Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 32 Uncle Wang, remember to come home early today

Chapter 32 Uncle Wang, remember to go home early today~
Xiao Jingxuan also deliberately emphasized the word "pamper" a little harder, and it was not difficult to hear that the implication was rejection.

Hearing this, Liu County Cheng was no longer shameless. He snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and left.

Seeing this, Master Wang was about to follow him, but at this moment Xiao Naituanzi stopped him, smiled sweetly at him, and said, "Uncle Wang, remember to go home early today~"

Master Wang smiled sweetly when he saw the little breast dumpling, but his heart became inexplicably panicked.

He looked deeply at the little breast dumpling for a few times, pursed his lower lip slightly, and hurriedly followed Liu Xiancheng's footsteps.

As soon as I caught up, I heard Liu County Cheng say unhappily: "What did you just say?"

Master Wang pursed his lower lip slightly and replied respectfully: "I didn't say anything!"

Liu Xian Cheng snorted coldly and warned, "Master Wang, you must remember clearly who you belong to! What I hate the most is duplicitous people. I can promote you. Of course I can kick you out."

When Master Wang heard this, his head dropped even more, "What the county magistrate said is that I will never dare to have any different intentions."

After saying that, Master Wang said with a smile: "Zuixianglou has some good new dishes. Why don't you invite the adults to try them?"


Being held up by Master Wang like this, Liu Xiancheng's face finally looked much better. He raised his head high like a victorious rooster and strode towards the direction of Zuixiang Tower.

Ran Ran was covered in stinky sweat. After Liu Xian Cheng and the other two left, Xiao Jingxuan took her back to the back to wash herself off.

When no one was around, Lu Qing finally couldn't help laughing.

"Ran Ran is really powerful. I'm afraid Liu Xian Cheng and Mr. Wang will be pissed to death!"

Hearing this, Ran Ran blinked her big eyes, her long eyelashes trembling like butterfly wings. She looked at Lu Qing innocently and asked doubtfully, "Is Ran Ran angry with them?"


Lu Qing snorted and waved his hands hastily, "No, no!"

Well, I just like the way Xiaotiao Dumpling is so quiet and so popular in a blink of an eye!
Let those two people always like to be weird, talk inside and outside, and speak with meaning.

Choke them to death!

Xiao Jingxuan, however, had a straight face and reminded with a little worry: "Those two people are not a good person, especially Liu County Cheng, don't cause trouble if you see them on weekdays!"

Xiao Jingxuan was obviously not afraid at all, but he was afraid that Liu Xian Cheng would suddenly jump over the wall and attack Ran Ran secretly.

Although Xiao Nai Tuanzi has high martial arts skills, she is afraid that they will inadvertently deceive her and use despicable means to deal with her.

Lu Qing knew Xiao Jingxuan's worries and nodded.

Ran Ran said with a smile: "Dad, don't worry, Ran Ran won't let anything happen to you!"

Xiao Jingxuan sighed in his heart and could only say that Xiaonuituanzi was a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers.

At this time, Lu Qing thought of what Xiao Naituanzi had said when he stopped Mr. Wang, and asked in confusion: "Ran Ran, why did you ask Mr. Wang to go home early?"

"Well," Xiao Naituanzi held his little chin and said softly, "Look at that uncle's face. There is something wrong with his parents' palace. The missing sun horn in his parents' palace means that his father passed away early. , and the corner of the moon is covered with a layer of black mist, which means that the mistress of the family will have a new funeral~"

"Although Ranran doesn't like that uncle a little, he seems to be very filial, so I just want to mention a few words to accumulate some merit for myself!" Hee hee, she is serious about accumulating merit!
When Lu Qing and Xiao Jingxuan heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. Lu Qing said: "Sir, my subordinates have investigated and found out that the king's secretary has been dependent on his mother since he was a child, and he is very filial to his mother. !”

"And the reason why he is loyal to Liu County Cheng is because Liu County Cheng helped him when his mother was critically ill!"

"In addition to being a great accountant, this king's chief accountant has the only two remaining advantages: filial piety and gratitude."

When Xiao Jingxuan heard this, he glanced at Lu Qing, and then looked down at Ran Ran who was kicking pebbles carelessly.

Is the little girl in front of him who looks like his sister really the little lucky star sent by God to help him and the Xiao family?

Within just a few days of being with him, the things he had been worrying about these days had taken a big step forward smoothly.

At this time, the Wu family.

As soon as the Wu family's father and son returned home, they ordered the kitchen and prepared the meals. Then they sat in the courtyard and started chatting.

"Dad, you invited Mr. Xiao to your home today, but have you planned to be loyal to him?" Wu Tong asked bluntly.

Wu Tongpan pursed his lower lip slightly, with a somewhat righteous look on his slightly dark face, and said in a deep voice: "Judging from these days, this Xiao Jingxuan can be regarded as a person in the channel with us, and is different from Liu County Prime Minister. "

"Today we take advantage of this opportunity to try it out. Our father and son have been oppressed by others these years, and it's time to make some plans for ourselves."

"But my son heard that Xiao Jingxuan had a grudge against Prime Minister Ye, and that's why he was demoted to Yonglin! If we help him, wouldn't we be making enemies of Prime Minister Ye?" Wu Tongtong.

"The mountain is high and the emperor is far away, so Ye Zhengyong can still take care of our father and son?" Wu Tongpian said disdainfully: "Everyone says that the person born in the Ye family is a lucky star and a little princess. According to my father, this is not necessarily the case!"

"In these years, Ye Zhengyong, relying on his power, framed many loyal people? How many people dared to be angry but dare not speak out!"

"Son, we don't need to curry favor with anyone, we just have to do our part."

"Yes, dad! My son understands."

After Ran Ran took a bath and changed into beautiful new clothes, she followed Xiao Jingxuan to Wu Tongpan's house.

Wu Tongxuan was chatting with Xiao Jingxuan all the time, while Ranran and Wu Tong seemed to be competing to see who could eat faster and more, sobbing and almost burying their faces in it. In the rice bowl.

But in the end it ended with the little breast dumpling giving up.

And Wu Tong seemed to have suddenly found a soulmate, chatting happily with a little girl.

Drunken House.

Liu Xiancheng and Master Wang ordered a table full of dishes and a jar of fine wine.

Liu Xian Cheng was feasting on meat and drinking wine by the side, but Master Wang was a little absent-minded, and the words Xiaonuituanzi reminded him popped up in his mind from time to time.

"Uncle, remember to go home early~"

This sentence was like an inner demon, disturbing his mind.

Halfway through the meal, Master Wang suddenly put down his chopsticks and stood up, "Your Excellency, the county magistrate, I still have something to do, so I'll go back first!"

(End of this chapter)

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