Chapter 86 Storytelling

"Yes, my lord, wuwuwu, how could my husband-in-law die of suffocation? Did the widower do the wrong test, wuwuwu." Lu Tinglan wiped her tears and continued.

The people who came in to testify were also surprised.

"Death by suffocation! How is that possible!"

"Yes! How can what we saw with our own eyes be false!"

"Wu Zuo has said so, and I think it's probably close to the same thing."

Yinhun was also confused. He floated over and looked at the corpse sheet in Gongsun Yue's hand. He couldn't read and was so anxious.

"Master, Master, what should I do! I was obviously poisoned to death by these two adulterers and adulterers. Why, how could it be possible that I had a hidden disease and could not breathe properly and died? What should I do, what should I do!!"

"Is there a poison test?" Luo Jiuli asked him calmly.

Wuzuo shook his head, "It's been tested and it's not poisonous."

"Master! I remembered! I remembered!" The ghost suddenly floated in front of Luo Jiuli, and glared fiercely at Lu Tinglan, who was crying so hard, "This poisonous woman is very stingy, what good things do she usually have?" They all like to hide it in the wooden box under the bed. When I suddenly appeared in front of them last time, this poisonous woman was holding something in her hand, so she put it in the wooden box and locked it. "

"I didn't think it was anything at the time, but now that I think about it, what she had in her hand must have been poison. If you ask people to search for it, they will definitely find it!"

"Since he was neither beaten to death nor poisoned, then this case"

Gongsun Yue raised the alarm and was about to close the case, but Luo Jiuli called him out in time.

"Sir, wait a minute!"

Gongsun Yue's raised hand paused slightly, and he looked impatiently at the speaker.

However, when he saw that the person speaking was Luo Jiuli, he thought about the relationship between Luo Jiuli and Bai Hua, and also about the relationship between Bai Hua and the person the master mentioned.

I had to change my expression and ask patiently and kindly, "Does this young master have any questions?"

"Before you close the case, sir, could you tell me a story?"

Luo Jiuli's words were not a question, but a statement. Even if Gongsun Yue disagreed, she would still say it.

"Of course." Gongsun Yue agreed unexpectedly. He gently put down the gavel with no hint of displeasure on his face, "You say it, you say it."

The public officials present, except for the master, all looked at Gongsun Yue as if they had seen a ghost, and a question arose in their hearts at the same time, 'How come you are so easy to talk to today? '.

In normal times, with the autopsy sheet as evidence, the case should have been closed long ago, and there would be no time for Rao Shi to listen to anyone's story!
"Yuansheng 310, the fifth year, early spring, February [-]th."

As soon as Luo Jiuli started talking about the year, Lu Tinglan's body trembled unconsciously, and she even stopped crying slightly. She looked up at Luo Jiuli in surprise, wondering why she knew this date.

Luo Jiuli ignored her and continued to tell the story. When he almost said something ghostly, Luo Jiuli immediately repeated it.

"That day was a good day, a good time to get married. Lu Tinglan, the daughter of the Lu family in Huaihe Village, was married to Zou Dagang from Yonghe Village that day. Do you think it was just a simple marriage? A marriage? No, there is a lot behind this. Story." "It is said that the Lu family has a head who loves to gamble. When he loses a bet, he either beats his wife or his daughter. The mother and daughter have scars and bruises on their bodies all year round. They look pitiful."

"This daughter of the Lu family was born beautiful, but because of such a gambling father, she became an old girl at the age of twenty-one, and no one dared to come to ask for her hand in marriage. She was afraid of getting involved with such an old father-in-law, which was like a bottomless pit. Can’t take it off.”

"Until one day, Mr. Lu lost his temper in the town and had to drag his daughter to sell it. The daughter didn't want to, and she cried all the way."

As he spoke, Luo Jiuli suddenly pointed at Lu Tinglan, "Hey, the appearance then was almost the same as now.

Lu Tinglan stopped wiping tears with her hands and her body became stiff.

"It hurts to cry like a pear blossom with rain in the rain, but ah, people who know the virtues of this family are too lazy to intervene, for fear of getting into trouble for no reason. Of course, kind-hearted people will also try to persuade them, but All of them ended up without a cure, this Mr. Lu is determined to sell his daughter to pay off his debts."

"Just when everyone thought that the daughter of the Lu family would be sold to a wealthy family as a concubine, and then be beaten to death by the mistress of the family at some point, a young man carrying a load came over and said that he wanted to buy her. This daughter, ask Mr. Lu how much she is willing to sell it for."

"Mr. Lu's family knows this young man who carries the burden. They know that his name is Zou Dagang. They know that he has an old mother who is bedridden at home. They also know that he does not have much money. They don't bother to pay attention to him. They just think he is telling a joke. , dragging my daughter who was crying desperately and left."

"But who knew that this young man didn't give up and followed Mr. Lu's family all the way. Mr. Lu saw that he really wanted to buy it, so he agreed on a price."

"The price is not low, it's a full 100 taels!"

"100 taels was a huge expense for a young man from a poor family who could barely make ends meet by selling vegetables. This made him shake for a moment, but all of this was resolved when he saw the daughter of the Lu family using When he looked at him with pleading eyes, everything came to nothing. At that moment, he just wanted to save the daughter of the Lu family, so he agreed to Master Lu and gave him 100 taels, but the money had to be paid in three installments."

"He first gave 20 taels to Master Lu, and then borrowed 30 taels from relatives. He promised to give the remaining 50 taels to Master Lu within a year. The only requirement was that Master Lu marry his daughter to him. These 100 taels are not a purchase, but a betrothal gift."

"You, you." Lu Tinglan looked at Luo Jiuli as if she had seen a ghost, her tongue was tied, and you couldn't say anything for a long time.

These things are so old that apart from the three parties involved, even Lu Tinglan’s mother doesn’t know exactly what happened.

Outsiders only know that Zou Dagang spent a huge amount of money to buy a daughter-in-law, but they don't know how much he spent.

Because every time someone asked him, Zou Dagang would say that he didn't spend much money because he was afraid that Lu Tinglan would be difficult to be a good person. His wife married him voluntarily, but she gave Lu Tinglan enough dignity.

Unlike Luo Jiuli, he knew exactly how much he gave at one time and what he said.

"As long as he has money, Mr. Lu will not care about his daughter's life and death, let alone her marriage. He hopes that his daughter will get married quickly so that there is enough food left for one person in the family." Luo Jiuli continued, "So, that's it. On February [-]th of that spring, Lu Tinglan, the daughter of the Lu family, married Zou Dagang, the only son of the Zou family."

"Zou Dagang is a good person. After Lu Tinglan got married, he was afraid that she would not be used to being wronged, so he took care of all the household and farm work. During the day, he had to sell more than twice as much vegetables as usual. If he couldn't sell all the food, he wouldn't go home. After returning home, I have to do laundry and cooking, and prepare all the meals for breakfast and lunch for the next day.”

"Speaking of this, Lu Tinglan is naturally beautiful. After arriving at the Zou family, she no longer has to do housework and farm work. Over time, she becomes even more beautiful and delicate. If she puts on fancy clothes, I don't know who thinks she is a young lady from some family. .”

"Logically speaking, my husband is kind to me and his savior, so I should live a good life like this day by day, but who knows, the most poisonous woman's heart is."

 Harmful!I'm just lazy today, let's see if I can work hard to get another [-] tomorrow!

  I feel like there have been a lot of updates recently. Sometimes I don’t have time to check for typos. If you find them, remember to tell me!What?^з^
(End of this chapter)

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