Chapter 79 Clues
Luo Jiuli was speechless, "."

Isn't this the jade token she gave Xia Qinghe when she rescued him?

"Who said this is a token of love?!"

It's obviously used as a token to make conditions!
Moreover, when she gave him the jade token, he might not have recognized her yet, so what a token of love!
"Isn't the first gift a lady gives to her husband a token of love?" Jun Mohan put away the mutton-fat jade plaque preciously.

Looking like he was afraid of being looked down upon by others, Luo Jiuli responded with the word "no mercy", "No."

"Yes." Jun Mohan persisted.

"No." Luo Jiuli shook his head.

"Just say yes to your husband!"

"Bah! If I say no, it's not!"

"I don't care about my husband, that's all!"

"Eh! Jun Mohan, you are so childish!"

"My husband likes to be childish with his wife."

"Bah! I'm not naive! It's you, you are naive!"

"Okay! You are childish for your husband."



Wangyou Inn.

Bai Hua and Bai Yue were drinking porridge when Luo Jiuli arrived. The two of them sat in the most conspicuous middle position, visible as soon as they entered the door.

"Senior sister! Senior sister!!" Bai Yue looked at Luo Jiuli and waved vigorously with joy.

Luo Jiuli went over and knocked his little head, "I want to call you senior brother!"

"Ouch!" Bai Yue covered her head and cried out in pain, "Why do you call me senior brother when you are obviously senior sister?"

He blinked curiously, "Did the senior sister turn into a man?"

Luo Jiuli, "."

I really want to give him another blow.

She sat down next to her, stuffed her mouth with a steamed bun, and explained patiently, "Because senior sister is now dressed as a man, you have to change your name and call her senior brother."

"Oh! That's it!" Bai Yue nodded cutely, "Senior sister, Xiao Yue'er understands."

"." Luo Jiuli, "Do you really understand?"

"Yeah! Xiaoyue'er is very smart! Senior sister!"


I think you don’t understand!

"Eat well." Luo Jiuli decided not to argue with him, so as not to be angry to death.

She looked at Bai Hua, "Master, have you seen Situ Yu and Gao Lan in the past two days? Are there any clues?"

"Yes, I've seen them all." Bai Hua put down the bowl and chopsticks, took out a folded piece of paper from his arms, opened it and put it on the table, "I found this."

There is an unknown symbol drawn on the wrinkled paper. If you look closely, it looks like an eye. There is no light in the eye, which looks numb and hollow, making your scalp feel numb when you look at it.

Luo Jiuli bit the bun and said, "What is this? I don't think I've seen it before. Where did you find it?" "I went to the Xingping County Government Office for my teacher and found Gao Lan's body in the post house. There was a person beside the body. The iron ball, this symbol was found on that iron ball.”

"Awesome, Lao Bai!" Luo Jiuli praised him sincerely, taking a bite of food and a bite of steamed buns. "As expected, it was Lao Niu who came to the rescue. One is worth two. I looked over and over at Gao Lan's crime scene, and he didn't even let go of the iron ball. Yes, why didn’t I see it?”

"You are an old cow. If you don't know how to praise others, just shut up." Bai Hua puffed his beard and glared, "What's the matter with the mummy that has been spreading in the city these past two days?"

"Hey, you asked as if I already knew."

"You were at the scene, how could you not know?" Bai Hua glared at her, folded the paper on the table and put it away, "Don't think that since you are an old teacher, you can deceive me at will."

"You?" Luo Jiuli spoke a little harder, raised his eyes to meet Bai Hua's eyes, not giving him a chance to lie, "Who else is there besides me?"

Bai Hua's eyes rolled around, and finally fell on Bai Yue, "Who else, and him."

"Ah? Master, what's wrong with Xiao Yue'er?" Bai Yue raised her head from the bowl, with porridge particles stuck to the corners of her mouth. She looked like she was not in any situation, and she was very well-behaved.

"It's okay, Xiao Yue'er eats well." Luo Jiuli rubbed his head.

"Oh! Okay senior sister!"

Bai Yue continued to cook, and Luo Jiuli returned his gaze to Bai Hua, "Haha, just lie to me! Xiao Yue'er is only eight years old. He can lie to you no matter what. He only knows how to use children as support."

"He can lie to me a lot. Sometimes he says he's tired, and sometimes he says he's hungry. Just like yesterday, he said he was so hungry, but he ended up tricking me into taking him to play on the street."

Bai Hua pulled things east and west, trying to get away with it, but Luo Jiuli didn't listen to him at all. "I don't think I've ever told you about my going to Yanchang that day, right? Then how did you know?" Was I there?"

"Why didn't you say it? You said it. Why didn't you say it?" Bai Hua hesitated and couldn't explain.

Until the sound of someone passing by outside the door came in.

"I heard that Master Bai Xi's peace charm from Ruyi Restaurant is now available for free!"

"I know, I know, those people have all lined up from inside the building to the outside!"

"Oh, really! But Bai Xi's magic talisman is really powerful! My maternal cousin, who is in his forties and has not yet found a wife, spent a lot of money at Ruyi Restaurant for ten taels in the past two days, so he specially asked Zhang Marriage Talisman, it turns out that this will happen, I will go to drink his wedding wine tomorrow!"

"Is it so effective? Then what are we waiting for? The two princes of the Canaan Kingdom have turned into mummies. Maybe they are stained with something unclean. Since the white peace charm is given for free and it is so effective, then we can quickly Go stand in line and pray for peace!”

"Hey, okay, okay, let's go, go, go."

The voices of several people moved further and further away, until they couldn't hear clearly, Bai Hua said, "How did you know, Master, why do you need to ask? The mummy thing just came out, and you were in a hurry to give people peace charms for free. It spread all over the city. Now, as a teacher, do you still know?"

"If you go to such trouble, it must be because you were at the scene and didn't catch the murderer. You want to use the peace charm to save their lives when they are in danger!"

At first glance, this is indeed the logic.

Luo Jiuli shook her head and almost got caught by him. She took a big bite of the steamed bun and said, "Okay, don't talk nonsense. Who are you kidding? Giving them the peace charm may be because I am in a good mood."

Luo Jiuli didn't mince words with him, "My senior brother must have told you what happened when I was there!"

"How is that possible! There is no contact between Weishi and A Chong!"

Bai Hua's subconscious denial made Luo Jiuli chuckle, "A Chong, you still call me so affectionate after so many years of no contact. If you really have no contact with your senior brother, then your reaction just now should be like this."

Luo Jiuli said as he put down the steamed buns, straightened his back, and slammed the table, "What! That unfilial disciple has also come to the capital! I will beat him to death right now!"

After learning Bai Hua's way of speaking and style, Luo Jiuli picked up the steamed bun and continued to bite it, "If you really have no contact with senior brother, this is how you should react."

Bai Hua, "When did you become such a violent person as a teacher?"

"Oh! Okay, okay, don't act for me." Luo Jiuli interrupted him, "So what if I know that you have been in contact since Senior Brother left, I won't stop you."

 Hey guys, today’s update is complete!Wenwen will be available tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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