Chapter 19 Eat people soft mouth, short hands

Thinking about it, Madam Xu became a little excited and held Ran Ran's hand, "My child, do you know what I am thinking?"

Ran Ran chuckled and said in a sweet voice: "Don't let the secrets leak out. Ran Ran only knows that 'there was a dragon in ancient times, and when it encounters water, it becomes a dragon.' Auntie should pay more attention to the people around her!"

After saying that, Ran Ran jumped off the bed, and then waved to Madam Xu, "Ran Ran will come to see aunt~"

"Ran Ran~"

Madam Xu opened her mouth and stopped her.

She always felt that Ran Ran, the little baby girl, had something to say.

Ran Ran turned around and smiled at Madam Xu again, and said crisply: "My master said that if you do one good deed a day, you will have three thousand merits! Auntie, you don't need to thank me too much~"

After saying that, Ran Ran grabbed Mr. Xu's hand and jumped away.

Madam Xu looked at her leaving figure, lowered her eyelids and became thoughtful.

"There was a dragon in ancient times, and it became a dragon when it encountered water?"

What does it mean?
Also pay more attention to the people around you.
Thinking about it, Madam Xu's eyes suddenly flashed with coldness, she looked at Nanny Tang and said, "Nanny, where are Bilian and Bihe who were with me yesterday?"

Nanny Tang paused for a moment and then replied: "The two of you have returned to the house now. What do you have to give me, Madam?"

"Tell Yan Shu to keep an eye on these two people!" Madam Xu ordered in a deep voice.

Aunt Tang was startled, "Madam, these two are..."

"Nanny, yesterday I fell down because someone tripped me. At first, I thought it was just because there were so many people on the street. But now that I think about it, the two of them were guarding me at the time. How could such an accident happen?"

Hearing this, Nanny Tang's face suddenly turned cold.

"Don't worry, Madam. I will tell Yan Shu right now. If these two people dare to harm Madam, the young master and the young lady, I will not let them go!"

"Yes." Madam Xu nodded.

Nanny Tang helped her lie down on the bed. Just as she was about to leave, Madam Xu held her hand again.

Aunt Tang turned around and asked, "Madam, do you have anything else to say?"

"A lot of refugees have come to Yonglin recently. Go to the accounting office and take out 2 taels of silver notes and hand them into the hands of the county magistrate, Mr. Xiao. In addition, he also ordered me to recruit another batch of workers for my Xu family's workshop. The capable refugees will be given priority. .”

"Madam, if you do this, will the second master and the third master cause trouble?"

"Huh!" Madam Xu snorted coldly, "So what if they make trouble? I haven't done enough to help them wipe their butts in these years? Make trouble? Let them make trouble! It just so happens that I have had enough. If it weren't for the sake of my father, For mother’s sake, I would have kicked them out a long time ago.”

"Yes." Nanny Tang nodded.

The little girl stayed in Huichun Hall for a while and then complained that she was hungry.

Mr. Xu ordered people to go out and buy a lot of delicious food.

After Xiao Naituanzi ate and drank enough, he then began to tell Mr. Xu about the nine needles for rejuvenating yang.

The little breasted dumpling looked like a little old man, imitating the way Master Kong explained to her in the past, with one hand behind her back and the other stroking the non-existent beard on her chin.

Mr. Xu, on the other hand, was like an obedient student, asking all kinds of questions without shame.

Many doctors in Huichun Hall couldn't help but marvel when they saw this scene from a distance, and they all speculated who Xiao Naituanzi was.

At this time, inside the county government office.

Xiao Jingxuan was a little stunned when he saw the 2 taels of silver notes sent over by Nanny Tang.

Aunt Tang said: "Mr. Xiao, my wife ordered this old slave to send this to me. My wife knows that you are thinking a lot about the refugees, so I am willing to do my best for you."

Xiao Jingxuan motioned to Lu Qing beside him to accept the banknote, and then raised his hand to Aunt Tang, "Auntie, please thank Madam Xu on my behalf." "You're welcome, sir. If it weren't for that little girl Ranran, my wife would be gone." And the two little masters!"

"My wife has told me that each of our Xu family's workshops will be recruiting a group of workers, with priority given to refugees."

Xiao Jingxuan raised his head and said in a deep voice: "I will bear in mind Madam Xu's friendship, and I will never let Madam Xu give out these 2 taels of silver notes in vain."

Aunt Tang nodded lightly and spoke again, "My wife asked me to remind Mr. Xiao that if Mr. Xiao wants to join the Chamber of Commerce, it is better to start with the Min family."

After saying that, Nanny Tang bowed to Xiao Jingxuanfu and left.

Lu Qing hurriedly followed Nanny Tang out of the county government office.

When he came back, his face was full of smiles, "Sir, now that the Xu family has broken the ice, our affairs will progress much more smoothly."

"Yeah." Xiao Jingxuan nodded.

Lu Qing added: "Thanks to Ran Ran this time, if it weren't for Ran Ran, we wouldn't have been able to go so smoothly."

When Xiao Jingxuan heard this, he glanced at Lu Qing faintly, pursed his thin lips, and asked, "Why hasn't she come back yet?"

Lu Qing smiled playfully and said in a teasing tone, "How long has it been since we last seen each other? Are you already thinking about her?"

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at him lightly and ordered: "Let the kitchen prepare more dishes. If she likes to eat big chicken drumsticks, prepare them for her."


Lu Qing responded with a smile.

His lord, he said he was very disgusted, but what he did was not like that.

Now he suddenly understood why the old lady and the other ladies wanted to have a female baby.

Lu Qing went to the kitchen to give orders to Granny Xiao and Granny Feng, then left the Yamen and went to the Huichun Hall.

When Mr. Xu was still asking about the pills Ran Ran gave Madam Xu yesterday, he saw Lu Qing coming and glared at Lu Qing angrily.

"What are you doing here?"

Lu Qing touched the back of his head and laughed innocently. Instead of answering Mr. Xu's words, he looked at Ran Ran and said, "Ran Ran, sir, I miss you and have prepared delicious food for you!"

Ran Ran's eyes suddenly brightened, and she ran to Lu Qing's side with a "chirp" and asked as if seeking confirmation: "Really?"

"Of course!" Lu Qing nodded, "My lord, you asked the two mothers-in-law in the kitchen to prepare chicken legs for you?"

As soon as she heard the word chicken legs, Ran Ran's mouth started to drool.

He held Lu Qing's hand and said, "Quick, quick, quick, let's go back quickly, don't keep daddy waiting."

After saying that, Ran Ran waved her little hand to Mr. Xu behind her, "Grandpa, I'll come back to play another day~"

Although Mr. Xu was a little reluctant to leave Ran Ran, he still said: "Okay, okay, let's go back!"

"Goodbye grandpa."

After saying this, Ran Ran took Lu Qing's hand and jumped out of the door of Huichun Hall.

As soon as they left the house, Ran Ran stuffed a candy into Lu Qing's hand, "Uncle Lu, please eat it~ Grandma Tang gave it to you."

Lu Qing casually threw the candy into his mouth and said with a smile, "It's so sweet."

Ran Ran raised her head and bared her teeth at him, her eyes curved like a little fox, and she said softly and cutely, "Uncle Lu, as the saying goes, eating people is soft-mouthed, but taking people is short-handed~"

Hearing this, Lu Qing's heart thumped, and he lowered his head and stared at the small breast dumplings that just passed his knees.

(End of this chapter)

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