Chapter 214: Just two pennies less, so generous!

"Little cabbage, the ground is yellow, no one loves it... no one loves it..."

Xiao Jingyao stared straight at the ceiling, wailing in despair.

Everyone: "..."

"Ahem, um... you may have really misunderstood him this time! He was beaten like this just to save me!" Li Qingqiu said slightly embarrassed.


Hearing this, Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xiao Jingyao with some suspicion. Why did they feel so unbelievable?
Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"What kind of looks do you have! I, Xiao Jingyao, also often do good things, okay!" Xiao Jingyao said angrily.

Even if Li Qingqiu is a woman with some conscience, she even found someone to carry him back!

Xu Yan's mouth twitched, he stood up and brought another bottle of medicine!

Xiao Jingyao's eyelids trembled, "My good nephew, what do you mean... you want to change the medicine? You will not be short of money, use the best medicine!"

Xu Yan pursed his lips, snorted coldly and said: "This bottle is the best medicine. Since you are saving people, I won't cheat you!"


After Xu Yan finished speaking, he saw Xiao Jingyao staring at him with a heartbroken expression, "Eldest nephew, why have you learned so badly? You are a doctor!"


Xu Yan snorted, and while giving him the medicine, he said matter-of-factly: "Doctors are also human beings, and they also need to drink water and eat! Besides... I learned this from you too! They only have fifty cents of silver per month. You're all a fool, you name me and ask this little miracle doctor to give you medicine, so charging more is not too much!"

Xiao Jingyao immediately rolled his eyes.

Double standard!


not human!
Just now, he told Li Qingqiu that he was not a little miracle doctor!

It's natural to charge him in the name of a miracle doctor!
"Mr. Xu, give him the best medicine!" Li Qingqiu said.

After what happened today, Li Qingqiu's attitude toward Xiao Jingyao changed somewhat. After all, under the circumstances at that time, he could have run away on his own, but he held those people back by himself and gave her a chance to get away.

If it hadn't been for him, she would have died in the hands of those people today.

Thinking about what happened in the teahouse a few days ago, it turned out that she had indeed misunderstood him!

"Don't worry, Miss Qingqiu. This is the best medicine. This pig-headed face will be back to its original appearance within an hour!" Xu Yan said.

Xiao Jingyao pursed his lips and didn't want to speak!
Xiaotai Tuanzi looked at Xiao Jingyao and said crisply: "For the sake of my fifth uncle, you saved my most favorite sister Qingqiu, next time you lose the bet, I will be more generous and won't let you buy ten The chicken legs are ready!”

"What to buy?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"Of course there are nine chicken legs. If you are willing to buy one more chicken wing, you can do that too~"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Blame him for being such a mean-mouthed person for asking such a question!
You know this little scammer is not that generous, and he only cares about money!

Swapping chicken legs for chicken wings costs two cents less!

Thankfully she had the nerve to say it!

Half an hour later, Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi applied medicine and bandaged Xiao Jingyao's injuries together, and then called two people to carry him back to the county government office.

Seeing him like that, Li Qingqiu felt that it was necessary to go to the door to explain properly, so he also went to the county government office.

Xiao Jingyao went out standing upright and was carried back sideways. When the little yamen officer at the door saw it, he immediately hurried to report it!
Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling had just returned from dealing with the problem of fake refugees causing trouble. They heard the report from the government servant before their buttocks were even hot.

The two of them immediately hurried out.This one was carried back, it can be seen that the injury is not too minor!
Before they even reached the door, they saw Xiao Naituanzi and Li Qingqiu.

The couple looked at each other, knowing each other's thoughts.

"Dad, mother!" Xiaonuituanzi immediately rushed forward, shouted sweetly, turned around and pointed at Xiao Jingyao and said: "Uncle Five was beaten into a big pig's head!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Can you speak properly!" Xiao Jingyao shouted dissatisfied.

Seeing that he could still roar and his voice was very loud, I felt relieved instantly!
"Lao Wu, I said you can't just calm down. It's hard to stay at home peacefully for two days, but something happens as soon as you go out! Don't you know that you are so unlucky?" Xiao Jingxuan scolded angrily!

"Okay, okay! He's injured like this, so don't train him. Just carry him back first!"

Jin Ling glanced at Xiao Jingxuan and motioned for him to calm down. The girl is still here!
Xiao Jingxuan pursed his lips and snorted coldly at him, "Starting from tomorrow, you are not allowed to go out until you heal your injuries!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Xiao Jingyao responded hurriedly, grinning with a pig-headed face, "I know, brother, you care about me!"


Xiao Jingxuan snorted coldly and said angrily: "Stop kicking your nose in my face! I will teach you a lesson later!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao immediately stopped talking.

"Master Xiao, Mrs. Xiao!" Li Qingqiu bowed slightly to the two of them, glanced at Xiao Jingyao and said apologetically: "Don't blame him, he became like this because of me!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling raised her eyebrows slightly, excitement flashed across her eyes, but she pretended to be surprised, "What's going on? Miss Li, are you okay?"

"Ran Ran, I need to give your sister Qingqiu a good look. She is not like your fifth uncle, who is thick-skinned and can resist beatings!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

In the eyes of his sister-in-law, he is really worse than an outsider!
Li Qingqiu: "..."

It seems that Xiao Jingyao is quite pitiful!

"Don't worry, Mrs. Xiao, I'm fine!" Li Qingqiu shook his head.

The little breast dumpling also replied softly: "Mom, don't worry, sister Qingqiu is fine!"

"That's good, that's good!" Jin Ling said with a smile.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at Xiao Jingyao and said solemnly: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the living room to talk!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Jin Ling nodded hurriedly and pulled Li Qingqiu inside with a smile.

Li Qingqiu was used to being cold and aloof, so being pulled by Jin Ling so enthusiastically was a bit unaccustomed to him.

It wasn't until Jin Ling let go of her when she arrived in the living room that she let out an uncomfortable sigh of relief.

Xiao Jingyao was arranged to be carried back to his room.

After settling in, Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling asked Li Qingqiu how Xiao Jingyao was injured.

Li Qingqiu thought for a moment, organized his words, and then slowly said, "It's because of my eldest sister!"

"Mrs. Xiao and my eldest sister are good friends. She should know what happened to my eldest sister recently. The second wife of the Yu family harmed my nephew and niece. My eldest sister and the Li family will definitely not be able to swallow this!" Li Qingqiu said.

"Now that Yu Chongyang has put all the blame on the second lady, the head of the Yu family and his wife have also been trying to persuade my eldest sister!"

"Although Mrs. Yu Er is divorced, I will not let go of the person who harmed my eldest sister and two nephews!"

(End of this chapter)

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