Chapter 223 Just give it up!

"Brother Xu, do you want to eat melon seeds?"

The little girl saw Xu Yan looking towards her and smiled sweetly at him.

Xu Yan glared at her and turned his head away.

The little girl grinned, ran over, took Yu Pingting's hand and shook it gently, then stuffed a triangular talisman into her hand.

Yu Pingting was stunned for a moment, looking at the talisman in her hand and wondering, "This is it?"

"This is a peace charm for Sister Yu. Sister Yu, please keep it!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said in a sweet voice.

Hearing this, Xu Yan couldn't help but look over, and Yu Pingting's expression turned a bit worried.

He knew that this little girl's talisman would not be given away easily, especially this peace talisman. As soon as it was given away... it meant something was going to happen.

"The little girl's peace charm is very effective, please accept it!" Xu Yan said.

Yu Pingting smiled, stretched out her hand to rub Xiaonuituanzi's hair, and said softly: "Thank you!"

"Hee hee~"

Xiaotai Tuanzi smiled sweetly at her, put his chubby fingers on her wrist for a while, and then said: "The voodoo bugs in Sister Yu's body will not be a problem for the time being. Ranran will refine them for you tomorrow to get rid of them." The poisonous elixir!"

As he said that, Xiaonuituanzi didn't forget to wink at Mr. Xu.

When Mr. Xu saw it, he seemed to understand something immediately, and immediately winked at her.

After a while, Xiao Jingxuan, dressed in official uniform and looking solemn and upright, arrived.

When the little girl saw him, her round and big eyes were filled with admiration, "Wow, daddy is so cool!"

This was the first time she saw her father wearing these clothes.

When Xiao Jingxuan heard her exaggerated praise, he glanced at her, his eyes full of gentleness, but when facing other people, all the softness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by an incomprehensible depth!

Sitting in front of the desk, he showed a majestic aura, and his face revealed an awe-inspiring righteousness.


As soon as the gavel was struck, the government officials filed in one by one, and the sticks in their hands hit the ground with a trembling sound, solemn and solemn!

The government officials all looked solemn and stood on both sides of the lobby.

"Who is there in the hall?" Xiao Jingxuan asked in a deep voice.

"Grassman Yu Daxiong, I have met the county magistrate!" Yu Daxiong hurriedly stood over, saluted Xiao Jingxuan respectfully and answered.

"Yu Daxiong, as you stated in the petition, you are suing Miss Wu Luxuan for bribing local gangsters to harm your daughter. Do you have any evidence?"

"Sir, the ruffians have captured him! He is the witness!" Yu Daxiong said solemnly.

Although two days had passed since the incident, Yu Daxiong still couldn't hide his anger when he mentioned it.

"Come here, bring the witnesses!" Xiao Jingxuan ordered in a deep voice.


A yamen servant went out in response and quickly brought up the gangster who broke into Yu's house that night.

Just like that night at Yu's house, the gangster confessed to what happened that night.

Wu Luxuan and her girl Chuncao were surrendered.

Soon, Wu Luxuan and Chuncao were brought to the hall, along with the gloomy-looking Wu Erye and the cold-faced Wu Haolin.

"It's her, it's her!"

As soon as Wu Luxuan and Chuncao were brought up, the ruffian took the lead and pointed at Chuncao and said: "She gave me the money and ordered me to do it!" "The little girl was wearing a veil at that time, but I remember the little girl's ear. There is a black mole at the root! At that time, I also paid attention to her and followed her! Later, when I saw her returning to the Miss Wu family, I confirmed that it was the Miss Wu family who wanted to deal with Miss Yu! "

After saying that, the ruffian kowtowed his head with a bang, bang, bang, "Mr. County Master, please have mercy on me, please have mercy on me!"


Xiao Jingxuan slapped the gavel in his hand and looked at Wu Luxuan coldly, "Wu Luxuan, what do you have to say to the ruffian Zhang San?"

"No, it's not me, it's her! She did it all, it's none of my business!"

As soon as Wu Luxuan heard Zhang San's words, she panicked and pointed at the little girl beside her.

Chuncao's heart trembled, and she looked at her young lady in shock.

Although when I came here, I was mentally prepared to be used as a shield by my young lady, but when my young lady opened her mouth and put all the responsibility on her head, it was also chilling.

Just as Chun Cao was thinking about it, she heard Wu Luxuan lower her voice and threaten viciously: "Stop talking nonsense and be careful about the lives of your family!"

When Chun Cao heard this, her heart panicked, and a flash of deathly silence flashed across her drooped eyelids.

"Sir...sir, this is all done by slaves! It's none of my lady's business!" Chun Cao said with red eyes.

When Wu Luxuan heard this, a flash of pride flashed in her eyes.

The moment he raised his head, he saw Yu Pingting on the side. Seeing that her face was pale and bloodless, he knew that he had succeeded, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up in a mocking arc.


You have become a broken shoe. How can you gain a foothold in Yonglin if word spreads from now on!
"Did you really do it?" Xiao Jingxuan's eyes swept across Wu Luxuan's body, then fell heavily on Chun Cao, and said coldly: "I have found out that Miss Yu was poisoned by someone. ! I, the Great Zhou Dynasty, have banned the use of voodoo. Anyone who uses voodoo will be punished by death, and their family members will also be held responsible for the crime!"

"Chuntao, do you know your guilt?"

Hearing that his family would also be blamed for the crime, Chuncao suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth, but no words came out, only his body was trembling.

When Wu Luxuan heard this, she panicked for a moment.

The faces of Wu Erye and Wu Haolin at the door also became extremely ugly.

"grown ups!"

At this moment, Mr. Wu suddenly shouted and walked in.

"Caomin Wu Gongli, I have met you, sir!"

"Second Master Wu, no courtesy!" Old God Xiao Jingxuan glanced at him and said solemnly: "I don't know what Second Master Wu is..."

"Sir, it's Cao Min's goddaughter Wu Fang! Just now, Cao Min and his men searched the little girl Wu Luxuan's house and found several bottles of unknown medicine. It was confirmed that they were carried by Qi Ming, the criminal who brought Wu Luxuan back to the dungeon last time. The poison!"

"Now this voodoo has been used on Miss Yu's body. The common people know that Wu Luxuan's sins by using voodoo are serious, and they dare not ask for forgiveness!"

"But please, for the sake of surrendering to the police, please give lenient punishment to the other members of the Wu family!"

"We, the Wu family, will fully cooperate to find out the real culprit behind the scenes! And expel Wu Luxuan from the house!"

Mr. Wu Erye said with a calm face and an expressionless expression.


When Wu Luxuan heard this, she looked at Mr. Wu in disbelief.

"Don't call me dad, I, Wu Gongli, don't have a daughter like you!"

Wu Luxuan: "..."

Mr. Wu didn't bother to look at her and continued: "Sir, our Wu family is willing to spend 100 million taels of silver to build dams and ditches for Yonglin! Please give me a lighter punishment!"

(End of this chapter)

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