wish the empress Shu the concubine to have a son soon! Good health!"

Luo Jiuli nodded clearly, saying festive words, but he was shocked in his heart.

Concubine Xiao Shu's uterus was dry and dull, and she was obviously childless or giving birth to children in old age. How could she suddenly be pregnant now?

I'm afraid things are not that simple.

"Yes, I will definitely bring the princess's words to you." Eunuch Fu bowed, looked at Jun Mohan, and asked tentatively, "What about the princess entering the palace?"

Jun Mohan was busy making porridge for Luo Jiuli and had no time to talk to Eunuch Fu. The situation was awkward for a while, but Luo Jiuli spoke first.

"Concubine Shu is very happy. As a younger sister, the concubine sister should come to the palace to accompany her. It's just that the concubine sister made a mistake a few days ago and is still in the ground..." Luo Jiuli said in a dilemma and looked over. Jun Mohan pleaded: "Why don't the prince untie the concubine's sister's feet, for the sake of the emperor's heir, and for the sake of the sisterly love between the two sisters, ahem."

Having said so much, it’s time to cough twice. After all, her sick persona cannot be broken.

Even though he knew that Luo Jiuli was pretending, Jun Mohan still quickly put down his bowls and chopsticks and gently stroked Luo Jiuli's back, "The princess has the final say in matters in the backyard. There is no need to interfere with this king."

"I would like to thank you, Your Majesty." Luo Jiuli was flattered. After he recovered, he smiled softly, looked at Eunuch Fu and said, "Since Your Majesty has let me make the decision, Eunuch Fu will go to Ningshuang Courtyard to pick him up!"

"Yes, I have thanked the prince and the princess."

Eunuch Fu looked at Luo Jiuli and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something to her, but he glanced at Jun Mohan sitting next to him and chose to remain silent.

He leaned over and left with a faint sad look on his face.

The princess was right, if he saw something, it would be better for him to remain blind.

As soon as Eunuch Fu left, Jun Mohan asked, "My husband is going to the inn in a while. Can I go with you, madam?"

"No." Luo Jiuli shook his head.

She is very busy and has many unfulfilled wishes.

"Envoys from various countries have arrived. There will be many riding and shooting competitions held at Yanchang today. Don't you want to go and see your husband?"

"I don't want to, I don't have time."

Luo Jiuli decisively refused, but in the blink of an eye he changed his mind, "When will it start?"

Jun Mo smiled coldly, "It's not the right time."

"Situ Qiao, will you go too?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"My wife actually asked another man in front of my husband." Jun Mohan's face darkened a bit.

Luo Jiuli drank the last mouthful of porridge and rolled his eyes, "I just want to find an opportunity to return the Red Flame Ice Silkworm to him."

A Li is explaining to him!
Does that mean that she has him in her heart?

Jun Mohan thought this and was satisfied. He nodded and said: "Go, all the envoys from all countries will go. Situ Qiao represents Southern Xinjiang, so he will also attend."

Luo Jiuli said, "Okay, see you later."

Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli left the house together.

The way to leave the house is very special - over the wall.

"Your Majesty, do you think it's appropriate to climb over the wall to enter and exit your mansion?" Luo Jiuli was speechless.

"It's suitable." Jun Mohan said without hesitation, "It's suitable to do anything with A Li."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Fit ass!
She had changed into men's clothing, so it was difficult for her to walk through the main entrance.

Otherwise, who the hell would be willing to climb over the wall every day!
At this time, there was a sudden "bang" sound coming from behind.

Luo Jiuli knew who was coming without turning around. "Master!"

Who else could have such a rough voice but Wei Yan.

Luo Jiuli: "."

These two masters and servants, if they don't learn from the good ones, they will learn from her to climb over the wall.

The two parted ways at the intersection. When they separated, Jun Mohan specially reminded him, "Wei Shi, Yanchang, Ali must not forget."

"I know, I know!!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand.

"Master, my personal money is hidden in the corner of the kitchen where the firewood is kept. Please help me tell my wife. Although the money is not much, it is enough for them to eat meat several times."

"Master, I live in Shuishang County. Could you please take a trip? I want to see if my mother, who is seriously ill at home, is okay."

"Master, I am the only one left in my family, so I have prepared all my belongings. They are locked in a box at my house. The key is under the bed. Please burn it for me, Master."

The ghosts talked about their wishes.

Luo Jiuli had been running around all morning, completing all his ghostly wishes before noon, and went to Ruyi Restaurant exhausted.

Ruyi Restaurant is as busy as before. There are several unfamiliar waiters in the building. There is a long queue at the checkout area. Every person who pays the bill and spends ten taels will receive a spiritual talisman from Master Bai Xi.

After several days of word-of-mouth spread, Master Bai Xi's name was known to everyone in the capital.

Looking for marriage?

Go to Ruyi Restaurant.

Want to seek fame?

Go to Ruyi Restaurant!
Want to ask for money?

Go to Ruyi Restaurant!
There are more believers in a restaurant than in Taoist temples and temples outside the city. It is truly a wonder in the capital.

Luo Jiuli glanced at Du Qing, who was busy in front of the counter, and walked straight to the third floor without even calling for food.

There were many people sitting and drinking tea in the hall, but there was no bowl in front of them. If she ate here, she would probably starve to death without waiting for the food to be served.

Luo Jiuli walked to the second floor and paused slightly because a familiar figure appeared not far away.

The man was sitting by the window, with his back to Luo Jiuli. He was dressed in white and had a wooden hairpin sticking out of his hair. Opposite him sat a small child, who was eating rice with his head down.

When he raised his head, Luo Jiuli was happy. He took a few steps over and patted the old man in white on the shoulder, "Hey! Old Bai!"

The old man in white was slapped, and the chicken leg in his hand fell on the table. He was about to pick it up, but the drumstick fell to the ground slippery again.

The last chicken leg was gone, and the old man in white was unhappy. He turned around and said angrily, "You little heartless boy, what old white guy, how many times have I told you to call me Master, Master!!"

"Uh-huh, Master," Luo Jiuli smiled awkwardly, "It's just a chicken drumstick, I'll give it back to you."

"It's just a chicken drumstick!" Bai Hua was so angry that his beard stood up, "How many times have I told you, you can't live up to the delicious food? Do you know how many people in this world can't even eat enough to eat chicken drumsticks?" Something like that, I’ve never seen you before.”

Baihua kept buzzing, and the young apprentice sitting opposite raised his head when he heard the noise.

Seeing it was Luo Jiuli, he rushed forward with surprise on his face, "Ah!!! Senior sister!!! Senior sister!!!!"

Luo Jiuli was thrown and staggered two steps. He caught him steadily and said dotingly: "Xiaoyue'er is good, senior sister is here."

"You need to change your extravagant habits," Bai Hua was still mumbling.

Bai Yue hung on Luo Jiuli's body and acted coquettishly, and sneered into Luo Jiuli's arms, "Senior sister, Xiao Yue'er hasn't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much."

(End of this chapter)

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