Chapter 328 Xiao Jingxuan is angry
Of course, although Lin Cuihua was complaining in her heart, she did not dare to say it with her mouth!

After all, in just two or three days, mother and son suffered losses at the hands of Xiao Jingyao, Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Naituanzi.

Xiao Jinghan's words were specious, and she was still frightened when she thought about it!

What's more, Jin Ling is the wife of the county magistrate and the head matron of this family!
No matter how stupid she is, she still knows how to avoid his sharp edges and not frown.


"Mom, I want to eat chicken legs! I want to eat chicken legs in front of that bitch!"

The naughty kid suddenly spoke, interrupting the originally lively atmosphere in the room.

Everyone's eyes turned towards their mother and son!
Everyone's expressions darkened, especially the expressions of Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling, who were extremely ugly!
Seeing everyone looking at him, the naughty kid shrank into her mother's arms in fear!

"What did you just say? Bitch girl!?"

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the naughty boy with a serious face and said.


The naughty child was so shocked by Xiao Jingxuan's aura that he burst into tears and nestled in his mother's arms without daring to move!
"Brother... Brother, Lin'er is just a child. He can't speak. He..."


Before Lin Cuihua finished speaking, Xiao Jingxuan slapped the table.

"Still a child? Can't speak?" Xiao Jingxuan sneered, "He will be six years old soon! Even if he is not literate, he should know some rules and be polite, right?"

"You're talking about a bitch, who are you talking about!"

"He...he didn't mean it!" Lin Cuihua was a little anxious, and she felt resentful when facing this eldest brother who was an official.

In the past, she could use other people's power to show off her power, but facing this real master who was so decisive and decisive, she...she was also afraid.

"He didn't do it on purpose. Is that what you, the mother-in-law, taught you?"

"No, it's not!" Lin Cuihua wanted to explain in a panic, but Xiao Jingxuan didn't give her any chance to refute. He waved his hand and ordered: "Take mother and son to the ancestral hall behind to think about their mistakes and kneel down for two hours!"

"Yes!" After hearing the order, Lu Qing immediately walked in, looked at Lin Cuihua and her son expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice, "Please!"

It is not good to bully anyone in this family!
How dare you bully that little precious egg!
Doesn't this mean breaking ground on Tai Sui's head?

He deserves to be punished!

Although Lin Cuihua was resentful in her heart, she did not dare to make a mistake, but she blamed all the anger on Xiao Naituanzi!

It's all that bitch's fault!

If it weren't for her, why would their mother and son have to suffer this kind of anger?
As soon as Lin Cuihua and her son left, the atmosphere quickly became lively again, driven by two chatty people, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jingrui.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiao Naituanzi went to bed early.

The milk was squirting, so I slept until dawn!

As soon as he got up, he saw his eldest brother practicing martial arts not far away. Xiao Tuanzi's eyes lit up, and his whole little body was blown away like a gust of wind.

Xiao Jingyan was practicing her sword when she felt a danger coming from behind and quickly swung her sword away.


The sword as thin as a cicada's wing sliced ​​through the air, making a faint sound.

The little girl rose up in the air, stepped on his long sword with one foot, and used the force to lift up. Her small hands turned into claws and struck at Xiao Jingyan's face very quickly.

When Xiao Jingyan saw the small breast dumplings clearly, his heart trembled.

When I felt the strong inner energy of the little breast dumpling, I was shocked again.

Xiao Naituanzi's kung fu is good, but Xiao Jingyan is not afraid of giving in.

In order not to hurt Xiao Nai Tuanzi, Xiao Jingyan gave up his sword. It was time to fight Xiao Nai Tuanzi with his fists!

Brother and sister, you punched me and I slapped them, making them inseparable.The more moves Xiao Jingyan passed, the more he admired Xiao Naituanzi.

At the same time, I was very shocked!

Because she found that the little guy in front of her didn't use all his strength at all.

Not only that, maybe because she had too little practice, her moves were slightly inferior compared to her inner strength.

After burning incense for a long time, the two of them stopped.

Xiao Jingyan looked at the small breast dumpling in front of her with sincere admiration.

The master has always praised him as a genius in martial arts, but compared with the little girl...

He's still a long way off!
"I'm so hungry, so hungry! I want to eat!"

After playing for such a long time, Xiao Naituanzi felt that his stomach was about to be starved, so he ran with his short legs towards the yard where Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan lived.

Jin Ling washed her up, and then she went to the front hall to have breakfast.

In the front hall, several brothers were there, and they had a lot to say.

The little breasted dumpling didn't care about them, he just started to enjoy himself.

She ate quickly, but not in a hurry. She took one bite after another without wasting any bit of it.

She eats a lot, and a small meat dumpling can eat as much as three or four adults.

Brothers Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jinghan, who have long been accustomed to it, have long been accustomed to it!

But brother Xiao Jingyan, who just came back yesterday, was stunned. this too delicious?

Seeing the shocked look in Xiao Jingrui's face, Xiaotuanzi gave him a bared smile, revealing two cute little pear dimples that were milky and sweet. "Master said, as great as one's ability is, one's appetite will be as great! Fourth brother, please don't I envy Ranran for her great ability~"

Xiao Jingrui: "......"

What's there to envy about having a big appetite?

At this moment, he was thinking... Should he go to the street and perform a chest-breaking performance to earn some money to raise a little breast dumpling?

Otherwise, he is afraid that the Xiao family will be destroyed by him sooner or later!

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao patted Xiao Jingrui's shoulder and said, "Don't make a fuss. If you don't eat quickly, everything in your bowl will be gone!"

Xiao Jingrui: "......"

After breakfast, Xiao Naituanzi went straight to Huichun Hall.

As soon as they arrived, the little boy Douya smiled and said: "Miss Ranran, my young master is already waiting on the third floor. You can just go up!"

"Okay~" The little girl nodded her head and climbed up the stairs humming.

When he arrived at the alchemy room on the third floor, Xiao Naitanzi saw a long and large table inside, and on the table were placed the corresponding medicinal materials needed for refining the elixir.

Xu Yan, on the other hand, was carefully checking these medicinal materials, fearing that there would be any mistakes.

Xiaotiao Tuanzi saw a black silhouette under his eyelids and pursed her lips slightly.

"Brother Xu!" Xiao Naituanzi turned around and closed the door, calling Xu Yan.

Xu Yan raised his head and waved to her excitedly, "Come, come and take a look at these medicinal materials, are they enough?"

"If it's not enough, I'll have someone else prepare it!" Xu Yan said.

"That's enough, that's enough!" Xiao Naituanzi glanced around at the medicinal materials, and then nodded his little head.

"That's good!" Xu Yan rubbed his hands, "Then let's get started. Just tell us what we need to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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