Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 165: Deliberately stepping on someone’s feet and committing suicide

Chapter 165: Deliberately stepping on someone’s body and cheating


Xiao Jingyao choked for a moment, and then said angrily: "Then the second young master of the Yu family must be mentally ill!"

Xiao Jingzhe's eyes darkened slightly and he snorted coldly, "Then it's you who provoked people!"

"What can't be provoked?" Xiao Jingyao curled his lips and said, "My good intentions are not rewarded!"

"On the street, there was a beautiful girl kneeling there selling her body to bury her father! There were many people coming and going who wanted to give her money to help her bury her father, but she was unwilling! She asked for 200 taels of silver. !”

"From this look, it is obvious that this woman wants to marry into a wealthy family and live a good life!"

"When I saw the man named Yu paying the money, I didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but who knew that when I was passing by, I accidentally stepped on the dead body lying on the ground, and as a result... the corpse was faked!"

"That person surnamed Yu doesn't blame the girl for lying to her, but instead chases me to fight! Are you mentally ill?"

Xiao Jingzhe & Mrs. Xiao: "..."

Mrs. Xiao said: "Then you really can't be blamed for this!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Jingyao nodded hurriedly and blew a wave of rainbow farts at the same time, "My mother is still aware of everything!"

Xiao Jingzhe's mouth twitched slightly, and he gave him a serious look, "Didn't you step on the dead body on purpose? Did you ask someone to blow it up?"


Xiao Jingyao choked, touched his nose, and said with a smile: "There is still nothing you can hide from Fourth Brother! But I can't see anyone cheating, right?"

"You~" Mrs. Xiao was helpless, "The young master of the Yu family and the woman are obviously willing to be beaten and the other is willing to suffer! Don't you deserve a beating because you have nothing to do?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Fourth, what trouble will the Yu family... bring?" Mrs. Xiao asked worriedly.

"It's hard to say!" Xiao Jingzhe said: "The influence of the Yu family in Yonglin is not small, and they have connections with many officials and businessmen. Although Yu Mingxuan is the eldest son of the second concubine of the Yu family, he is the eldest son of the Yu family. The situation is weak! Nowadays, many of the power and industries of the Yu family are in the hands of the second master of the Yu family."

"A few days ago, my eldest sister-in-law and Ran Ran saved the eldest lady of the Yu family once, but in the end it was my eldest lady Yu who saved my eldest sister-in-law! There is a bit of friendship, but not a deep one!"

"The birth of the eldest lady of the Yu family is also extraordinary. If everyone in the Yu family is of the same mind, it will be a troublesome matter if there is any conflict over this matter!"

"But...Mom, this is not a glorious thing. If it spreads, it will also bring shame on the Yu family! So don't worry."

"Even if the Yu family wants to lose face, my son has the ability to make them right!"

"As expected of fourth brother!" When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he immediately became proud.


Xiao Jingzhe snorted coldly and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

After a while, the waiter from the inn came up with the food and put it on the table one by one.

Wang Wanqing led the two little guys, who were holding hands and whispering to each other, into the house with a happy face.

In order to wait for them to come back, Mrs. Xiao and the three of them did not eat. Now everyone was neatly organized, and the scene when they sat together seemed a bit warm.

During the meal, Mrs. Xiao, Wang Wanqing and Xiao Jingzhe hardly moved, and they kept adding vegetables to the little milk dumplings.

Xiao Jingyao sat opposite Xiao Nai Dumplings, his eyelids twitching as he saw that the bowl in front of Xiao Nai Dumplings was almost piled up into a mountain.

With so much, I’m not afraid of bursting the little girl’s belly!

However, what made him unbelievable was that the little milk dumpling had an appetite like a cow, and he swallowed all the vegetables into his stomach.

Even Xiao Xiaoqi next to him looked at the little breast dumpling with admiration, his eyes shining brightly.

My sister is so awesome!

"Little girl, do you eat so much every meal?" Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but ask. "OK!"

The little girl nodded and accepted the dishes they put into her bowl.

"Can your little belly hold so much?"

Xiao Jingyao was very doubtful that if he continued to eat the small milk dumplings, his stomach would burst!

"Fifth uncle is so stupid! If Ranran eats it, doesn't that mean she pretends to be in it?" Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xiao Jingyao in disgust and said.


Xiao Jingyao choked and swallowed subconsciously, "Aren't I afraid that you'll eat too much and have to leave?"

As he said this, Xiao Jingyao's mind also pictured a scene of a small breast dumpling rolling around on the ground, almost bursting into laughter.

After hearing what he said, the little girl raised her oily little hand towards Xiao Jingyao and bared her teeth and said, "Only when you are full can you have the strength to hit people!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."


A naked threat!

"Hehe~ You can use it slowly, I won't disturb you!" Xiao Jingyao immediately gave up!
Xiao Jingzhe said: "Ranran is growing, eat more!"

"Yeah." Xiao Naituanzi immediately nodded excitedly, then turned to look at Xiao Xiaoqi. Seeing that he didn't move his chopsticks much, he directly gave him a chicken drumstick, "Here, Brother Xiaoqi, this is for you to eat. !”


Xiao Xiaoqi looked at the greasy chicken legs with some hesitation. He has always been a picky eater, and he was not willing to eat many things.

But this was given to him by his sister! ?

Hey... so tangled!
"Brother Xiaoqi, if you eat more meat, you will stand tall and grow strong!"

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi whispered in his ear, "Brother Xiao Qi, if you want to be a general like your third uncle, you have to eat more meat!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Xiaoqi immediately grabbed the big chicken drumstick and ate it in big gulps.

Everyone: "..."

This kid never eats chicken!

Ran Ran still has a way!

Seeing how delicious he was eating, the little breasted dumpling burst out laughing, and the two of them stuffed the chicken into it in just a few bites as if they were competing.

After the meal, everyone took a rest, and Qin Shi came back.

Qin Shi said: "Master, those children have been sent to the government! When my subordinates came out, they happened to see a few government officials grabbing the two flower girls back!"

"My subordinate heard what he said, and it seems that he was caught stealing something under the nose of the yamen officer!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe laughed, "Two sex dealers turned into thieves and were caught? Ha, maybe they were frightened by the little girl, right?"

Qin Shi nodded, "I see that these two people are hopeless in life, and they don't show any resistance at all. They really seem to be scared!"

"I'm afraid the little girl has expected this a long time ago and deliberately scared them into going to jail automatically! Otherwise, I'm afraid they will die if they fall into your hands!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingzhe suddenly laughed, looked up at the blue sky outside the window, and asked in a calm tone: "Qin Shi, do you think we killed too much before?"

Qin Shi's heart trembled, and he looked at Xiao Jingzhe with a little distress and said nothing!

On the battlefield, if you are strong, he will be weak; if you are weak, he will be strong!
No choice!

(End of this chapter)

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