Chapter 77 Large Double Standard Site
"Ah, oh, yes." Zi Su, who was hiding on the side, quickly put away her smile, walked over, and stayed away from Fang Xinman in disgust, pinching her nose, "Princess Princess, please follow me, I will take you there. Gongfang."

Fang Xinman stayed on the spot and said nothing. Zi Su responded with 'Pfft!puff! 'Twice.

There are more and more yellow and thin things sliding under my feet.

The smell also got worse.

Luo Jiuli was about to vomit and couldn't wait any longer. For the first time in front of other people in the mansion, he moved faster.

I saw her take a few steps and go out, and ordered: "Let the Crown Prince of Fenglan Kingdom come in and take the person away quickly. I suddenly felt unwell, so I went back first. I will visit His Highness the Crown Prince of Fenglan Kingdom another day when I have time." .”

The guard who came in to report was also the first time he saw such a big scene.

Everyone was so stunned that they didn't even realize that the smell of shit was right next to them.

Only when he heard Luo Jiuli's words did he come back to his senses, "Yes, I will go right now."

After Luo Jiuli gave the instructions, he didn't stop any longer. It was a rare occasion when he wandered around the house and disappeared after a few steps.


The sharp sound pierced the sky, and even Luo Jiuli could hear it after walking far away.

Fang Xinman lowered her head and looked at the pools of liquid at her feet. She never thought that she would have such a day!
The gurgling sound in my stomach continued.

Fang Xinman wanted to endure it, but couldn't help it. Another 'poof!puff! 'Twice, the liquid under my feet became bigger.

Many maids and guards heard the noise and came here.

"What smells so bad?"

"It smells like shit!"

"Fart, who dares to poop in the main hall?"

"Hey, look, who is that person? Isn't there shit under her feet?"

"Oh my god! Hahahaha, someone really pooped in the main hall!"

"Go away! What are you looking at! It's all for this princess! Puff! Puff!" Fang Xinman spoke too hard and couldn't hold it back. Instead, she puddled it on the ground, attracting the maids and guards who gathered around to watch the excitement. Laughter.

Zi Su pinched her nose, her eyes full of gloating, and urged with disdain: "Princess, please leave quickly! I will take you to the palace!"

Jinglan Courtyard.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"

"It's so funny! Hahahaha!!!"

Luo Jiuli laughed heartily, and even Xin Yi, who had always been steady, laughed with tears in his eyes.

"Hahaha, Master, will the princess come back to her senses afterwards and cause trouble for us?" Xin Yi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and asked worriedly.

"Hahahahahaha!!! Regardless of whether she can recover or not, I am still afraid of her failure hahahahaha!!!!"

When you come to someone else's house, you're either sick and dying, or you have to give up your seat quickly, aren't you just rushing to find someone to take advantage of?

I really thought she was sick and easy to bully!

"That's right, we are not afraid of her hahahaha!!!!"

'squeak! 'The door opened, and outside was Zi Su's angry little face.

"Master, she, she is going to stink this slave to death!" Zi Su came in with a look of disgust on her face, "My slave took her to the palace, and she actually followed her all the way!"

"Pulled all the way??!!!"

Zi Su nodded, and Luo Jiuli laughed even more out of breath, "Hahahahahahaha!"

Wen Yi had just woken up next door and came to Luo Jiuli, curiously asking, "Sister-in-law Wang, what's so funny??" "Hahahahahaha, Fang Xin is obsessed with her, she's pooping all the way, hahahahaha! !!”

Wen Yi: "."

what? ?

real or fake? ? ?

That woman who was so arrogant and arrogant could actually do such a shameful thing!

Wen Yi was stunned for a while, then realized and started laughing together with the master and servant.

A few people had laughed enough, sniffing around and feeling that their bodies were also smelling like shit. One of them went back to his room and changed some clothes before he could rest.

Luo Jiuli lay paralyzed on the couch, "Feng Qingze took him away?"

"Feng Qingze? Who?" Zisu didn't know.

"That's the Crown Prince of Fenglan Kingdom." Luo Jiuli turned over lazily.

"Oh, yes." Speaking of this Zi Su couldn't help but want to laugh, "When Fang Xinman saw the prince, he felt aggrieved and cried for his cousin, and then he wanted to hug him for comfort. The result was hahahaha. The result was The prince was so frightened that he took several steps back, hahaha, I laughed so hard!"

In Luo Jiuli's mind, he unconsciously imagined Feng Qingze being so frightened that he stepped back, and he also laughed out loud.

Xin Yi and Wen Yi, who were floating in the air, were infected and laughed for a while.

During lunch, Jun Mohan was not there, Luo Jiuli greeted Zisu Xinyi, and then called Wei Yan outside. They sat down at a table and had a lively meal.

After lunch, Luo Jiuli locked himself in his room and started drawing talismans non-stop.

It wasn't until the sun set that he walked out of the house, stretched out and said, "The magic talisman is on the table. Zi Su, please go to Ruyi Restaurant and deliver these to Du Qing."

"Yes." Zi Su entered the house, packed her things quickly and left.

When he came back, he brought Luo Jiuli a bunch of leftover candied haws. One of them was half bitten, and the teeth marks were clearly visible on the yellowed flesh.

"..." Luo Jiuli shifted his gaze from the candied haws in his hand to Zi Su, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Are you so short of money?"

He even brought her leftover candied haws!
"No, no, no!" Knowing Luo Jiuli's misunderstanding, Zi Su shook her head repeatedly, "I didn't buy this for you. I went to Ruyi Restaurant to deliver the talisman and met Xiao Yue'er and Master on the street."

Zi Su pointed at the candied haws in Luo Jiuli's hand, "Xiaoyue'er was eating the candied haws at the time, but when he saw the slave, he stopped eating, and reluctantly gave the half-eaten candied haws to the slave, saying this The candied haws are delicious, senior sister will definitely like it, and I will definitely bring it back to you."

Luo Jiuli got married three years ago. Bai Hua and Bai Yue lived in Luo Mansion when they came to the capital. Therefore, Zi Su knew Bai Hua and Bai Yue.

"...Suddenly I felt that this tooth mark is quite cute."

Thinking of Xiao Yue'er's cute appearance, how could Luo Jiuli still dislike the half-left candied haws.

That's Bai Yue's deep love for her, her senior sister!
She moved her fingertips, pulled off the icing, and took a bite of it in her mouth, "Well, Xiao Yue'er is right, it's delicious!"

Zisu: “…………”

Xin Yi: “…………”

Did she bring it back because she was short of money? !
Xiaoyueer is cute if she is brought back? !
Luo Jiuli didn't care what the two girls were thinking. He finished eating the candied haws and went back to his room.

The talismans on her body were almost used these days, so she had to draw some as backup.

When we came out again, it was completely dark.

"Master, just now the prince ordered someone to send a message that he will not be back for dinner. He asked you not to wait for him and go to bed early after dinner."

"Who's waiting for him!" Luo Jiuli stretched out, sat down at the table, and said, "Pass the meal."

(End of this chapter)

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