Chapter 313 It’s amazing to have a wife!

In Xiao Jingren's room.

The two brothers were staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, one with doubts on his face and the other with displeasure.

"I beat up your weak son yesterday. Are you angry?"

After a long silence, Xiao Jingyao finally spoke first, but his words were not very flattering.

Xiao Jingren didn't know who the person in front of him was, but looking at Xiao Jingyao's face that resembled a small breast dumpling, he had some vague guesses about his identity. He should be a person of his younger brother's generation.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingren didn't react much and just looked at him indifferently.

Lin'er's kid should be taught a good lesson. Although he doesn't know the Xiao family very well, judging from his brief interactions with the Xiao family, the Xiao family is a family that respects rules and etiquette and will not do such things. It's like hitting your child casually.

So if it was really beaten, then the child had done something wrong and deserved to be taught a lesson.

If he wasn't beaten, it was the younger brother in front of him who did it on purpose.

Observing his temperament and age, it should be more likely that he is angry with him.

"Sure enough, even if you don't remember what happened in the past, your bad temper has not changed at all!" Xiao Jingyao said to himself, then reached out and poured himself a cup of tea, and continued: "Just teach your son a lesson it is true."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but twitching the corners of his lips, with a trace of nostalgia on his face, "I have said before that things will change, and it has indeed come true!"

"I asked you to teach me how to be merciless when you were a kid, so I didn't show any mercy when I taught your son yesterday."

"But I'm curious, how could someone like you raise a child like that? Could it be that the child is not your biological child?"

When he said the last sentence, Xiao Jingyao's eyes fixedly looked at Xiao Jingren with a tentative meaning.

If others were afraid that they would be deceived by his words, but Xiao Jingren was a general after all, and he immediately discovered the mystery hidden in these words.

But it was precisely because he discovered it that he became suspicious and frowned fiercely.

In fact, he himself is not very sure whether he is his son or not.

His mind had not been very clear in the past few years, and it was only in the past two years that he got better.

He instinctively rejected Lin Cuihua's approach, and even more hated her philistine behavior.

He even thought about leaving, but that child...

He had doubted whether the child was actually his, but Lin Cuihua and the people in the village said that he was ungrateful, so he had no choice but to stay.

At that time, he had nowhere to go and had forgotten where he came from. He was like a duckweed floating in the sea.

Lin Cuihua insisted that the child was his.

Gradually, although he was very unhappy in his heart, he still accepted their mother and son.

In any case, Lin Cuihua did not abandon him during those years when he was unconscious.

He didn't like Lin Cuihua, so he could only choose to work hard to subsidize the family and try his best to make their mother and son live a better life.

But that's it...

The child Lin'er gradually learned many of her mother's bad habits.

He wanted to help him change it, but Lin Cuihua would either say that the child was still young or accuse him...

As time went by, he became more and more disappointed.

But now that he heard what Xiao Jingyao said, he couldn't help but doubt again. Is Lin'er's child really his?

Seeing his expression, Xiao Jingyao laughed out loud, "Are you not sure yourself? Tsk tsk... The once-unparalleled general has fallen into the gutter and can't get up."

Xiao Jingren: "..."

Are you sure this person is his brother?Didn't his mother pick it up? "If you are here to laugh at me, you can get up and walk out now." Xiao Jingren said.

Even he himself didn't notice that when he said this to Xiao Jingyao, there was a hint of intimacy mixed in it.

Xiao Jingyao glanced at him secretly, curved the corner of his mouth slightly, and said casually, "You smell good here, and I like to stay here! In the past, you taught me a lot of lessons, and now you have almost caught me. I will not retaliate." How can I be willing to come back?"

Xiao Jingren: "..."

He only felt the pain between his eyebrows.

"Want to hear about your past?"

Xiao Jingyao moved his stool closer to Xiao Jingren's bed and raised his eyebrows in question.

"You won't tell me if I don't ask you?" Xiao Jingren asked him.

Xiao Jingyao grinned and said, "Do you want to hear your embarrassing stories or..."

Xiao Jingren: "..."

If I don’t wake up and listen, why don’t you say anything?
Sure enough, the next second, I heard Xiao Jingyao talking about those embarrassing things in his past!
Most of them were embarrassing things that happened when he was with Wang Wanqing in the past.

However, he listened with great interest and never thought that he could do such a ridiculous thing at that time.

Outside the door, Wang Wanqing listened to Xiao Jingyao's exaggerated words, feeling moved but helpless in her heart.

Lao Wu must be trying to help her. Although he no longer remembers her, if he talks more about their past, he won't be so repulsive to her.

Lao Wu...

He looks careless, but sometimes he can silently pay for them behind the scenes.

After thinking about it, Wang Wanqing returned to her room so as not to disturb their brother's conversation.

Xiao Jingyao stayed in Xiao Jingren's room for a whole day and drank two pots of tea... He hadn't finished speaking yet.

Xiao Jingren swore that the man in front of him was definitely the most eloquent man he had ever seen.

However, from his words he also got a general understanding of the Xiao family and everyone in the Xiao family, especially about Wang Wanqing and his two sons.

It had been a day since he woke up, and his two sons had not yet appeared. At this time, he was particularly looking forward to seeing the two children.

"Fifth uncle, fifth uncle, and third aunt ask you if you are hungry?"

Just when Xiao Jingyao was talking enthusiastically, the little breast dumpling ran in and asked, raising his neck.

"Not hungry!"

Xiao Jingyao shook his head, and he was about to continue telling Xiao Jingren when he came back, but he heard Xiao Naituanzi say: "Third aunt said, if you are not hungry, third uncle will be hungry, and if you are not tired, third uncle will be tired too!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Are you tired? Hungry?"

Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiao Jingren and asked.

"Well, kind of!"

Xiao Jingren felt a warm feeling in his heart after hearing Xiao Naituanzi's words.

From Wang Wanqing, he realized what it means to be considerate.

Xiao Jingyao curled his lips, looked at Xiao Jingren with a smile on his face, and muttered, "It's amazing to have a wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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