Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 218 Whose foot-binding cloth?Reward 22 silver!

Chapter 218 Whose foot-binding cloth?Reward two taels of silver!
"But..." Mrs. Yu looked embarrassed, "Hey... what's going on! How could such a thing happen to you?"

Mr. Yu, however, disagreed and said with a smile: "We at Pingting are called turning danger into good luck! If you survive such a disaster, you will definitely have luck in the future!"

Mrs. Yu: "..."

He glanced at Mr. Yu, snorted coldly and said: "If something happens to my daughter when she wakes up tomorrow, I will never be done with you!"

Mr. Yu touched his nose, looked a little weak, and laughed a few times.

"What's our daughter's temperament? Is she the kind of person who will fight to the death if something goes wrong?"

"If good things don't happen, the worst we can do is keep her for the rest of our lives!"


Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yu immediately sneered, "I still rely on my daughter to support me!"

Mr. Yu: "..."

"The servant is still here, can't you save some face for me?" Master Yu muttered.


"Who in our Yu family doesn't know about this yet, so why bother? You are almost losing your pride!" Mrs. Yu said angrily.

When Mr. Yu heard this, he immediately stopped talking.

At this moment, the old housekeeper of the Yu family came over with a few boys escorting a gangster who was tied up.

"Your Majesty!"

Butler Yu kicked the gangster's calf, and with a "bang", the gangster knelt down.

"Master, it was this thief who took advantage of our unpreparedness and sneaked in through the dog hole in an attempt to taint the young lady!" Butler Yu said angrily.

Although the Yu family is not a wealthy family, its business is quite satisfactory, and it can be considered a prominent figure in Yonglin.

If the news that there was a thief in the family and the young lady was defiled was spread, I would probably become the laughing stock of the entire Yonglin.

After hearing what Butler Yu said, Master Yu kicked the ruffian.


The ruffian had no power to resist. He was kicked over and fell to the ground like a big horse. He kept making ugh sounds from his blocked mouth.

"You dare to bully my daughter, Yu Daxiong, I really don't want to live anymore!"

As Master Yu spoke, he stood up again, raised his feet and kicked a few more times at the ruffian.

The gangster had already been beaten to a pulp by the Yu family's boys, but now he was kicked several times and fell to the ground rolling around.

"Master, don't cause any harm to people's lives. Let's do a trial first!"

Mrs. Yu grabbed Master Yu, looked at the ruffian and said.


Mr. Yu snorted coldly, pointed to the foot-binding stuffed in the ruffian's mouth, and said, "Who stuffed the foot-binding? I'll reward you with two taels of silver!"

"I, I! Master, it was the little one who did it!"

When a boy heard this, he immediately stood up!

Master Yu saw his bare feet and nodded to him, "You did a good job, but your feet are not smelly enough! Butler, remember to give him two taels of silver afterwards!"

Everyone: "..."

"Yes!" the housekeeper responded, then reached out and tore off the foot-binding cloth from the ruffian's mouth.

"Sir, please spare my life, please spare your life! I was blinded by lard for a moment, and that's why I did such a thing! Nothing serious happened at all, please spare my life!"


After saying this, the little ruffian was kicked again by Master Yu, and he said angrily: "What do you mean, nothing serious happened!"

"Sneaking into my house! Trying to taint my daughter's innocence. Isn't this a big deal? I stabbed you until you were half dead and only breathed out. Don't you have to take responsibility?"

"No, no, no!" The little ruffian shook his head hurriedly and told the whole story in a trembling voice.It turns out that someone gave him money, let him join the Yu family, and then defiled Yu Pingting!

He had seen Yu Pingting from a distance. She was a beauty.

The Yu family has only one daughter, and he has long heard that the Yu family wants to recruit a live-in son-in-law. He also came with the idea of ​​becoming a live-in son-in-law!

But who would have thought that Yu Pingting would react so violently at that time.

Not only self-mutilation, but also arson!

Master Yu and Mrs. Yu frowned immediately after listening to this little gangster's explanation!

Who is so hostile to their family Pingting and wants to harm her?

"Steward, keep him under guard and report to the official tomorrow!" Master Yu ordered.

"Yes!" Butler Yu responded, and ordered someone to take the little ruffian down and take care of him.

The next day, April 26, was the day when the Xiao family moved into their new home.

Early in the morning, before dawn, everyone was preparing to go to the new house and take advantage of the auspicious time to perform the moving ceremony.

But as soon as they went out, they saw Zhou Yuan guarding the door.

As soon as Zhou Yuan saw someone coming out, he hurriedly ran over, looked at the little breast dumpling who was still sleeping on Xiao Jingxuan and said: "Miss Ranran, help!"

Everyone: "..."

The little girl rubbed her eyes, yawned a little, and said angrily: "Brother Xu Yan is fine, just go find Grandpa Xu!"


Zhou Yuan scratched his head naively and explained: "It wasn't my young master who got into trouble, it was the young lady of the Yu family! The young master said that she seemed to be bewitched, or a charm charm!"

As soon as they heard the word Gu, the expressions of several people in the Xiao family couldn't help but change.

Jin Ling still liked the little girl Yu Pingting. When he heard that she had been poisoned by that kind of poison, he couldn't help but asked worriedly, "Is she okay?"

"It should be... okay!" Zhou Yuan said with some uncertainty, "My young master is watching!"

"How long have you been waiting here?" Xiao Jingxuan asked in a deep voice.

" hour!" Zhou Yuan said.

It was late at night, and the door of the county government office was tightly closed. He knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response.

He can't beat the big drum outside this door!
So, he can only wait!

After hearing this answer, everyone's head was full of black lines.

This Zhou Yuan is simply a super invincible idiot...

By the time he invites the doctor back, I'm afraid the day lilies will be cold!
Xiaotiao Tuanzi looked at Zhou Yuan and smiled infatuatedly, covering his small mouth, and said with a pair of big eyes: "Don't worry, Brother Xu can definitely cure Sister Yu! Brother Zhou Yuan, please go back and take a look. Just know it!”

"oh oh!"

Zhou Yuan believed Xiao Naituanzi's words deeply, nodded his head and left in a hurry.

Jin Ling watched Zhou Yuan leave and couldn't help but ask, "I was poisoned. Are you really okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay~, Grandpa Xu is going to give Ranran a big red envelope! Grandpa Xu is very happy to have picked up a granddaughter-in-law for nothing!"

Everyone: "..."

No need to think about it, everyone also knows how to cure the poison in the end!
When Mrs. Xiao heard this, she looked at Xiaonuituanzi and said, "Ranran helped grandma pick up two daughters-in-law and brought back her two daughters-in-law. Grandma also gave Ranran two big red envelopes!"

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

Xiao Jingyao was being carried: "..."

"Hehe!" Little Nipples smiled mysteriously at Mrs. Xiao, patted her small chest and said, "Grandma, don't worry, I'll keep it with you!"

"Hahaha...Okay, okay, okay!" Old Mrs. Xiao burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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