Chapter 148 The grandson’s grandson!

"Grandpa? Can you help me in any way?" At this time, Min Shenxing looked at the old man expectantly and asked.

Old man: "..."

This silly boy really knows how to find people!

"The Li family will not arrest people for no reason. There must be some misunderstanding! Don't worry, you kid! And... a big boy, don't talk like you have no door, and say everything!"

The old man said angrily: "Your parents probably didn't use their brains when they gave birth to you. All their intelligence was given to that little girl!"

It's a good thing that this person has a simple nature, but if he doesn't have any precautions against others, he would be stupid!
Fortunately, he met him and had no intentions towards him!

If he meets other people with ulterior motives, he will be deceived until he loses his pants and forks.

Min Shenxing: "..."

"My parents probably couldn't have given birth to a sister as smart as Ran Ran!" Min Shenxing muttered.

The old man stared and asked in surprise: "Aren't you brothers and sisters?"

Min Shenxing shook his head, "I am from the Yonglin Min family, my grandfather is Min Xingsan, and my second uncle is the military governor of Jiangnan!"

"Ran Ran is the daughter of Magistrate Xiao! I am the bodyguard Grandpa gave Ran Ran!"

Old man: "..."

Min Xingsan’s grandson?

The old fox gave birth to a little white rabbit?How interesting!
Min Xingsan, the turtle grandson of Min Xingsan, must have some ulterior motives when he plugs his oil bottle into someone else's house. ?

But...this little girl is really not simple.

Unexpectedly, sneaking out today was a bit of a surprise!

"Boy, do you want to take a boat and play on the sea?" Suddenly, the old man became interested and said loudly.

"Can we still take a boat?"

Min Shenxing was surprised, and his joy was beyond words.

"Of course, although this is a merchant ship on the seaside, it's not impossible to ride on it! But you can't go far!" said the old man.

Most of the merchant ships here belong to his Li family. Whether this ship can go to sea is not a matter of his words.

"Okay, I'll call Ran Ran back right away!" Min Shenxing said excitedly.

Old Man Li took the Li family's token, and then took Xiao Naituanzi and Min Shenxing onto a small merchant ship.

It was the first time to take a boat ride, and Xiaonuituanzi was also very excited. He lay on the edge of the boat and looked at the blue water, curiously asking all kinds of questions to the guys on the boat.

The guy on the boat really liked the soft and cute appearance of the little breast dumpling, and he answered her very patiently.

After the boat sailed for about half an hour, the shore was no longer visible, and the boatman stopped the boat.

Standing on the deck, smelling the smell of the sea, Min Shenxing felt that his heart became wider.

It turns out that the outside world is so broad!

After staying in a small four-dimensional world for a long time, this kind of thinking will become narrow-minded.

"Ran Ran, do you think I should become a chivalrous and righteous charlatan from now on?" Suddenly, Min Shenxing looked at Xiao Nai Tuanzi seriously and said.

"Okay!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded and said loudly: "Master said that when people have ideas, they must put them into action!"

"Ran Ran's idea is to make more money, do more good deeds, help the strong and the weak, and help the world and save people!" The little milk dumpling was so milky that she told her thoughts righteously, and then made one for herself. Cheer gesture!

Looking at her serious yet childish expression, Min Shenxing felt that his life was worse than that of a small-breasted dumpling.

All these years have been in vain!
"Little girl, you are young, but your tone is not small!" Mr. Li stood not far away, smiling and saying with his hands behind his back.

Although he said this, he admired the little breast dumpling in his heart.For children of this age, not wetting the bed is already the greatest reward for their parents!But this little girl is already doing things that many adults can't do.

It sounds ridiculous to hear such a lofty ideal coming from such an immature little girl!But I also felt shocked.

"Grandpa, your strength has given Ranran a chance! Ranran is someone who wants to do big things!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said seriously.

Hearing this, Mr. Li couldn't help but be stunned!

My heart was unconsciously shaken by her words!
Little girl, it's not easy!

"Okay! Then grandpa is waiting to see the little girl's strength. I hope that in ten or twenty years, the little girl can still remember what he said today! Don't forget your original intention!" said Mr. Li.

"I will definitely not forget it!" Xiao Naituanzi said seriously and firmly.

We wandered around on the sea, and when we turned back, the sun was already setting in the west.

As soon as the boat docked, I saw a row of people standing on the shore, seemingly waiting for something!
Mr. Li led Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Min Shenxing off the boat. He saw an imposing middle-aged man walking up in front of him and called out respectfully, "Dad!"

The group of more than a dozen people behind him saluted Mr. Li and said in unison: "I have met the head of the family!"

"Home... Patriarch?"

Min Shenxing was startled by this battle and looked at Mr. Li in disbelief.

Although he knew from Xiao Nai Tuanzi that Mr. Li deliberately dressed up like this for drinking, he only thought that this old man was just an ordinary old man with at least some money!

But look at this battle...

He seems to be even better than his old man!
"What? Are you scared?" Mr. Li raised his eyebrows.


Min Shenxing was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer this.

Mr. Li patted his shoulder and said: "Min Xingsan was a big tiger back then. If you want to learn the skills of your grandfather, you have to practice hard!"

As he said that, Mr. Li looked at Xiao Naituanzi again, "Little girl, if you smashed my wine, remember to pay for it!"

"Grandpa Li, don't worry, Ranran is not someone who will default on his debts!" ​​Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.


As soon as he heard this word, Min Shenxing's heart trembled and he looked at Mr. Li in disbelief!
Thinking that he had said something wrong with the Li family in front of the head of the Li family before... At this moment, Min Shenxing suddenly had the urge to bite off his own tongue!

Sure enough, Mr. Li was right!
His parents must have had no idea when they gave birth to him!
Mr. Li couldn't help being stunned when he heard Xiao Nai Dumpling's "Grandpa Li", and looked at Xiao Nai Dumpling curiously, "Have you already guessed who I am?"


The little girl nodded.

Mr. Li laughed, "Then can you tell Grandpa how you guessed it?"

"Secret!" Xiao Naituanzi uttered two words in a sly voice, and then gave it away, "I will tell you later, Ran Ran, after Grandpa Li has someone release my brother Zhou Yuan!"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi waved his little hand towards Mr. Li, "Goodbye, Grandpa Li!"

Mr. Li couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"What a funny little girl!"

After watching Xiao Naituanzi and Min Shen walking away, Mr. Li looked at his son and said in a deep voice: "Go check the auction house and ask Liu Liu if they have arrested someone named Zhou." Yuan’s young man!”

"By the way, let's ask about the specific situation!"


Mr. Li responded respectfully, and immediately smelled the smell of alcohol on Mr. Li's body. He immediately frowned and said with some displeasure: "Dad, are you drinking secretly again? Why don't you cherish it so much?" Where is your body?"

(End of this chapter)

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