Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 206 Xiao Jingyao: See how I deal with you

Chapter 206 Xiao Jingyao: See how I deal with you

Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiao Naituanzi looked at each other. Xiao Xiaoqi held the candied haws in his mouth, patted his chest and said vaguely: "Don't worry, sister, brother Xiaoqi will protect you!"

After saying that, Xiao Xiaoqi looked at Xiao Jingyao provocatively, "Fifth uncle, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Hey, you little wolf bastard, you have successfully aroused your fifth uncle and me to win and lose!"

"I'll write later. Your father (eldest uncle) and fourth uncle have entrusted me with your knowledge. From now on, I will be your husband. If you don't treat me well...hehehe...see what happens to me. Get rid of you!"

Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Hmph, I'm going to tell my grandma and eldest uncle, fourth uncle, and fifth uncle, this is called using power for personal gain!" Xiao Xiaoqi jumped off the stool, put her hands on her hips and snorted heavily at Xiao Jingyao, turned around and walked with her short legs. Going to file a complaint.

"go Go!"

Xiao Jingyao waved his hand towards him, with an indifferent attitude.

"Hey... there are some brats who spend the whole day clamoring to learn this and learn that. They don't even know the words. They just want to daydream about being a general! Damn, they are just those who only know how to learn when they encounter some difficulties. The little bastard who complained will never grow up!"

Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

Xiao Jingyao's words successfully made Xiao Xiaoqi stop in his tracks. When he turned around, he sneered at Xiao Jingyao, put his hands on his hips and said fiercely: "I know that you are irritating me, Fifth Uncle! Humph, I just I won’t be fooled by you!”

After saying that, Xiao Xiaoqi climbed up on the stool with a humming sound, took another bite of the candied haws in Xiao Naituanzi's hand, and chewed it until it made a crunching sound.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

The little girl rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Fifth uncle, don't worry, Ran Ran likes to study the most!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's heart suddenly thumped.

Looking at the little girl's smile, why do I feel a little creepy?

But think about it, this girl is a little genius, just able to read and write... It shouldn't be a problem for her!

Well, I have to prepare something difficult for her then.

Xiao Jingyao thought as he touched the non-existent beard at the corner of his mouth.

Not long after, Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing came back.

As soon as Jin Ling came back, she went to Xiao Jingxuan's study, while Wang Wanqing went to the living room.

When Mrs. Xiao saw her coming back, she couldn't help but ask, "Has everything been resolved?"

"Mom, don't worry, we've helped solve Mrs. Xu San's problems, but... those refugees may have some problems!" Wang Wanqing said.

“Is there a problem with the refugees?”

"Yes." Wang Wanqing nodded, "Those people are probably not real refugees. They somehow got into the charity hall and were then arranged to work in some shops! These people pretend to be weak and pitiful, but they are Doing evil in secret!"

"My sister-in-law said that it was difficult for my eldest brother to enter the Yonglin Chamber of Commerce, so I thought of recruiting some small merchants for mutually beneficial cooperation!"

"If the refugees make trouble, I'm afraid this matter won't happen!"

"If it's serious, it's very likely to offend others! Let these people unite to deal with us!"

Wang Wanqing said, also full of worry.

This is definitely just an example of Mrs. Xu Sanniang's house. Similar situations will definitely happen to other merchants. However, the matter has not become big yet. Those merchants are also willing to give face to the county magistrate, so if it is a trivial matter, they may just talk to Mrs. Xu Sanniang. Same, solved it myself.

After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao patted Wang Wanqing on the shoulder, "Now that this has happened, your eldest brother and sister-in-law will find a way to solve it!" "Yes."

Wang Wanqing nodded, "I believe in my elder brother and sister-in-law!"

"By the way, Lao Wu just told me that I will leave it to him to teach Ran Ran and Xiao Qi how to read! Although Lao Wu is a fool, he has a lot of clever ideas and can turn things around very fast! How many of the brothers could read when they were young? No one can compare with him, so don’t worry! I will also keep an eye on him and won’t let him lead the two children astray!"

"Wanqing, if you want to open a shop, just do it! Mom supports you. Whatever you need, just tell her!"

"it is good!"

Wang Wanqing smiled with a gentle and demure expression on her face.

How lucky I am to meet such a family!
Although she was born as a concubine, she has never been treated harshly. If...

If not, it would be great now!

In the afternoon, everyone went about their own business. Little Nipples originally wanted to go to the medical clinic, but Xiao Jingyao carried her to the small pavilion in the backyard like a chicken.

"Hey, today's task is twenty big characters! Is that okay?" Xiao Jingyao said with a smile: "After you get to know each other and learn how to write, you can go out!"

Xiao Jingyao thought: For an ordinary child, three Chinese characters a day is not bad. For a talented player like the little girl, twenty Chinese characters should not be too much!


Twenty today, forty tomorrow, eighty the day after tomorrow...

Let’s see if you beg for mercy or not when the time comes!

When the little girl with big breasts heard the word twenty, her big eyes narrowed into a straight line with a smile, and she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Okay, okay~ Don't say twenty, it's a hundred Ran Ran." I am happy to learn from my fifth uncle!"

"it is good!"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he reached out and pinched her chubby little face, and said with bared teeth: "When you are not doing bad things, you are quite cute, little girl~"


The little breasted dumpling grinned.

Xiao Jingyao confidently led the two little guys to the small pavilion in the courtyard.

After letting them all sit down, Xiao Jingyao took up his pen and wrote down twenty big characters, and then taught Xiaonai Tuanzi to read them one by one!

Xiaonuituanzi followed him very seriously.

Even though she is young, she speaks very clearly and has a very correct attitude.

After reading the twenty big characters, Xiao Jingyao's face was full of joy. He took Xiaonuituanzi's hand and taught her to write it stroke by stroke, and then said: "Okay, because you are so serious, this" The character "人" is written twice, the character "人" is written three times, and so on!"

"oh oh!"

The little breasted dumpling nodded seriously.

After teaching the little breast dumplings, Xiao Jingyao started teaching Xiao Xiaoqi again.

Xiao Xiaoqi had finished studying the Three Character Classic a long time ago, and now he is studying the Four Books and Five Classics!
But Xiao Jingyao doesn't need to worry about this baby.

After arranging for them to write, he crossed his legs, held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, and dreamed leisurely.

Hey, the boss said, the little girl knows and can write a word for one tael of silver, and today the 20 taels of silver are waving to him!

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Jingyao would be dreaming!

(End of this chapter)

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