Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 204 As you get older, you forget things easily!

Chapter 204 As you get older, you forget things easily!

"Well...because I like to sleep with my fourth uncle!"

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi whispered in Xiao Xiaoqi's ear: "The fourth uncle is so pitiful, no one sleeps with him! Dad has a mother, the third aunt has you, and the fourth uncle has no one." …”

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

In fact, there is no need to pity him!

"Well..." Xiao Xiaoqi tilted his head and thought for a while, "Then the fifth uncle is also very pitiful!"

"He..." Xiaonuituanzi bared his teeth, and then snorted, "It's enough that he has banknotes to sleep with. He's not pitiful!"

Xiao Xiaoqi: "???"

"Isn't the fifth uncle a pauper? Is he rich?"

"Yes, there are 1 taels of silver!" Xiao Naituanzi pouted.

Hey... Uncle Lu Qing only picked it because he had no money!
Uncle Fifth is even more stingy when he’s rich!
I would rather itch to death than spend money on medical treatment!

It’s not easy to take the money out of his hands!
Lu Qing: My subordinate is not talented and succeeded in collecting five taels of silver.

Xiao Xiaoqi rolled his eyes, whispered a few words into Xiao Naituanzi's ear, and then chuckled.

When the little girl heard this, her eyes suddenly brightened.

Xiao Jingzhe in front heard the words of the two little carrot heads, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and Lao Wu is about to be slapped to death on the beach!
During breakfast, Mrs. Xiao saw that Xiao Jingyao was not here, and then she realized that he was allergic to seafood after eating seafood last night and was still asleep now.

"Grandma, don't worry, fifth uncle is fine!" Xiao Naituanzi said immediately.

"Yeah!" Xiao Xiaoqi also nodded hastily.

Mrs. Xiao knew that Xiao Naituanzi had medical skills, so when she heard her say that, she wasn't worried at all.

"Your fifth uncle is thick-skinned, don't worry, grandma!" Mrs. Xiao said with a smile.

"Well...grandma is right, fifth uncle is called carrying out work!" Xiao Xiaoqi said.

The little girl puffed up her cheeks and said, "No way, my fifth uncle is poor!"


Upon hearing this, Mrs. Xiao immediately became interested. She looked at her with a smile and said, "What does this have to do with poverty?"


The little girl sighed deeply, wrinkled her little face like a meat bun, and replied: "Grandma, you don't know, my fifth uncle got 1 taels of silver yesterday, and he wants to sleep with him in his arms!" Ran Ran said I wanted to see a doctor for him, but he refused to let me go, saying that I would be fine just holding the money!"

"Uncle Five must be scared of poverty!"

Everyone: "..."

"This old man, you must be obsessed with money!"

The old lady didn't know the truth. When she heard this, her face immediately turned serious and she said solemnly: "Let's see how I treat him later!"

"I'm already 24, and I'm still not in shape yet!"

"You'd risk your life for money, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded hurriedly and said softly: "Grandma, you have to talk to him properly! How can money be important to life?"

"Our Ran Ran is right!" Madam Xiao nodded in agreement and snorted coldly, "Grandma will go out to buy you delicious food later!"

"Thank you grandma!"

Xiaonuituanzi hurriedly thanked her, then reached out and pinched a big bun for Xiao Xiaoqi.

Xiao Xiaoqi immediately smiled from ear to ear.

After the meal, Mrs. Xiao rushed into Xiao Jingyao's room and saw that his whole body was red and swollen, and there were small dots on his face.Although his hands and feet were tied with ropes, he protected the banknotes in his arms tightly!

As soon as she saw this scene, Mrs. Xiao became extremely angry!

How could she have such a guy who wants money rather than his life!
孽 孽!
Thinking about it, Mrs. Xiao raised her foot and kicked the old lady on the butt.

"Who! Who kicked me!"

Xiao Jingyao, who finally fell asleep, suddenly woke up. "It's me, your mother!"

Mrs. Xiao snorted angrily, "I'm here to see if you are dead!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Mom, my son is half dead and in urgent need of money to comfort me. Why don't you..."


Mrs. Xiao spat at him as soon as she heard what he said. She put her hands on her hips and looked at him coldly, "I want to eat shit!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"I heard that you got 1 taels of silver?" Mrs. Xiao asked.

"Hehe... hehe... it's nothing! Mother, look at how poor your son is. He has been living on his fingers all day long. Where did he get 1 taels of silver from!" Xiao Jingyao's face was not red but his heart was not beating. road.

"Oh, no!"

Mrs. Xiao glanced at him in an old-fashioned way, bent down and reached out to take out the 1 taels of silver notes from his arms.

"I just said that I am getting old and forget things easily! It turns out that I put the 1 taels of banknotes with you for safekeeping!"

"I want to use the silver, so I'll take it first!"

After saying that, Mrs. Xiao took the banknote and left.

"Mother, mother, mother... you made a mistake, that bank note... is not yours..."

Before Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, Mrs. Xiao had already disappeared!

Xiao Jingyao had a sad face and almost cried...

He is accompanying his wife and then losing his troops!
If he had known earlier, he might as well have given the 1-tael banknote to the little girl, which would have been better than suffering all night!
Do not!
He also lost five taels of silver to Lu Qing!


He is so poor!

If you haven’t covered the heat yet, the money will be gone!

Xiao Jingyao was crying and howling in the room. Outside the door, Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Xiaoqi looked at each other, high-fived each other and laughed infatuatedly.

"Let's go out and buy some delicious food!" Xiao Xiaoqi said happily.

The little girl held his hand, and the brother and sister left happily!
The old lady received a 1 tael silver note, holding Xiao Xiaoqi on the left and Xiaonuituanzi on the right.

Behind him were two daughters-in-law, Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing, and several maids.

The group of people quickly left the door.

They will move to a new mansion in a few days. Although Butler Sun is now in charge of everything in the mansion, there are some things they still want to see for themselves.

After walking around on the street, the maid and woman behind me were carrying a lot of things in large and small bags.

After getting 1 taels of silver for free, the old lady was extremely generous!

Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiao Naituanzi were wearing the same style of clothes. They looked cute and attracted a lot of attention along the way.

Some of the bolder ones even came forward and asked about the clothes they were wearing.

Jin Ling heard this inquiry and replied with a smile: "These clothes are made by my third brother and sister myself! I'm afraid you can't buy them!"

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads with regret.

Wang Wanqing said: "Actually, I have always wanted to open a ready-made clothing shop, and then recruit a group of embroiderers to start a small business!"

"Okay!" Jin Ling looked at her and said seriously: "Third brother and sister, your embroidery skills are good. It would be a pity if you don't pass them on!"

"We used to have so many restrictions in the capital! Now here in Yonglin, who dares to say a few words?"

"There are a lot of people doing business with this woman, and there aren't that many rules!"

"Besides, mother is also an open-minded person and won't say anything else!"

(End of this chapter)

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