Chapter 81 He didn’t kill the person

Bai Yue pursed her lips and was about to cry. Luo Jiuli shouted in time, "Boss, there's another candy man from just now."

"Okay!" The boss responded and started to do it quickly.

"He's dead! Let's go, let's go! It's right in front!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Go and have a look!!"

The crowd was still pushing forward, Luo Jiuli pulled Bai Yue over and protected him in front of him.

Bai Yue looked at the candy man who had been trampled to pieces on the ground, her eyes watery as if she was about to cry.

He pulled Luo Jiuli's sleeve with one hand and pointed at the candy man on the ground, "Brother, it's so pitiful."

"Xiao Yue'er is good, he's not pitiful."

Luo Jiuli touched his head softly to comfort him, but suddenly he heard Bai Yue say, "It's so pitiful, it didn't even enter Xiao Yue'er's belly."

Luo Jiuli: "."

Bai Yue said seriously, "Master said that food should not be wasted."

"Young Master, the candy man is ready. Come, take it." The boss handed the remade candy man to Bai Yue.

"Thank you, boss." With the new candy man, Bai Yue grinned. He carefully used one hand to half-circle the candy man to protect it, for fear of being knocked down again like before.

Bai Yue wanted to continue walking forward, but there was a place where the crowds were flocking.

Luo Jiuli put his hand on his shoulder, "There are many people in front of us, let's go to another street."

"Ah?" Bai Yue turned her head, "But this is where the master went? Senior brother, are we going to lose the master?"

Hearing Bai Yue mention it, Luo Jiuli realized that Bai Hua, who was just beside him, had disappeared.

She raised her chin in the direction of the crowd, "Are you sure Master went this way?"

"Yeah." Bai Yue nodded, "When the candy man fell to the ground, I watched the master go."

Luo Jiuli: "."

This old man loves to join in the fun!
She sighed, accepted her fate and took Bai Yue's little hand, "Let's go, we'll go there too."

"Hey!! Senior brother, candy man, candy man!!! Be careful of candy man!!!!"

It turned out that it was Luo Jiuli who held his half-circled hand to protect the candy man.

"It's okay, senior brother will buy it for you after I drop it!"

"No, no, no, master said that delicious food should not be wasted!" Bai Yue said that she did not want Luo Jiuli to hold her hand at all, and she must use her hand to half-circle to protect the candy man.

Luo Jiuli was helpless. The more people walked in, the more people there were. She had to let Bai Yue go in front and put her hands on his shoulders to avoid losing the big one and then the smaller one.

In the place where the crowd gathered, Luo Jiuli did not squeeze in anymore, but took Bai Yue to find an open space on the side.

With Bai Hua's love for watching the excitement, people must have gone inside. She didn't want to go in and squeeze in. She might as well wait outside for the show to end.

After the show ended, Bai Hua could naturally be seen.

There were people talking about it all around. "Oh! Why is it such a disaster again!"

"That's right. Every time I meet him, he always robs women, but this time he actually killed them directly!"

"It's really disgusting!"

"Bah! Blind your dog eyes. My young master did not kill this person! It was clearly this person who killed him!" The servant pointed at the person next to him and warned fiercely, "If you people dare to talk nonsense again, be careful what I do to you. You're welcome!"

"Oh! This young master! Spare your life! Spare your life! He is my cousin from the same village, and our two families have a good relationship! How could I kill him!" The person pointed at by the evil servant was an honest and honest middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's face was bruised and bruised, and he felt very aggrieved, "I am a good citizen, but even if you lend me a hundred courages, I would not dare to kill anyone!"

"Moreover, you guys just beat up my cousin and I in the street. The people around here can see clearly! Even if you try to slander me, it's useless!"

Lying at the feet of the middle-aged man was a man's corpse. The corpse's face was blue, purple and swollen. It was obvious that he had been beaten.

A woman knelt beside the corpse. The woman wiped tears from her face and cried so hard that she couldn't breathe. "Oh, my husband died so miserably! You, you murderers, don't even think about slandering my cousin. Kill my husband, oh, oh, oh, oh, the government will definitely punish you!"

"Oh, if you want to punish this young master, you must have this ability!" The rich young master who spoke was dressed in an indigo blue brocade robe, sitting on a human chair made of servants, holding a fan in his hand and shaking it. So arrogant.

It was in sharp contrast to the tearful woman next to her who was crying.

"You are so unscrupulous, someone has already reported it to the official, just wait!" Some people cried out for the woman.

"That's right! We all saw it with our own eyes. You fell in love with someone else's young lady. If she refused, you would rob her and beat her husband to death. You also wanted to slander her cousin who was traveling with her! Shameless!"

"Killing must be punished with a life! Wait for your head to be beheaded!"

"I've long since grown tired of you. Relying on your status, you bully the market and rob civilian girls every day!"

"That's right! Doing bad things every day!"

"As I said, it was not my young master who killed this person, why don't you try talking nonsense again!"

The servants threatened the people with sticks, but they did not expect to arouse public anger.

"Bah! Do you think all of us are blind?"

"That's right, what we saw with our own eyes can't be true! The person was beaten to death by you!"

"A murder must be paid with a life! It's just pitiful that this little lady is left a widow at such a young age!"

"Yes! This waste is not a good thing!"

Just when the people were all pointing at the rich man and scolding him, a different voice suddenly sounded, "He didn't kill him!"

"Yes! Isn't that right? What???" The people were halfway through the conversation when they suddenly felt something was wrong and looked at the speaker one after another.

The person speaking was an old man in his seventies, with a silver hair tied up by a wooden hairpin, a white beard, and a loose white coat. When the wind blew, he looked like a fairy.

"He didn't kill him." Bai Hua said again, focusing his attention on the honest middle-aged man with a bruised nose and swollen face, and said with certainty, "He didn't kill him!"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he was a little panicked. He didn't come back to his senses until he heard the voice of a woman crying and calling for his cousin. Then he immediately started to ouch and said, "You old man, you can eat whatever you want." , Don’t talk nonsense! Our cousin is walking well on the road."

He pointed at the wealthy young man sitting next to him, "It's him. He fell in love with my cousin's wife and insisted on asking her to go home with him and be his No. 30 eighth-room concubine. My cousin's wife If I didn’t, they would beat my cousin, and in the end, they beat my cousin to death!”

As he said this, he looked at the people around him and said, "If you don't believe it, ask them. Many people have seen it!"

(End of this chapter)

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