Chapter 294 A familiar figure~
"It's okay!"

Wang Wanqing glanced at her son, and then turned her gaze to Xiao Naituanzi. Seeing that both of them were fine, she glanced at the woman sitting on the ground holding her son and crying.

"Madam, if you have anything to do, let's get up and talk slowly!"

Wang Wanqing saw a hint of displeasure clearly flashing across the woman's face, and her pretty brows frowned, but her good upbringing would not make her act as bad as the woman in front of her.

"Your child injured my child and broke my child's ball! You see what to do!"

The woman patted her butt and stood up, pointing to the child's chest and then to the ball.

"Mom, he kicked me with the ball first, and then my sister kicked the ball out." Xiao Xiaoqi explained.

"That's right, he also said that my brother is ugly, he is the only one who is ugly! Huh!" Xiao Naituanzi replied not to be outdone, but did not forget to glare at the little boy.

What a look!

Even a blind man can see better than him.

The little boy was so stared at by the little boy, his little head shrank, his mouth tightened, and he cried even louder.

"Ha! Bullies cry loudly!" Min Shenxing mocked.

" are bullying me!" the woman shouted with her eyes widened.

"Are we bullying people? Hehe, even though this happened in our shop, no one saw it outside! What? Do you think you can extort money by crying and spilling the beans?" Min Shenxing snorted.

"You hurt my son and broke the ball! Shouldn't you pay compensation?"

Hearing this, Min Shenxing curled his lips in disdain!

"How much do you want?"

Wang Wanqing asked.

The shop hasn't even opened yet, but something like this happened!
"Ten...100 taels!"

The woman said loudly.

Originally I wanted to say ten taels, but as soon as I saw that the materials in front of me were very good, I hesitated and changed it to a hundred taels.

The most important thing is that I feel inexplicably ashamed of myself in front of the woman in front of me.

"Ha! What a big face! One hundred taels? Why don't you go and grab it?" Min Shenxing said.

The theatergoers nearby also thought it was too much and started pointing at the woman.

The woman's face turned red when she was accused.

But when I think about money, my neck immediately becomes stiff.

"Yes, one hundred taels!"

"Don't think this ball is just an ordinary ball, but it was made by my deceased husband for my son. It may be ordinary to you, but it is a priceless treasure to our family."

"In addition, my son has not been in good health since he was a child and needs to take supplements. Don't you have to pay more for injuring him?"

Everyone: "..."

"In that case, let's report it to the official!" Wang Wanqing said.

She was really not good at arguing with such a woman.

If it was one or two taels, considering that the child was indeed kicked by the ball, she would rather pay some money, but a hundred taels...

It's just too much!
"Yes, report to the official!" Min Shenxing agreed.

Greed is enough to swallow an elephant, but a hundred taels of silver?It's too much!

As soon as she heard the word "reporter", the woman's eyes flickered and she was stunned for a moment. Then she sat on the ground and howled, "Oh my god, please open your eyes! The child's father..."

"To shut up!"

Xiaotai Tuanzi became angry, and when she moved her white and tender little hands, a hand gesture formed in her hands.


The words the woman tried to speak were swallowed into her stomach.


There was fear in the woman's eyes, and she covered her neck and shook her head. "snort!"

The little girl snorted coldly, put her hands on her hips and raised her little head proudly, "My master said, those who lie will be punished!"

"Look, your retribution has come!"

Woman: "..."


Min Shenxing laughed out loud immediately, his face full of gloating, "You only want a hundred taels of silver for a broken ball! I think you are crazy about money! Who is wrong to blackmail? It's us. Got it!"

"Master Min!"

Wang Wanqing shook her head slightly at him, looked at the woman and said, "My child broke the ball. We can buy you the same one, or pay for it! But madam, we are not being taken advantage of. You can blackmail me if you want!"

Wang Wanqing spoke gently and softly, but her tone carried a sense of majesty and momentum.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a woman walking through the crowd.

She didn't know what was going on, so she shouted to the woman on the ground: "Du Wuniang, so you are here? Your man is looking for you!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall.

"Her man? Isn't her man dead?" Min Shenxing asked.

"Why is he dead? Her man is still alive and well! He is tall and strong and can hunt and make money. How many people are envious of him!" the woman replied without thinking.

When the woman sitting on the ground heard this, she wanted to rush to stop him but it was too late.

Facing everyone's pointing fingers, she wanted to get into the hole at this moment.

At this moment, the little boy in her arms suddenly looked out the door and shouted aggrievedly, "Daddy, we are here!"

When the woman heard this, she trembled, hugged the little boy and ran out.

Everyone: "..."

Before the man outside could figure out what was going on, he was hurried away by the woman.

And the moment they turned around, Wang Wanqing's figure suddenly froze in place.

that figure...

It's him?

Thinking about it, Wang Wanqing immediately chased after him.

However, on the bustling streets, people were coming and going, but that familiar figure could no longer be found...


A look of infinite loneliness appeared in Wang Wanqing's eyes, and then she shook her head with a wry smile.

That was the woman's husband, how could it be him?

How could someone as proud and smart as him fall in love with such a philistine woman?


Xiao Xiaoqi suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Wang Wanqing's sleeve, shaking it gently.

Wang Wanqing lowered her eyes and saw her youngest son looking at her eagerly.

She rubbed his little head with a gentle smile on her face.

The fun was over, and soon they were the only ones left in the shop.

Min Shenxing snorted softly, "It's an advantage for them! I've never seen anything like this. He cursed his own man to death just to extort money!"

"Look at how tall that man is. Could he be blind?"

Wang Wanqing smiled and said, "The world is so big and full of wonders!"

The little girl's eyes fell on Wang Wanqing's face, her eyes rolled, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

"Third aunt, third aunt, Ranran is hungry, let's go get something to eat!" Xiao Naituanzi touched his belly and said crisply.

(End of this chapter)

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