Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 187 At worst, I’ll call him daddy from now on!

Chapter 187 At worst, I’ll call him daddy from now on!

"What are you laughing at! What are you laughing at!"

Mr. Xu raised his foot and kicked Xu Yan's butt.

"Ouch, it hurts..."

Xu Yan pretended to be exaggerated, covering his butt and grinning!
"Grandpa, not only have you become younger, you are also much more energetic than before!"

Old Xu: "..."

"Gluck... cluck..."

The little girl covered her mouth and giggled, her brows and eyes full of smiles.


Mr. Xu snorted heavily and sat down on the stool.

Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi stopped laughing and looked at each other!
"Grandpa Xu, you look so beautiful like this!"

The small-breasted dumpling hummed and climbed onto the stool next to Mr. Xu. He suppressed a smile and stretched out his hand to pull Mr. Xu's beard.

Today, Mr. Xu has nearly half the wrinkles on his face, and his skin is much rosier!
It's just this beard and hair...

Half is black, half is white!

The kind that is separated from the middle and has clear distinctions!
"What's good-looking?" Mr. Xu's eyes widened and he huffed, his beard that was half black and half white kept tilting up.

If he goes out like this, I'm afraid he will be laughed to death!
If the black hair is mixed with white hair, and there are a few black hairs hidden in the white hair, then that's it!
But now, with the bridge of the nose as the center, the left side is black and the right side is white!
What kind of words is this!
Not just the hair, but the beard too!

You know, he has been growing this beard for several years!

How can he meet people like this?

"Grandpa, I believe in your grandson's vision. If you look like you now, if you shave off your half black and half white beard, you will definitely become the most handsome man in Yonglin! Keep those old widows in mind when they see you. Drooling! Start your second spring anytime, anywhere!”

"My grandson promises that he will absolutely support it!"

"Even if you have another son, your grandson will..."


Before Xu Yan could finish speaking, he was hit by the sole of the shoe thrown by Mr. Xu!

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about!"

Xu Yan bared his teeth and snickered as he picked up the shoes and said with a smile: "Grandpa, you need to get over your bad temper! I'm afraid my grandma in the future won't be as sturdy as my grandson!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yan got slapped again!


"Fighting is kissing, scolding is love!"

"Grandpa, it doesn't hurt if you hit me a few more times!"

As he said that, Xu Yan moved his face towards her without shame.

Old Xu: "..."

Having a grandson like this is really a pain in the ass!

It was obviously not like this when I was young!

How come the supplies are crooked when they are good?

With this shameless look, I don’t know who he resembles!
Thinking about it, Mr. Xu sat on the stool with his hands and feet crossed, sulking with a straight face and stopped talking!

Xiaotai Tuanzi looked at Mr. Xu and then at Xu Yan.

Xu Yan immediately winked at the little breast dumpling, gesturing for her to coax her!


Brother Xu made Grandpa Xu angry again.

The little girl's eyes rolled around a few times, then she stood up on the stool, touched Mr. Xu's hair with her fleshy hands, and tugged at Mr. Xu's beard, and said with a smile: "Xu Grandpa, Brother Xu is right, Grandpa Xu looks much younger!"

"It's's just that your beard is a bit ugly and needs to be shaved off!"

" master said, grandpa calls me maverick! He is the most handsome kid walking on the street!" Mr. Xu: "..."

Who is the most beautiful cub?

When Xu Yan heard Xiao Naituanzi's words, he laughed so much that his shoulders shrugged.

Clearing his throat, Xu Yan had a smile in his eyes and looked at Mr. Xu with stern eyes: "Grandpa, is this what Master Kong Kong said? Where is the most beautiful cub who is maverick!"

Sure enough, Xu Yan understood Mr. Xu. As soon as he heard Master Kong's name, Mr. Xu's expression immediately softened, and he even reached out to touch his black and white hair.


The most handsome cub?
What Master Liao Kong said is definitely right!
The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face, jumped off the stool, and tugged on Xu Yan's sleeves.

Xu Yan immediately squatted down, and then he heard Xiaonuituanzi whisper in Xu Yan's ear: "Brother Xu, this is not what my second master said, but what my sixth master said!"

Xu Yan winked at her and whispered back: "It's not important, it's not important!"

As long as his old man believes it!
As soon as the two of them finished talking, they saw Mr. Xu standing up with a "whoosh" sound, looking at the little breast dumplings and saying: "Little girl, give me a few more bottles of your wine!"


Xiaonuituanzi looked at Xu Yan.

Xu Yan looked at Mr. Xu.

At this time, I heard Mr. Xu say: "My old man doesn't believe it. If I sleep for a few more days and nights, half of the white hair and white beard will not turn black!"

Mr. Xu has no hope of changing back to his original appearance!

But at least both sides have to be the same color!
"Cough cough..."

Xu Yan coughed twice.

Her small breasts and dumplings were spread out with her hands, her face full of innocence.

Mr. Xu glanced at the two of them and snatched the shoes from Xu Yan's hands angrily.

"I'm going to buy some wine right now!"

After saying that, Mr. Xu took his hat and went out.

Xu Yan reached out and poked Xiao Naituanzi's shoulder, and asked, "If you take another sip of wine, can half of the old man's gray hair turn back?"

The little girl shook her head, "I don't know!"

After drinking this wine, she fell asleep and gained some strength.

My father, mother and fourth uncle seem to be in better health.

Only Grandpa Xu...

Master said that this wine can cure all poisons, drive away all diseases, and strengthen the body. He didn't say that it can make Grandpa Xu look younger!
"Ahem, let the old man try it first! It's really turned black. At worst, I'll call him daddy from now on!" Xu Yan said.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"However, with my old man's arrogance, your wine may become a fairy wine!"


"Who doesn't want it?"

"Little girl, from now on, your Grandpa Xu will be a walking sign!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Mr. Xu quickly bought the wine. After Xiaotai Tuanzi mixed thirty kilograms of wine for him, he took a jar of wine and left in a hurry!
Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xu Yan mixed the rest of the wine, and then had it delivered to the Xiao family's new house!

When Xiao Naituanzi was about to go back, the people from Mrs. Xu Sanniang's side suddenly came over in a hurry, asking for Xu Yan to come over.

Xu Yan thought for a while, took the little breast dumplings and hurried to Mrs. Xu Sanniang's house.

As soon as I arrived, I saw Mrs. Xu Sanniang walking around anxiously in the room.

"Ms. Xu Sanniang, what's wrong with Wang Xiucai?" Xu Yan asked as he entered the door.

"I don't know, I just kept complaining that I have a headache!" Mrs. Xu Sanniang replied. When she saw Xu Yan coming with her little breast dumplings, she breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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