Chapter 232 There is no kinship line!
With Xiao Naituanzi's truth charm, Qingxuan and another criminal were recruited in a short time.

They were just disappointed that there wasn't a lot of useful information.

The criminal is just a dead soldier who obeys orders, but does not know who their real master is. They only obey the orders of the holder of the Black Iron Order.

And every time he saw the holder of the Black Iron Order, his face was covered.

As for Qingxuan, he was originally the child of an enemy of the Xiao family. He was inadvertently adopted by a Taoist priest in a Taoist temple. After the Taoist priest died, he went down the mountain and traveled around the world!
But the Xiao family, who held a grudge in their hearts, wanted to seek revenge.

In the end, he mistakenly fell into an organization, and there were many like-minded people in this organization who wanted to target the Xiao family.

These people all obey orders and at the same time get good practice skills.

Qingxuan is very accomplished in Taoism, so he catches the imp, refines his soul, and makes a deal with the evil god in exchange for greater skills!
As for what Qingfeng said before about poaching people's hearts and livers, he only knew that they were used to make medicine pills, but he didn't know the specific medicine at all!
After getting the confession, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't help but rub his forehead.

The clue seems to have been broken just like that!

As for Cheng Xun... I don't know if I can catch a big fish through him...

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and it was the second day of May.

On this day, Mrs. Yu suddenly sent her nanny over, saying that she wanted to invite Little Nanny Tuanzi to come over.

Seeing the hurried expression on the nanny's face, Jin Ling knew that something big must have happened, so she asked verbosely, "But what happened?"

"It's my eldest man!" Nanny said anxiously: "My eldest man was just found yesterday. He was fine yesterday. But today for some reason, he seems to be unrecognizable! He seems to be possessed by an evil spirit! "

When Jin Ling heard that he was "possessed by evil spirits", he felt a chill in his heart.

I quickly called Xiao Naituanzi and followed the grandma to Yu's house.

Whether the Yu family is divided or not, it depends on this great master!
Now that we finally got him back, unexpectedly something happened to him suddenly, and the separation of the family may be delayed again.

When he arrived at the door of Li Qingyi's yard, he heard a burst of noise before entering, which was also mixed with a crying voice.

When a few people walked in and took a look, they saw a big slap mark on Li Qingqiu's face, while Yu Liuchen stared at the wife of the Yu family's head with a gloomy face, like a cruel little wolf dog!
The two of them and the few guards Li Qingqiu brought from the Li family blocked the housekeeper's wife outside without any intention of giving in.


When Grandma Li saw this scene, she hurriedly ran up.

At this time, the wife of the head of the Yu family was still crying, pointing at Li Qingqiu and scolding her.

Jin Ling held Little Nipple Tuanzi's hand and walked slowly over. Hearing all of Mrs. Yu's curse words, she frowned fiercely.

It was said that Mrs. Yu was a confused person, but after hearing these curse words, she felt something was wrong for some reason.

Is this more than unclear?
It’s as if Master Jade was picked up by her!
Whose mother protects her bastard son but ignores her own children?

This is simply sick!
"Junior has met Mrs. Yu!"

Jin Ling looked at her nonchalantly and said to salute, but she had no intention of saluting at all. Instead, she stood in front of Li Qingqiu as soon as she came.

"who are you?"

Mrs. Yu quickly wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes and looked up at Jin Ling intently.

"Junior Jin Ling, my husband is Xiao Jingxuan, the magistrate of Yonglin County!" Jin Ling said with a faint smile.

"Madam of the County Magistrate? Just in time, you came just in time, please give me some advice! This little whore doesn't let me, the mother-in-law, see her biological son. What's the reason?" "My Yu family was happy as a whole, mother. A kind and filial person!"

"It's this woman who disturbs the family, who has caused so many troubles! She even wants to split up the family! We two old guys are still here, splitting up the family? What kind of family? That's impossible! My son doesn't want to, This poisonous woman is really driven crazy with rage!"

"Now, even my own mother is not allowed to go in to see him!"

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

"What evil did my Yu family do to marry such a woman?"

"This wonderful family is now torn apart!"

"Old Madam!" At this moment, Grandma Li suddenly spoke and said coldly: "If my wife hadn't married into the Yu Family, how could the Yu Family be like today? Don't forget what the Yu Family was like back then?"

"My wife has been swallowing her anger all these years, but it doesn't mean that my wife can be bullied casually!"

"It's okay not to separate the families, just give up the position of the head of the Yu family!"

"Listen, listen!" Mrs. Yu looked at Jin Ling, pointed at Aunt Li and cried, "A grandma can be so arrogant, which shows how powerful she is on weekdays! Woo hoo hoo... County Madam Ling, you have to make the decision for me!"

"My old man isn't dead yet? Why can't he be so impatient?"

Jin Ling: "..."

"Madam Yu, is Master Yu your biological child?" Jin Ling asked in a deep voice.

Madam Yu was stunned and looked at Jin Ling, "What do you mean?"

"If your parents are unkind, how do you want your children to be filial to you?" Jin Ling said coldly.

"I, an outsider, may not know the rest, but how did Mrs. Yu's son Yu Liuchen and daughter Yu Liuying get persecuted in the Yu family? If they are your grandchildren? How can you be so indifferent?"

As soon as Jin Ling finished speaking, she saw the little girl beside her tugging at the hem of Jin Ling's clothes.

Jin Ling lowered his head and looked at her doubtfully.

The little girl puffed up her little face and calmly threw a bomb, "Mom, there is no line of kinship between Brother Chen and this fierce old witch!"

Jin Ling was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened in disbelief, and then he glanced at Li Qingqiu and Yu Liuchen.

Yu Liuchen and Li Qingqiu were both confused!

On the contrary, Mrs. Yu was a little flustered when she heard the word "kinship"!

"Ran Ran, what do you mean by this?" Li Qingqiu asked.

Xiao Naituanzi looked at her and answered seriously, "There is a kinship line connecting two people who are related. Brother Chen and her have no kinship line connecting them!"

"You slut, tell me! Who is the bastard you had with Yu Liuchen?"

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, Mrs. Yu pointed at Li Qingqiu and started scolding her, with a look as if she wanted to eat her!
But if you look carefully, you will find that she is a little guilty at this time. Even the tone of her voice is much louder than usual, as if she is deliberately hiding something!

When Li Qingqiu heard this, his face instantly turned pale, he took a step back in a daze, and murmured: "How... how is it possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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