Chapter 169 Friendship of one tael of silver
"You!" Yu Mingxuan pointed at Xiao Jingyao angrily, "Mind your own business!"

Xiao Jingyao curled his lips, looked at him and said: "Aren't you also nosy? We have money, spend it happily and happily, what does it have to do with you?"

"that is!"

Min Shenxing echoed: "I want the piece with moss, so what if it doesn't bloom green? Hey... I have money, I burned it! I just buy it for fun!"

"OK! OK! OK!"

Yu Mingxuan gritted his teeth, "It's me who is meddling in other people's business!"

"It's good to know!" Min Shenxing snorted coldly, "Your family is from Yonglin, not Jianglin. Those who don't know would think that your family lives by the sea!"

"You!" Yu Mingxuan gritted his teeth and flicked his sleeves coldly, "Think of your good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs! Don't cry later!"


Min Shenxing stared, waved his hand, and commanded the young man next to him proudly, "Weigh me, I will take that piece! Once you weigh it, give it to me on the spot! If you can't get a green shot, I will give it to you." Make some ashes!"

Everyone: "..."

"Hey, you have money to burn? Just make people angry. Why do you want to be serious?" Xiao Jingyao said in a low voice.

If you have that money, give it to me!

"I do not!"

Min Shenxing held his head high, looking like a big boy acting like a child.


Xiao Jingyao was helpless, "You have money and are willful!"

His pockets were empty and he could only watch dryly!

Soon, the piece of wool that Min Shenxing picked was weighed. After Min Shenxing paid the money, the wool was put on the table.

As soon as I saw someone picking out woolen materials and about to cut them, it immediately attracted a lot of people to watch.

When they saw that what was placed on it was an extremely ordinary woolen stone covered with moss, everyone immediately lost interest.

"That's it? Isn't this a prodigal son from some family?"

"Hahaha... If this comes out green, I'll swallow that waste!"

"Let's go, let's go, let's go see something else!"

"I really don't know if the kid who chose this material is blind or just making a joke!"


Min Shenxing was standing on the side, listening to these people pointing at him, his face turned red immediately!
At this time, he also regretted it!
Why is he so impulsive?

Spending some money is a small matter, but being embarrassed is a big deal!

At this moment, Xiao Naituanzi came over, pulled Min Shenxing's sleeve, and whispered: "Brother Min, you picked a good stone! Ran Ran can see the spiritual energy coming out of it!"

Min Shenxing's heart froze, and his eyes immediately gleamed, "Really?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded, "Just like that painting!"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing suddenly became excited. He didn't ask for a big price for green, as long as there was green in it, even if it was an ordinary product, he wouldn't be embarrassed and thrown into his grandma's house.

Looking at the firm eyes of Xiaonuituanzi, Min Shenxing immediately raised his voice and said: "What's wrong with the moss-covered wool? I believe there is green here! If you don't believe it, do you want to take a gamble?"

After Min Shen finished speaking, the eyes of those watching the excitement lit up.

Whose stupid son is this?
Spread your wealth, boy!

"Bet! This young master, what's your gambling method?"

Min Shenxing raised his neck and spoke loudly, "Of course I'm betting on whether the piece of wool I picked will contain green!"

"Bet, I bet! I can't get green!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone started shouting.

"I'll bet too! This is a guaranteed profit-free business, whoever doesn't bet is a fool! 1 taels, let's bet!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Bet! I bet 5000 taels, but I can't get green!"

"I, 3000 taels, can't get a green shot!" "8000 taels, can't get a green shot!"

"2 taels, no luck!"


"Hey, are you stupid? Are you so big?" Xiao Jingyao looked at Min Shenxing in disbelief. This kid was not afraid of losing even his underpants!

"I believe Ran Ran!" Min Shenxing said.

What happened to the painting last time, if Ran Ran hadn't signaled him to take it down, the Shark Pearl would not have been discovered!
She believed in the small breast dumplings, since she said there was green in them, they were green!
"Believe her?" Min Shenxing lowered his head and looked at the little girl who was less than his waistband, "Are you sure?"

"Well, sure!"

Seeing that the scene was getting intense, with more and more people watching and betting, Yu Mingxuan, the young boss of the Yu family, immediately stood up.

"Everyone, since we want to set up a gambling game, then my Yu family will be the one to take charge!"

"If you buy a rising one, you'll pay ten for every one you buy! If you buy a falling one, you'll pay ten!"

"If you want to bet, please come here to register!"

After Yu Mingxuan finished speaking, a boy from the casino immediately brought tables, chairs, papers and pens over and set up a small gambling game.

These gamblers seemed to be red-eyed and bet money one by one.

A quarter of an hour later, Yu Mingxuan looked at the gambling money recorded in the book, laughed out loud, and sneered at Min Shenxing!

"Min Shenxing, everyone here is bearish. If you don't give yourself a pin, I'm afraid this bet won't continue!"


As soon as this statement came out, people immediately laughed.

"Let's do this. Since we got to know each other and we peed together when we were kids, I'll give you a bet! One tael of silver! Is one tael of silver enough?"

After saying that, Yu Mingxuan arrogantly threw a tael of silver on the gambling table and bet on the price!


Yu Mingxuan's move immediately caused another burst of laughter!
A tael of silver friendship?

This is obviously humiliating!


Min Shenxing spat at Yu Mingxuan, walked to the gambling table angrily, took out a stack of silver notes and slapped it on the table, looked at Yu Mingxuan fiercely and said: "4 taels, bullish!"

"it is good!"

As soon as Min Shenxing's banknote was photographed, people immediately cheered!
It’s just a boo!

"I bet 1 taels, I'm bullish!"

At this time, Xiao Jingzhe suddenly spoke and handed the 1 tael of silver notes to Qin Shi beside him!

Qin Shi put the banknote on the table and said in a deep voice: "Fourth Master Xiao, 1 taels!"

After saying that, he pulled off the purse on his waistband, poured out all the money inside, and said coldly: "Bet on the increase!"

"I go!"

Xiao Jingyao's eyes widened instantly!

Is it raining red in the sky?
The fourth child actually placed a bet openly?

Qin Shi, the fourth brother's little follower, even bet all his wealth on it!

So big?So cruel?

Whether he wants to...

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw the little breasted dumpling next to me running over and arrogantly slapped a stack of thick banknotes on the table!

The cool little voice sounded in everyone's ears, "Up!"

Everyone was stunned immediately!
"Whose little milk baby is this? That stack of banknotes... tsk, it must be... 10 taels, right!?"

(End of this chapter)

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