Chapter 316 The person behind Xiao Jingyao

"It's not a big deal, it's just a fight between children," Jin Ling said.

Xiao Jingyao curled his lips, what else doesn't he understand?

It must be the new little thing in the family who is acting like a monster again!
"Don't be afraid, Xiao Qi. Uncle Fifth will help you teach him a lesson!" Xiao Jingyao stepped forward and rubbed Xiao Xiaoqi's head, "If you dare to bully the person I, Xiao Jingyao, cover, I will beat him to the ground!"

Everyone: "..."


As soon as he heard Xiao Jingyao's words, Xiao Xiaoqi laughed, raised his little fist and shook it in front of Xiao Jingyao's face, raised his little head and said arrogantly: "Xiao Qi and myself are beaten back!"


"If he messes with me every time in the future, I will beat him once to see if she still dares to come."

"Well done!" Xiao Jingyao praised with a smile, "As expected of someone who grew up with my fifth uncle."

"Hee hee~"

"Cough!" Mrs. Xiao couldn't stand listening any longer and coughed heavily, "How is your third brother doing? Are you awake?"

"Don't worry, mother, when he wakes up! The third sister-in-law takes good care of him. It tastes delicious!" Xiao Jingyao replied.

"Daddy is awake? Can I go see him tomorrow?" Xiao Xiaoqi suddenly became excited.


He has never spoken to his father, and he doesn't know if his father will like him!

My mother said that my father likes children who are well-educated. When he goes back in the evening, he will recite all the books he has studied so that he can recite them to his father tomorrow.

"Of course, grandma will take you there tomorrow." Mrs. Xiao was also very happy. This was the best news she heard today.

"Great, then my grandson will go back and get ready." After Xiao Xiaoqi finished speaking, he ran away quickly.

Everyone: "..."

What is he preparing for?
Jin Ling smiled and said, "Mom, it's getting late today. You should go down and rest first!"

Jin Ling got up and saw that Xiaonuituanzi was already sitting on the edge and taking a nap, so he picked her up and took her down to rest.

When only the three brothers of the Xiao family were left in the living room, Xiao Jingyao told the story about the Min family.

"Some people here are afraid that they will take action against the Min family!" Xiao Jingzhe said seriously.

To be able to use such a Gu, the other party must have a lot of background.

"No, I think there is something wrong that wants Mr. Min to take such a blame!" Xiao Jingyao said.

The main thing is that this thing is not done so cleverly.

"Now we are in the same camp as the Min family. If something happens to Mr. Min, his former military power will fall into the hands of others. This is also a very unfavorable thing for us. Brother, instead of It's better for me to let others take over!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jingxuan were both stunned when they heard this.

"It would be good to take over the military power, but... can the person above allow it?" Xiao Jingxuan said.

Xiao Jingzhe had served as a general and strategist in the military camp before, so there was no doubt about his ability, but the current situation was not a matter of ability.

When he was in the capital, he offended many people. Since the daughter of the Ye family was named a princess, how many courtiers are now members of the Ye Party!
Even if he is not a member of the Ye Party, he will not easily go against the Ye Party.

When the Xiao family was in decline, those who didn't step on them were all kind.

Now that no one in the DPRK can speak for them, how easy is it to get military power?

Xiao Jingzhe naturally understands Xiao Jingxuan's concerns and thoughts, but...

Xiao Jingzhe suddenly looked at Xiao Jingyao and smiled suddenly.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

I'm not afraid that Fourth Brother will laugh, but I'm afraid that Fourth Brother will suddenly laugh.

Why does he feel so cold inside? "Fourth...Fourth brother, why are you looking at me?" Xiao Jingyao felt guilty for some reason, and his words were a little stumbling.

"Others can't get the military power, but you have it, Lao Wu, right?" Xiao Jingzhe looked at Xiao Jingyao intently with a pair of dark eyes.

That look and tone were clearly determined.

"Ahem!" Xiao Jingyao touched his nose guiltily, "Fourth brother, what are you talking about? I...I'm just a dude, how can I have that ability?"

For some reason, he always felt that his fourth brother knew something.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at Xiao Jingzhe with a puzzled expression.

"You don't have that ability, but the person behind you does!" Xiao Jingzhe said bluntly.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Xiao Jingxuan: "???"

"Fourth brother, how can there be anyone behind this? I am a loser, how can there be anyone behind this? Who is willing to take me in!" Xiao Jingyao said with a sneer.

"King Li."

Seeing that he refused to admit it, Xiao Jingzhe highlighted two words indifferently.

As soon as these two boys came out, Xiao Jingyao was shocked and looked at his fourth brother in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

Does he know?

He knows everything?
When did he know?

"Lao Wu! The person behind you is actually King Li? But isn't King Li... the person supported by that thief Ye Zhengyong?"

Xiao Jingxuan was so excited that he almost fell off his chair.

This news is too shocking.

He still remembered that day after he was demoted, King Li and Ye Zhengyong came together to add insult to injury.

Those scenes seemed to have taken root and sprouted in his mind one after another.

He almost had to go through those images in his mind every night so that he could remember those hatreds.

If Ye Zhengyong is the number one enemy of Xiao Jingxuan, then King Li can definitely be ranked second.

How could he accept it now that he was told that the younger brother he had raised personally was working for his enemy?


Xiao Jingyao didn't know how to explain.

The matter between him and King Li was hidden very deeply. At first they felt sympathy for each other, but later he saved him several times, and later he studied martial arts with the same master as him.

In front of others, he is a good-for-nothing prince and a carefree playboy.

They disliked each other and even fought over the girls from the brothel in the flower house, causing a lot of commotion.

Behind the scenes, he is His Royal Highness King Li who is strategizing, and he is the master of Xiaoyao Sect who walks in the dark night.

They cherish each other and achieve mutual success.


Something happened to the Xiao family. Ye Zhengyong wanted to control a useless prince in Long so that he could control him in the future, so he set his sights on King Li, who was a useless but not powerful mother.

So Li Wang followed the current and pretended to join Ye Zhengyong.

On the surface, he is the Li Wang who only obeys Ye Zhengyong, but in fact, he is also disintegrating Ye Zhengyong's power step by step.

But helplessly, the daughter of the Ye family was too powerful, which made the old emperor trust them extremely.

Initially, Xiao Jingren had an accident on the battlefield and was falsely accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason. The evidence was conclusive, but King Li secretly took away the key evidence.The Xiao family will not be slaughtered by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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