Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 220 Looks so much like a little puppy, oooh

Chapter 220 Looks like a little puppy, ow~
"Little girl, it's done! It's done! Hahaha... my old man is going to have a grandson-in-law! He will have a grandson in his arms soon!"

Mr. Xu walked in with a big smile, then he moved a stool and sat next to Xiaonuituanzi. He stretched out his hand to squeeze her shoulders and legs, "Hurry up and figure out which day for grandpa to celebrate the wedding!"

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and stretched out her hand towards Mr. Xu, "Give me money, give me money!"

When Mr. Xu heard this, he hurriedly took out a big red envelope that had been prepared for a long time from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Naituanzi's hand.

The little breast dumpling glanced at it and then stuffed it into the Qiankun bag.

"Little girl, when is the right time?" Mr. Xu looked at her expectantly.


The little girl held her chin, tilted her head and thought seriously for a while, then frowned and said, "We have to wait!"


Mr. Xu looked at her with a pair of old eyes, and asked doubtfully, "What are you waiting for?"

"Is it possible that this cooked duck can still fly?"

Mr. Xu thought and stood up with a "scratch".

Xiao Naituanzi said: "This cooked duck cannot fly, but Brother Xu and Sister Yan are not ducks!"

Old Xu: "..."

"What do you mean? Is that brat not happy anymore? He took away the girl's innocence. If he doesn't like the old man, I have to break his legs and drive him out!" Mr. Xu said angrily.

After looking forward to it for so many years, we finally have some signs of success, but we can’t just let it go!
"Hehe..." Xiaonuituanzi smiled but did not answer.

It’s good that Brother Xu and Sister Yu are destined to be husband and wife, but it’s not that easy to achieve this marriage!

Grandpa Xu was too anxious to come.

"Little girl, tell me the truth, how long do you have to wait?" Mr. Xu was anxious and scratching his head.

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Xiao Naituanzi shook his head, smiling innocently but giving people a sense of mystery.

Mr. Xu stared at the little breast dumplings and said, "Old man, I will bring that brat to your door to propose marriage!"

After saying that, Mr. Xu left in a hurry.

At this time, the Xu family.

Xu Yan was lying on the bed at the moment, staring blankly at the ceiling.

He hasn't even reacted yet. Why did he come to save someone so well...

The innocence he had maintained for more than twenty years was just gone!

I want to cry!
But I can’t cry!

Thinking that he was actually carried back by brothers Zhou Yuan and Zhou Lang!
He felt extremely embarrassed!

"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the house, and Zhou Yuan's somewhat guilty words were heard, "Sir, I made chicken soup, can you make up for it?"

Xu Yan: "..."

Does he need to drink that stuff?
"Sir, if you didn't say anything, your subordinates came in!" Zhou Yuandao said.

After saying that, Zhou Yuan opened the door and came in, holding a bowl of steaming chicken soup in his hand.

"Sir, this chicken soup contains angelica, epimedium, gastrodia... It's most suitable for a man like you... who has just lost his energy to replenish his body." Zhou Yuan glanced at Xu Yan cautiously and said tentatively.

He also didn't expect that the young lady from the Yu family, looking so soft and weak, could unexpectedly pounce on their young master.

Tsk tsk... Look at the red mark on his neck. You can imagine how intense the battle last night was.

Zhou Yuan was just thinking when he saw Xu Yan's eyes suddenly looking at him seriously, and asked in a hoarse voice: "I asked you to call Ran Ran last night, where are you?"

"Uh..." Zhou Yuan said with some guilt: "My subordinate went to the Yamen, but... he couldn't get in! I can't knock the big drum at the door of the Yamen in the middle of the night, right?"

If he really knocks, it will be another story!

"Then why didn't you come back?" Xu Yan asked.

"Isn't my subordinate waiting at the door? I thought that with the young master over there, you could always help the young lady of the Yu family to relax a little bit, but... but who would have thought that your relief would put you in trouble! "

The more Zhou Yuan spoke, the softer his voice became. The more he spoke, the lower his voice became, and the more guilty he felt in his heart.

"Do you think you still blame me?"

Xu Yan grinded his teeth towards Zhou Yuan!
This is simply a pig teammate.

Don’t you know how to think of a solution?If you can't find the little girl, you can just look for the old man!
It's a pity that he was... given by a woman...

"Blame me, blame me! It's all my fault! Next time, my subordinates will definitely stay by Young Master's side and not leave even half a step away!" Zhou Yuan said hurriedly, his tone full of desire for survival.

Xu Yan gritted his teeth and glared at him fiercely, "How dare there be a next time!"

"I don't dare, I don't dare!" Zhou Yuan quickly admitted his mistake!
But after admitting his mistake, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Why are you laughing!" Xu Yan glanced at him coldly.

"Well... I just feel that... I feel that the fierce look of the young master just now is very similar..." Zhou Yuan paused as he spoke, looked up at him cautiously, and then continued: "It looks very much like a little boy. Wolf dog~oooo~"

Xu Yan: "..."


Xu Yan took a pillow and threw it towards Zhou Yuan. He gritted his teeth and said, "Do you believe that I asked Uncle Zhou to help you beg that little girl named Wang Mazi at the end of the street?!"

Zhou Yuan's heart trembled, and he begged for mercy with a sad face, "Master, I made a mistake! I made a mistake!"


Xu Yan snorted arrogantly and turned his head away.

"Where's the old man?"

"Uh..." Zhou Yuan stepped forward, put the pillow back on Xu Yan, and then replied: "Master went to the Xiao residence. Today is the housewarming party of the Xiao residence!"


Xu Yan nodded slightly, and then lay back down a little irritably.

"Uh... Young Master, I saw that when I went out today, it seemed that my father had gone to find a matchmaker!" As soon as Xu Yan lay down, Zhou Yuan whispered again.


Xu Yan immediately sat up, lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed!

But as soon as the foot hit the ground, it felt sore and weak, and the whole person fell forward uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan was standing beside him and helped him up with quick eyesight.

"Sir, please don't get excited. Last night... you were overdoing it. You need to lie down for two more days and then recuperate!"

Xu Yan: "..."

"Go and call your father back! If you don't call the day lily, it will get cold!"

"Young master, don't worry, my father hasn't gone out yet!" Zhou Yuandao.

"That's good, that's good!"

When Xu Yan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, his heart was very complicated!
But asking him to marry someone in such a daze, he couldn't do it!
Moreover, his only impression of the Yu family lady... was that of a tigress!

It's okay if there's an old man bullying him at home, but if there's another tigress... he might as well get ordained and become a monk!
(End of this chapter)

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