Chapter 8 The princess is going to cause trouble!
"Of course there is!"

Others might give up on saving people in this situation, so it would be nice to be able to collect the ghosts.

But who is Luo Jiuli? She is the only Celestial Master-level figure in modern Xuanmen, and has inherited Xuanmen wisdom from ancient times to the present. Is this scene going to stump her?impossible!

"Nearly half of his three souls and seven souls have been lost. Fortunately, he arrived in time. If it had been a few days later, he would have been unable to recover."

As Luo Jiuli said this, he finally knocked out the talisman paper in his hand, and did not forget to remind Wen Yi, who was fanning happily, "Get out of the way!"

Wen Yi hid quickly, and the next moment there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground - Xia Qinghe, fainted!
"What's wrong with him!?" Wei Yan asked worriedly.

"It's okay, let him fall asleep. This talisman is more effective than your drug." Luo Jiuli walked out, "That's it for today. Remember to send someone to Ruyi Restaurant to get the talisman before noon tomorrow."

"Magical weapon?" Jun Mohan followed.

"That's right, it's a magic weapon. His three souls and seven souls have been seriously damaged and he needs to use the magic weapon for half a month. When the time comes, I will come back." Luo Jiuli took out a high-level magic talisman from his arms in pain, "He has the most He will wake up at noon tomorrow, you have to put this talisman on him before he wakes up, otherwise if it runs away, your brother can be buried where he is."

After leaving the princess residence, Luo Jiuli did not leave directly, but found a shady place nearby to rest.

It wasn't until Wen Yi came out of the Princess Mansion that she headed towards West Street.

At the end of noon, the sky is getting hot.

Wen Yi got into the safety buckle and hid, her tone unable to conceal her disappointment, "I've searched everywhere, but there's nothing there."

"It's okay. We should be happy. The range is too small. There is no princess palace, so we can only stay in the palace." Luo Jiuli comforted, "The Queen Mother's birthday is coming, and you will go with me then."

While talking, they arrived at Ruyi Restaurant. There were no customers in the building. Du Qing, the shopkeeper, saw Luo Jiuli at a glance and said, "My boss is here."

"Well, it's still the same." Luo Jiuli walked skillfully to the second floor, found a seat to the side and sat down. He opened the window and had a panoramic view of the bustling crowd downstairs.

Logically speaking, Ruyi Restaurant is located in the best prime location in the capital, and it also occupies the best prime location in the prime location.

Even though it was late afternoon, there should be some guests, but looking around, there was no one else in the building except Luo Jiuli and the waiter.

Just because the dishes at Ruyi Restaurant are mainly spicy.

Most of the people in the capital are light-hearted, and the few who can eat spicy food don't come here every day. Therefore, the business of Ruyi Restaurant has never been good!
The food was served quickly, including spicy boiled fish, spicy meat slices, and lots of blood.
Each dish was covered with a layer of bright red dried chili peppers, which made Luo Jiuli move his index fingers.

While Luo Jiuli was enjoying his meal, Du Qing sat over with a bitter look on his face, looking at Luo Jiuli resentfully without saying a word.

Luo Jiuli was still uncomfortable being looked at. He swallowed a piece of hair to get blood, and took the time to say: "If anything happens, just tell me, don't look at me like that, it's so cold."

"Just now, the shopkeepers of Fengmanlou and Zuixianju came again. They said that our business was so bleak and that we had lost this good position. They asked us why we were willing to leave."

Luo Jiuli: "."

It's not over yet, is it?

"It's impossible to leave. Since they can't stand it so much, then it's better not to see each other anymore. You wait a moment. No, you go and ask now. Ask them why they are willing to leave. Money is not The problem is, as long as they agree, I will take over both restaurants."

I have a father who is the richest man, and he always talks tough!

Du Qing: "."

He thought Luo Jiuli would finally consider his suggestions for improving the dishes!

In the end, he thought too much!
Luo Jiuli ate all the food on the table by himself, like a starving ghost reincarnated.Wen Yi was stunned, had Mrs. Wang never eaten?

The food on this table is enough for three people!

Du Qing had long been used to this. In his eyes, his boss had never been a normal person.

Luo Jiuli burped and rubbed his bulging belly, feeling very satisfied.

The waiter brought a chair over, and they removed Luo Jiuli's stool. Luo Jiuli lay down on the chair, rocking and rocking, feeling extremely comfortable.

From time to time, she would take a few bites of the iced grapes they specially prepared for her, which was pleasant and comfortable.

Wen Yi was completely dumbfounded that he could still do this!

At this time, the noise and heated discussion suddenly came from downstairs, which was still in chaos.

From time to time, words such as 'King Yi', 'eldest princess' and 'filial piety' came clearly to Luo Jiuli's ears.

Wen Yi had already floated out, "Sister-in-law Wang, it's Brother Wang!"

Luo Jiuli lay lazily by the window and took a look, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so grand, it's like no one knows he's sick."

Not far away, a carriage, escorted by the Xuanjia Army, slowly walked towards this side. Through the translucent white curtain, it was vaguely visible that a young man was sitting in the middle. When the wind blew, his bloodless thin lips clear and distinct.

"Prince Yi is so kind and righteous! I just woke up and went to the eldest princess's mansion to see him."

"Yes! Forget it if she is still alive, but now that the eldest princess has been gone for so many years, King Yi still misses this sister!"

"You still have filial piety! If it wasn't to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday, I wouldn't be rushing back, and my body wouldn't be well after not seeing her for a long time!"

Luo Jiuli lay back on the chair and put a grape in his mouth thoughtfully.

She felt like she had met a master!
This person is better at acting than she is!
Why did she pretend to be faint when she had nothing to do, so people spread the news that all she had left was her illness!

A bunch of blind things, but she is obviously beautiful!
How come this man has been in a coma since he returned to the city, and no one has said that he is physically rubbish. Instead, they have praised him fiercely, saying that he is either a man of love and justice or a filial piety!
snort!Double standard!

After Jun Mohan returned to the city, the guards at the palace were strengthened a lot.

It was not easy to fly over the walls in broad daylight, so Luo Jiuli sneaked around to the back door and imitated the cuckoo's calls. After a while, the same response came from inside.

The door opened, revealing a pretty little girl. Luo Jiuli thanked her after entering.

I didn't notice that after the door closed, a black figure appeared, and then entered the palace, with the destination being Xiuzhuyuan!
After returning to Jinglan Courtyard and changing clothes, Luo Jiuli summoned Zisu and whispered a few instructions in her ear. Zisu nodded and left with bright eyes.

The princess is going to cause trouble!
At this time, Xiuzhuyuan had just finished listening to the secret guard's report, and the room was silent for a while.

Especially Wei Yan, who couldn't even close his mouth.

When it comes to master or master, Jun Mohan is the calmest, "You go down first!"

"Yes!" The secret guard clasped his fists and left. As soon as he opened the door, several women's noises came from outside.

"I am the concubine, and I am here to attend to the prince's illness. If you don't let me in quickly, be careful, I will make you unable to eat and walk around in a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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