Chapter 69 The Canaanite Prince Disappears
"."Scheming bitch!

You still need sympathy! ?
"Good good!!!!"

"Another ten target!! OK, OK!!!"

Amid the applause, Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli and asked, "Madam, do you want to see how your husband's archery skills are?"

"Didn't you relapse from an old injury and refuse to participate in the competition?" These were the exact words of the guard on duty at the door.

"The husband is not performing specifically for them. If the wife is not here, the husband will not end up." Jun Mohan said calmly, "But now that the wife is here, the husband's injury will be healed. Don't To say that all ten arrows hit the target, even if all twenty arrows hit the target, there must be no problem."

Luo Jiuli: "."

Hehe, just blow it!
Speak big words without flashing your tongue.

"It's better not to go. Pretend you're sick and don't try to help others."

"Are you worried about your husband?" Jun Mo smiled coldly.

"Bah! You are so shameless!"

Luo Jiuli was extremely bored watching the archery competition. If it weren't for the fruit cakes, she thought she would have been able to bear it and left.

After the archery competition, there is a hunting competition. The one who hunts the most wild animals in one stick of incense time will win.

Jun Mohan had threatened from the beginning that his old injury would relapse, so he would naturally not participate in the hunting competition.

The hunting competition began. Most of the people had already galloped out on their horses and headed towards the mountains. Apart from a group of guards and maids, the only ones sitting in the venue were Luo Jiuli Jun Mo Han, Feng Qingze and Situ Qiao. Four people.

"Why didn't the third prince take part in the competition?" Jun Mohan looked at Situ Qiao, "But the lottery I ordered is not enough?"

"Of course not. The prince likes the prince's lottery very much, but he suddenly felt dizzy, so he stopped fighting with the others and just stayed here to rest." Situ Qiao said and pressed his temple with his fingertips.

"Oh? Feeling dizzy? Do you want to take a good look at it for the third prince, Dr. Xuan?"

"Thank you, Prince Yi, for your kindness, but no need. I, the prince, just need to rest."

Luo Jiuli had been working hard all morning to fulfill the wish of the ghost, and now the place was quiet except for a few people. She yawned, lay on the table, squinted her eyes, and said softly, "People will come back and call me soon. I’ll take a nap.”

"Okay!" Jun Mo replied coldly.

The sun was shining brightly outside at this hour, but Yanchang was lined with green trees and a tent was erected. A gust of wind blew in, making it very cool.

Jun Mohan took off his coat and covered Luo Jiuli.

The maids and guards who saw this scene were shocked and blinded.

Who is this man?

Even if he could sit at the same table with King Yi, King Yi would treat him so differently that he could even take off his coat and cover him!
Moreover, when King Yi talked to him, his eyebrows and eyes were always smiling. King Yi had never been so kind to anyone!

In their hearts, King Yi has always been the cold-faced King of Hell!

This, now, suddenly
So, later on, I don’t know when the rumor began to circulate in the palace that King Yi was the Duan Xiu!

The time for burning incense was approaching, and before Jun Mohan called her, Luo Jiuli woke up to the strong sound of horse hooves.

Luo Jiuli didn't care who won in the end and who got the prize.

I only know that when everyone had almost returned, a guard from a foreign country stood up, bowed to Jun Mohan in the ninety-degree manner of his country, and said in Yuan Shengyu, which was not fluent, "Dear Mr. Your Highness King Yi, the second prince of our country just went out with these people and has not come back yet. Please His Highness King Yi send someone to help us find the second prince. Thank you."

Luo Jiuli looked at the guard who was speaking. He had a high nose, deep eye sockets, and blond hair. He looked very similar to modern Americans, but here, they were called Canaan!
"Isaiah is missing!?" An envoy exclaimed, lifting the prey in his hand, "I just snatched my sika deer from his hand!" "I also saw him when I was hunting rabbits! "Another envoy said.

"Send someone to look for him." Jun Mo coldly ordered.

"Yes!" Wei Yan beside him responded and left.

The envoys from various countries below were talking gibberish. Jun Mohan winked at Kang Xiang, who immediately said loudly: "Everyone, since the second prince of the Canaan Kingdom has not returned, please stay here for a while and wait for someone to find him. When we come back, let’s go back to the city together!”

Jun Mohan is the god of the frontier. None of the people on the scene know his name. Some people's countries have even fought against Jun Mohan.

Of course, it failed miserably in the end.

Even though Jun Mohan looked like an injured person at this time.

However, no one thinks he is weak.

No one has forgotten his bloodthirsty appearance on the battlefield.

Therefore, when Kang Xiang finished speaking, they all agreed: "His Royal Highness King Yi is polite, just wait a little longer, it's nothing serious!"

"Just wait, it'll be okay."

Everyone waited for Mo for about half an hour, but they did not wait for Wei Yan to come back. Instead, they waited for a heavy rain.

Fortunately, there was a tent set up at every location, otherwise everyone would have been soaked in the rain.

Waiting like this was not an option, so Luo Jiuli whispered to Jun Mohan, "You can try to find a way to ask the guard if he has the horoscope of their second prince, or something personal."

She is now sitting next to Jun Mohan, and it seems that she is on the same side as Jun Mohan. If she says that she can calculate Isaiah's position using the horoscope, it doesn't matter whether they believe it or not.

If Isaiah is lucky and alive, it will be fine. If it is bad and the person dies, she has calculated the position. It will be bad if she is beaten upside down.

Jun Mohan heard the words and told Kang Xiang a few words, then saw Kang Xiang walking into the rain curtain.

He did not go directly to the Canaanite guards to ask for a personal belongings. Instead, he went out and gave some instructions in front of a maid.

The maid was seen leaving, and soon she came back with a group of maids, each of them carrying something covered with a lid.

They followed Kang Xiang's footsteps, and Kang Xiang took the things from their hands and delivered them to each envoy's table one by one.

When I opened the lid, the hot air that hit my face was mixed with the smell of ginger. It was actually ginger tea!
"His Royal Highness King Yi is interested!"

"Yes, you are worried that we will catch the cold. You are really thoughtful!"

"Thank you King Yi!"

The seat in front of the Canaan Kingdom table was empty, and there were only two guards standing beside it. Kang Xiang still put a bowl of ginger tea on the table. I don’t know what he talked with the two guards, but one of the guards came from his waist. Take the dagger and give it to him.

The scabbard is vintage silver-grey, with large blue gemstones inlaid on both sides, which is very delicate and eye-catching.

"This is the relic of the second prince's mother." Kang Xiang handed the dagger to Jun Mohan. "After his mother passed away, the second prince has been carrying this dagger with him. He just set out to hunt. He was afraid of losing it, so he gave it to him. The guards will keep it for now."

Jun Mohan took the dagger and handed it to Luo Jiuli, "Is it useful?"

"Of course, as long as it's something that has been touched by his popularity, it's fine, let alone something that can be carried close to your body."

Luo Jiuli took out a talisman paper from his waist and stuck it on the dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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