Chapter 157 Fighting, meeting an acquaintance
Early the next morning, the three of Xiaonaituanzi set off for Yongzhou.

It was only after noon that we arrived in Yongzhou County.

Perhaps because the Yu family's stone gambling party was held here, there were a lot more people coming and going, and the streets were very lively.

After seeing the lively scene in Jiang Lin, Min Shenxing has gained some experience and no longer sticks his head out to yell. However, he is not too calm. He opens the car window and looks here and there.

"Look at the people coming and going, all dressed as rich or noble people!"

After watching for a while, Min Shenxing pulled his head back and said something coldly.

Xu Yan folded his hands across his chest and leaned against the car window. Hearing Min Shenxing's words, he slightly raised his eyelids and said, "When I heard what you said, I must have never seen gambling stones before!"

Min Shenxing curled his lips, "I haven't seen it, have you seen it?"

Xu Yan pursed his lips slightly and said, "I have never seen a pig, but I have seen pork!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

If you haven’t seen it, you haven’t seen it, so why bother looking for a high-sounding excuse?

"Then tell me, how about gambling on stones?"

Xu Yan glanced at him, then sat up straight and said loudly: "This gambling stone, it is really a knife to heaven and a knife to hell!"

"Do you know what this means?"

Min Shenxing asked cooperatively, "What do you mean?"

"Stupid!" Xu Yan spat out a word in disgust, "Of course I mean it literally!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Literally, what's the point of it!

Min Shenxing was too lazy to talk to Xu Yan, crossed his arms and hummed at him, and simply imitated him and leaned against the wall of the carriage to fall asleep!

The little girl stuck out her tongue and sweetened the candy in her hand. Seeing that Min Shenxing seemed a little angry, she rolled her eyes and looked at Xu Yan and asked, "Brother Xu, what did you mean by what you just said? ?”

When Min Shenxing heard the words, he raised his eyebrows slightly, quietly opened one eye and glanced at Xu Yan, then closed it again quickly, but his ears were perked up.

Xu Yan did it on purpose.

Seeing Min Shenxing scratching his head and ears, he found it interesting.

At this time, when he heard Xiao Naituanzi ask, he smiled and whispered in Xiao Naituanzi's ear.

"Oh, that's what it is!"

After hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi nodded in understanding, then looked at Min Shenxing and said: "Brother Min, Brother Xu said, that means: if you buy a bullish rough stone, you can get rich overnight. If If you buy a bearish rough, you may lose your pants."

"There are so many rich or noble people on this street. That's because the Stone Gambling Club has set a high threshold and requires people with a certain status to enter!"

After saying that, Xiaotai Tuanzi grinned at Xu Yan and asked as if asking for credit: "Brother Xu, is Ran Ran right?"


Xu Yan nodded, then glanced at Min Shenxing opposite, and then said: "I heard that although the Yu family is hosting the stone gambling club, the Yu family will also participate in the stone gambling! The Yu family also raised a He’s a very good stone gambling master!”

"There are also many jade merchants here today. If they find a good rough stone, they will bid at a high price!"

"These jade dealers will also have some masters who specialize in stone gambling!"

"So, there is actually a lot to see in this stone bet. It is also a contest between masters and masters!"

"For those of us, if you are interested, just spend some money to have fun. If you are not interested, just treat it as just watching the excitement!"

"Oh, so that's it!" Xiao Naituanzi glanced at Xu Yan thoughtfully, then turned to look at Min Shenxing, and asked: "Brother Min, do you understand?"


Min Shenxing rolled his eyes disdainfully, moved his butt, and said without even looking at Xu Yan: "I thought I knew a lot. Isn't it just a superficial understanding?" "The storytellers outside are more exciting, right?" !”

When Xu Yan heard this, he looked at the little breast dumpling and shrugged.


At this moment, the carriage suddenly stopped. Min Shenxing accidentally leaned forward and hit the wall of the carriage with a bang.

"Ran Ran!"

Xu Yan subconsciously reached out and hugged Xiaotuanzi's body, then turned to look at Min Shenxing and asked, "Are you okay?"

Min Shenxing shook his head slightly, opened the carriage curtain and stood out, suppressing his anger and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"Mr. Min, there's a fight ahead!" the coachman replied.

Min Shenxing rubbed his forehead and looked forward.


They are still acquaintances!
"Yu Mingxuan, I said you are arrogant enough. You didn't get enough beatings when you were in Yonglin. Now you come to Yongzhou to get beaten up?"

Min Shenxing stood on the edge of the carriage, looking down at Yu Mingxuan who was shouting and ordering people to beat others not far away, and said angrily.

"Ha! My little wife has gone out? Min Shenxing, you can do it now!"

Yu Mingxuan acted like a second-generation ancestor, with his hands on his hips, shaking his legs, raising his face and looking at people through his nostrils, as if he was arrogant and arrogant.

"You! Whose little wife are you talking about!"

Min Shenxing smoothed his sleeves, jumped down from the carriage, looked at Yu Mingxuan angrily, raised his fist and said coldly: "I have forgotten the days when I beat you to the ground two days ago so quickly. ?You still want to taste my fist, right?"

It was okay not to mention this, but as soon as he mentioned it, Yu Mingxuan was completely blown away!
That incident on Antique Street was simply a shame for him!

"Okay, since you are looking for death, don't blame me! Don't cry and run back to your father to complain!"

"Who complained!" Min Shenxing frowned, stepped forward step by step, and said sarcastically: "It's just a slug like you who likes to cry like a girl when you are beaten!"


Yu Mingxuan gritted his teeth, "Come here, beat me up! Beat me hard!"


All of Yu Mingxuan's guards responded in unison, holding up the sticks in their hands and heading towards Min Shenxing.


Min Shenxing was no match for these people. Before he could beat Yu Mingxuan, he was slapped by one of them!

"Hey, brother, can you do it?"

At this time, the man who was chased and beaten by Yu Mingxuan rushed up, kicked several guards away, and stretched out his hand to drag Min Shenxing up.

Looking at the energy with which he shouted, I thought he was a powerful person!

I didn’t expect to be as “cowardly” as him!
Do not!
It should be said that he is more cowardly than him!
At least he can't beat him, but he can still outrun him!
"Hey you……"

Min Shenxing was caught off guard and was pulled up. When he saw the face of the man in front of him, he was stunned on the spot!

"What are you doing? Run away quickly!"

"Hey, that carriage is yours, right?"

"I, I, I..." Min Shenxing looked at the other person's face and stammered, unable to speak clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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