Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 267: Reason for temporary change of mind?

Chapter 267: Reason for temporary change of mind?
"wait wait wait!"

Manager Cheng was so busy that he stopped the person again and said hurriedly: "Compensate, we will compensate! 50 taels of silver, every cent will be compensated to you!"


Xiao Jingyao snorted coldly and said something very arrogantly.

Not long after Xiao Jingyao and the others returned, they ordered Wu Tong and his men to seal down all eight shops in Tiandi Gambling House!
Xiao house.

"Come on, come on, come on, thank you for your hard work, third nephew! This is yours!"

As soon as Xiao Jingyao returned home, he put all the money on the table and returned all the 2 taels of silver notes he had taken from Xiao Jinghan to him.

Xiao Jinghan reached out to take it, glanced at it and said, "Fifth uncle, you are really good at cheating! You obviously lost 2 taels, but you said it was 5 taels!"

"Hmph!" Xiao Jingyao snorted, "Such a gambling house, if they don't let them bleed some blood, I feel uncomfortable!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Can you stop giving yourself such high-sounding excuses?
"Fifth uncle, do you think we can lure Cheng Xun out this time?" Xiao Jinghan asked doubtfully.

"The Cheng family's most profitable business is this gambling house. If you don't believe me, you can't lure him out!"

As he said that, Xiao Jingyao looked at the little breast dumpling next to him who was munching on a big chicken leg, and asked: "Little girl, this is not what we agreed in advance? Why did you change your mind temporarily?"

Originally, it was said that Xiao Nai Tuanzi used magic to win money and won back all the Cheng family's money.

After all, besides the Cheng family, there might be other big fish behind this Tiandi Gambling House.

They close it when it's good, leaving a little room for the other party, and they may be able to catch the fish in the future.

But when he was at the gambling house, Xiaonai Tuanzi suddenly changed his mind and sealed all the gambling houses!

When Xiao Jingyao heard what Xiao Jingyao said, the little girl held the chicken in her mouth and said vaguely, "Well... then someone has set up an evil array in the gambling house to absorb people's inner demons!"

"There are gambling shops there, and maybe other places too!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but shudder.

In this place where there are three religions and nine schools of thought, the people are complicated, and it is most likely to be depressed and confused because of a little gain or loss.

If someone uses this formation to set up an evil formation in a place like this, it will be easy...

"It's really time to shut it down!"

Xiao Jingyao squeezed his palms and said.

And the Cheng family needs to investigate this carefully!

"Third nephew, go talk to your uncle about this matter! We need to investigate the Cheng family carefully!" Xiao Jingyao ordered.


Xiao Jinghan nodded slightly and left.


The little girl was about to go out to see Xu Yan and Yu Pingting when she saw Min Shenxing coming with a bunch of candied haws.

"Little girl, what are you going to do? Take me with you?" Min Shenxing handed her the candied haws, and said excitedly.

The little girl stretched out her hand to take the candied haws, but her eyes kept turning on Min Shenxing's body, and then her little brows furrowed into two curved caterpillars.

"Brother Min, where have you been these days?"

"You didn't go anywhere!" Min Shenxing scratched his head and looked at the little breast dumpling in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Then who have you been in contact with?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

Min Shenxing thought for a while and said, "No one!"


The little girl shook her head, looked at him deeply, and handed him a yellow talisman, "Keep it!"

Min Shenxing was startled and felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

When a little girl gives away talismans and seals, usually nothing good happens.

He reached out to take it and carefully put the talisman away.Xiaonuituanzi took a bite of candied haws and said, "Let's go see Brother Xu and Sister Yu together!"

"Yes." Min Shenxing nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: "By the way, I have some good news for you! My mother is pregnant, and I will soon have a younger brother and sister!"

The little breasted dumpling grinned and said, "I knew it a long time ago!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"I only found out today. Did you know it so early?"

"Of course!" Xiao Naituanzi replied with a smile: "The medicine I prescribed for her last time at your house was to warm and nourish the body!"


"Okay, then you have to ask my dad to give you a big red envelope!" Min Shenxing said.


The little breasted dumpling laughed immediately.

After arriving at the Huichun Hall, Xu Yan had already woken up, but his leg was injured a lot and was still wrapped in gauze. He looked a little decadent, and his eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes.

"Ran Ran, are you here? Go and see your sister Yu!"

When he saw her coming, Xu Yan's eyes lit up and he spoke excitedly, struggling to get out of bed.

Min Shenxing hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, "You'd better take it easy, be careful if you become a cripple, Miss Yu will look down on you even more!"

Xu Yan: "..."

The small-breasted dumpling laughed twice, stared at Xu Yan, and said in disgust: "It's so ugly. My legs are healed, and I don't want Sister Yu!"

"well said!"

After Xiao Nai Tuanzi finished speaking, he saw Mr. Xu walking in at a brisk pace, looking at Xu Yan with disgust.

In the blink of an eye, he looked at the little breast dumpling with a smile and touched her little head.

Min Shenxing looked at Mr. Xu and his eyes widened in surprise.

I have long heard that many old people rejuvenate and become younger, but I didn’t expect it to be true!

With this appearance, he really looks younger than his father.

"Damn boy, what are you looking at?"

When Mr. Xu saw Min Shenxing staring at him without blinking, he gave him a fierce look.

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Grandpa, how is Miss Yu? Are you awake?" Xu Yan said.

"Humph! Do you want to care? It's really embarrassing for my old Xu family to let a girl stand in front of you!" Mr. Xu snorted, pulled the little breast dumpling and walked out, "Little girl, you go and give me some Look at that girl, she’s so weak!”

"it is good."

The little girl nodded, waved her little hand at Xu Yan and followed Mr. Xu out the door.

It was not convenient for Min Shenxing to go to Yu Pingting's place, so he stayed to talk to Xu Yan.

Yu Pingting was living in a room on the second floor, and Mrs. Yu and a little girl were taking care of her.

Because the injury on her body was on her back, she could only lie on her side, and she had to lie on her stomach from time to time.

Although the small breast dumplings protected her heart in time and repaired the impact of her strong internal energy in time, the trauma was really serious, especially the injured area on the back was too large. If she was not careful, It will cause redness, swelling and high fever.

"Old Xu!"

Mrs. Yu stood up with a handkerchief and red eyes.

"Let Ran Ran take a look!" Mr. Xu said in a deep voice, his face full of guilt and sadness.

Even if Yu Pinting wakes up from her injuries, she will probably still have scars all over her body in the future.Even a man might not be able to bear such an injury, let alone a woman!
Hearing this, Mrs. Yu and the little girl hurriedly made way for Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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