Chapter 279
"Uncle, don't be angry. It will be bad for you if you are angry!"

At this time, Qu Qingqing walked in and said softly, "Cousin, please admit your mistake to uncle!"

"I am right!"

Lin Yuer had a straight face, a very firm tone, and her back was straight!

"That kind of scoundrel, shameless villain, I'll beat him up every time I see him!"

After saying that, Lin Yu'er glanced at Qu Qingqing coldly, "Stop pretending here! Get out of here!"


Qu Qingqing was scolded, so she grabbed Lin Xiang's hand and started shaking it, her tone was as loud as dripping water.

He lightly stomped his feet, looking extremely aggrieved, "Cousin, you are kind and simple, and you don't know anything! Xiao Jingyao deserves a beating, but he is the county magistrate's brother, and he cannot be beaten casually!"

Hearing her voice, Lin Yu'er simply closed her eyes and pretended not to hear anything.

In the past, her father was pretty good to her!
But since Qu Qingqing came, everything has changed.

Daddy no longer loves her!

So she opposed Qu Qingqing everywhere.

Whatever she, Qu Qingqing, likes belongs to her!

something is!
People even more so!
She heard with her own ears that her father said that he wanted Qu Qingqing to marry Xiao Jingyao!
That's why she stood up and grabbed the person first!
I just didn’t expect Xiao Jingyao to be a broken sleeve!
Not only did he mock her, he also humiliated her!
She, Lin Yu'er, has always wanted revenge, repaying injustice for injustice!
That's why she couldn't bear to punch Xiao Jingyao when she saw him on the street!
"Qing Qing is right!" Lin Xiang scolded with a cold face, "Go back and reflect on yourself! You are not allowed to go out at home these days!"

Lin Xiang's face darkened when he thought of Lin Yu'er ruining his good deeds.

Lin Yu'er stood up angrily, glared at Qu Qingqing fiercely, turned around and left the living room.

As soon as the person left, the expression on Qu Qingqing's face immediately changed.

"The current situation is extremely unfavorable to us. Has uncle thought of a countermeasure?"

Lin Xiang tightened his palms, stared at Qu Qingqing with eyes as if they were tempered with poison, paused for two seconds and then said: "Don't rush this matter, just hold your troops back for the time being!" Hearing this, Qu Qingqing nodded lightly, and then said Said: "Then we can't get close to Mr. Xiao Wu, it's the same if we choose other people!"


Lin Xiang snorted coldly, with a bit of mockery in his tone, "The Xiao family is much more difficult to deal with than we thought. The same method must not be used twice!"

Qu Qingqing curled up the corners of her lips, held her hair around her ears with her hands, and smiled charmingly.

"Uncle, don't worry, Qingqing has her own way!"

When Lin Xiang heard this, he looked deeply at Qu Qingqing and said nothing.

Xiao Jingyao got 5 taels of silver, and he was smiling like a fool!

On the way back to Xiao's house, I was humming a little tune with a red and swollen face.


At this time, a man in black suddenly appeared in front of him and called him respectfully.

Xiao Jingyao was immediately startled, his eyes widened, and he looked around subconsciously.

Seeing that there was no one around, he pulled the person to a corner.

"How did you come?"

Xiao Jingyao asked with a serious face. At this time, he was very different from his usual carefree appearance. His temperament also suddenly changed in an instant, revealing a mysterious color.

"The master asked his subordinates to give this to you!"

The man in black took a letter out of his arms and handed it over respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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