Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 261 He is such a pitiful little person, what is he longing for?

Chapter 261 He is a pitiful little guy, what on earth is he longing for?

Xiao Jingzhe snorted coldly when he heard this, "One-third of the land we chose is under the Lin family's name!"

"The Lin family said that this land is a dowry for the Lin family's daughter!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

This is obviously embarrassing!
What is his daughter like? Don't you have a clue in your mind?
"No, Fourth Brother! You need to show some martial ethics! Don't want me to sacrifice my appearance! Otherwise... otherwise I will run away from home!" Xiao Jingyao crossed his arms and looked like he was refusing to obey me.

Everyone: "..."

"Look at your potential!" Madam Xiao glared at him angrily, "Not just anyone can enter our Xiao family!"


When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he immediately smiled, stepped forward and took Mrs. Xiao's arm, rubbing his head against her body, "I knew that my mother was the best to me!"

"Yes!" Mrs. Xiao hummed lightly, reached out and patted his head. As soon as the conversation changed, she said: "The door of my Xiao family is not accessible to just anyone, but the doors of other people's homes are easy to enter." , it’s not a bad idea to marry you off!”


When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

no love anymore!
He is such a pitiful little person, what is he longing for?
"Gluck... cluck..."

Both Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Xiaoqi couldn't help but giggle.

Xiao Xiaoqi jumped up with excitement and cheered: "Oh, marry the bride, marry the bride!"

"Xiao Qi has a big red envelope for you!"



Hearing the joyful voices of the two children, everyone else laughed, but Xiao Jingyao had a dark look on his face.

He is the only outsider in the family!


Xiao Jingyao snorted heavily, sat on the edge and turned his head.

Wang Wanqing pulled Xiao Xiaoqi over and shook her head at him.

Xiao Xiaoqi chuckled, pulled the little breast dumpling and sat on the edge.

Xiao Jingxuan asked in confusion: "What does the Lin family mean?"

"It's clear that you want to rely on our Xiao family!" Xiao Jingyao said.

Xiao Jingzhe narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Xiao Jinghan's body, lowered his eyelids, slightly turned a ring on his hand, pondered for a while, and then slowly said, " I will go find Mr. Wen in the next two days."

"The Lin family is not only a hindrance to us on that piece of land, but it will also have a great influence on the recruitment of students in the future!"

"Master Wen and Master Lin are both at Yonglin Academy, so they should have some friendship!"


Xiao Jingxuan nodded.

"Jing Han, what's going on over there at the gambling shop?"

"Uncle, don't worry. Now those people are taking advantage of me! The time is almost up!" Xiao Jinghan said confidently. "very good."

Xiao Jingxuan nodded, then looked at the little breast dumplings with a smile, and said: "Ranran, you can follow your third brother to have a good time tomorrow!"


The little breasted dumpling nodded with a smile.

"I'm going too, I'm going too! I want to go with my sister!" Xiao Xiaoqi said immediately.


Wang Wanqing immediately shouted softly, "You can't go!"

"Why?" Xiao Xiaoqi's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, "Why can my sister go but I can't?"

My sister doesn’t take him with her every time she goes out!

He is angry!

"Have you finished practicing your calligraphy?"

"Is your arrow accurate?"

"Have you finished memorizing all your books?"

Wang Wanqing asked three questions in succession.

Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

"!" Xiao Xiaoqi replied aggrievedly.

" haven't finished your own work, what qualifications do you have to go out and play?" Wang Wanqing scolded with a straight face.

Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

"Then can I go play after I'm done?" Xiao Xiaoqi asked weakly.

"Well, we can play for a day." Wang Wanqing said.

She didn't force him, but he was different from Ran Ran. Ran Ran was a kid who was more powerful than adults. Anyone who followed her would be asking for death.

Ranran and the others were there to do business, not just for fun.

However, she also knows that children cannot be forced blindly, otherwise it will be counterproductive.


Sure enough, the child's face changed faster than turning the page of a book. He looked dejected just a moment ago, but in an instant he became excited again.

"Sister, sister! You wait for Brother Xiaoqi. Brother Xiaoqi will play with you after he completes the task!" Xiao Xiaoqi said with bright eyes while pulling the little breast dumpling.

"Okay." Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

The next day.

After breakfast, Xiao Naituanzi followed Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan out to the Tiandi Casino.

(End of this chapter)

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