Chapter 98 Here Comes the Blame
If the palace banquet was held in the palace, she could go there for Wen Yi's sake and to find out what the connection was between the Queen Mother and the person who used the forbidden technique.

If she were in Qingci Garden, it would be quite a long journey, and with her weak body, it would be better not to go.

"This old witch is too kind to Xiao Ruoyan!"

Wen Yi came out of the safety buckle and fell to the end of the swing.

"Preparing for a palace banquet for a year consumes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Suddenly the occasion has to be changed to Qingci Garden. The palace people are afraid that they will stay up all night and not have time to prepare the things that will be used."

A palace banquet, especially the birthday banquet of the current Queen Mother, is more than just what it seems on the surface.

The dishes to be used and the things placed at the banquet simply involve the coordination of the imperial dining room, the production room and the etiquette department, not to mention more invisible places.

In short, temporarily changing the location of the palace banquet is a huge project that cannot be completed in three or two days.

Luo Jiuli lazily flipped through the pages of his storybook, "Maybe from the very beginning, the palace banquet was never thought of being held in the palace."

"Ah???" Xin Yi didn't know why Luo Jiuli suddenly said something again.

"How is that possible?!" Wen Yi floated around the swing, "The old witch pays most attention to ostentation. Although the palace is not small and grand, it is still inferior to the palace."

"What's more, envoys from so many countries have come to congratulate you this time, and most of them are princes and princesses. With the old witch's temperament, she can't lose any face unless she has no choice."

Luo Jiuli chuckled, "I just said it casually, don't worry about it."

She turned the pages of the storybook and read it with great interest.

Whether it was really just said casually, only she herself knows.

"Oh." Xin Yi responded and pulled a corner of the thin blanket that had fallen off for Luo Jiuli.

Wen Yi held her chin with one hand and looked at her feet, which had recovered a little. "Alas! I can't enter the palace this time, and I don't know when I can get back the things I left behind and give them to Brother Wang."

"Master, Master!!" Zi Su panted and ran up from downstairs, holding a mahogany food box with the four small words 'Ruyi Restaurant' printed on the lower right corner of the food box.

Luo Jiuli turned his head and glanced at her.

I saw that the toes of Zisu's shoes were wet by the rain, and she was taking one step at a time. There were still a few water drops hanging on her hair, and her face turned red.

"But I'm asking you to go to Ruyi Restaurant to get food. Why are you in such a hurry? I won't rush you."

"Hehe!" Zisu smiled naively and came over with a food box, "Didn't this slave hear some big news and want to come back early to tell the master!"

Luo Jiuli put down his script, turned over and sat up, "Tell me, what kind of news can make my Zisu run out of breath?"

She walked over, stopped in front of Zi Su, gently scratched her nose, and joked: "If this news is not big enough, I will punish you to tire out my Zi Su."

Xin Yi covered her mouth and smiled, then took the initiative to take the food box from Zi Su's hand, opened it, and took out the food inside and placed it on the table one by one.

"Master." Zisu touched her nose and smiled shyly, "Don't tease me."

"Okay, I won't tease you, I won't tease you, just tell me!" Luo Jiuli went over to the table and sat down. Xin Yi served her rice and handed her chopsticks.

She took the bowls and chopsticks and greeted the two of them, "You guys also sit down together."

There were no outsiders, and Zisu and Xinyi didn't care about this. Luo Jiuli shouted, and they sat around.

Zi Su added a bowl of rice for herself, "I just heard someone on the street saying that the real murderer of the second prince of Canaan Kingdom has been found!"

"Oh? Who is it?"

Who is so miserable and takes the blame?Luo Jiuli took a piece of Maoxuewang, which was numb and spicy, not too fragrant at all.

"It's the guard next to the second prince." Zisu also took a piece of Maoxuewang and said while eating, "I heard that the guard's favorite was a maid in the second prince's house. She was killed by the second prince because she accidentally made a mistake. He was ordered to be beaten to death with a rod. From then on, the guard felt resentful in his heart. Taking advantage of the opportunity of coming to Yuansheng, he colluded with the envoys of the Anyue Kingdom and killed the second prince."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so miserable." Luo Jiuli sighed.

What a miserable pair of desperate mandarin ducks!
"Well, it's so miserable." Xin Yi continued.

"Ah? Why is it so miserable?" Zi Su was puzzled, "If the real culprit is found, it proves that it is not a ghost, and the second prince also knows about it, isn't it good?"

Luo Jiuli picked up a vegetable leaf and put it in the Perilla bowl, "It's rare for our Perilla to have clear thinking. Come on, be good and eat more vegetables to replenish your brain."

'Pfft! Xin Yi couldn't help laughing.

"Master! Sister Xinyi!" Zisu put down her chopsticks and pretended to be angry, "Humph! You are all laughing at me!"

"Okay, okay, Zisu, be good, let's eat and eat. We won't laugh, we won't laugh!" Luo Jiuli held back his laughter and gave Zisu a piece of meat.

"Well, I'm not laughing either." Xin Yi stopped smiling.

Both of them looked serious, but the raised corners of their mouths looked like they were smiling.

"You, you guys, hum!" Zi Su angrily stuffed a big mouthful of rice into her mouth, moving like a hamster, so cute.

Luo Jiuli and Xin Yi couldn't bear it any longer and laughed.

Zi Su finally finished the meal and said aggrievedly: "I know that I am stupid, and I am not as quick as my master and sister Xin Yi, but why don't you just tell me!"

Wen Yi floated over, looked at the delicious food on the table and swallowed, "Sister-in-law Wang, this girl of yours is quite cute!"

"You want to eat too?"

Luo Jiuli's sudden question made Zisu and Xin Yi stunned for a moment, but they suddenly realized that there must be something they couldn't see next to them.

Wen Yi nodded vigorously, his eyes shining, "Is that okay?"

"Of course." Luo Jiuli asked Xin Yi to fill a bowl of rice and looked at Xin Yi, "What food do you want to eat?"

"This, this, this, and this!"

Wherever Wen Yi pointed, Luo Jiuli pinched him.

Looking at the large bowl at the top of the pile, Zi Su said, "Master, this invisible brother has a big appetite!"

"Haha, who said it was brother?" Luo Jiuli laughed.

"This" Zi Su hesitated, "can a woman finish such a big bowl?"

"I take back what I just said!" Wen Yi snorted and glared at Zisu, "This girl is not cute at all!"

She hasn't eaten human food for so long, what's wrong with her appetite?snort!
Luo Jiuli took out a blank yellow talisman from his waist and asked, "Birth date?"

Wen Yi, "March [-], Renxu year."

When Luo Jiuli heard this, he dipped his fingertips in water and quickly drew runes that they could not understand on the yellow talisman, and finally dropped Wen Yi's birthday and horoscope on the bottom.

She took a pair of chopsticks and put them on the edge of the bowl, and stuck the talisman on the edge of the bowl, "Okay, eat! This talisman can give you the most realistic experience. When you eat food, it will be full of color, flavor, and taste, just like eating." !”

(End of this chapter)

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