Chapter 356 Chapter 357 Eating Dumplings

"Speaking better than singing!"

"If you really like her, don't you have to worry about her reputation?"

Who are you going to bury in public?

Do you still know that you are ashamed?
Everyone: "..."

"Ouch, the vinegar is here, the vinegar is here!" At this moment, the inn's second brother appeared at the right time and came over with several bowls of vinegar. The voice was extremely loud.


I don’t know who laughed out loud first, and then others followed suit.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Why does it seem like it's mirroring him?
"Who ordered this vinegar? You don't have to worry about indigestion early in the morning!" Xiao Jingyao muttered dissatisfiedly, looking a little ugly.

"Master Xiao Wu, then you don't know. If you eat dumplings in Baxian County, you have to be jealous, otherwise it will be like that person has no soul!" Wang Wenxin explained calmly.

"Who said that! Master, I don't like that. Dumplings should taste like dumplings. They are so sour and taste really unpalatable!" Xiao Jingyao seemed to have a grudge against the dumplings on the table, holding his chopsticks as he spoke. He picked up a few dumplings in a row and stuffed them into his mouth.

After stuffing it, I chewed it hard for a few times.

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, Uncle Fifth (Master Xiao) is literally only three years old, no more.

Wang Wenxin secretly glanced at Li Qingqiu, shaking her head and laughing.

Some people drink so much vinegar that they don’t even know how much.

"Uncle Fifth, you said something wrong. Vinegar can whet your appetite and aid digestion. It won't cause indigestion~" Just when everyone was eating breakfast quietly, Xiao Nai Dumpling suddenly said this again.


When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he almost choked to death and coughed heavily.

little girl!
I know how to trouble him!

"Ran Ran is a very powerful doctor. Ran Ran is right! Come on, everyone, eat more, everyone," Li Qingqiu said with a smile.

While talking, he didn't forget to bring a bowl of dumplings to Xiao Naituanzi, and then picked up a few for his "cousin". His tone was particularly gentle, "Cousin, you eat more, let's get together later." Go out for a walk."

"Okay!" Wang Wenxin looked at Li Qingqiu with a tender look on her face. The deep affection in her peach blossom eyes almost made people drown, and she thoughtfully gave Li Qingqiu a few, "My cousin will eat too."

Xiao Jingyao looked at the two people going back and forth and curled his lips.Is it necessary to kiss me like this in public?As if afraid that others won’t see it!

Really shameless!
"Cousin, it is said that there is a lively holy meeting at Tianxian Temple today. Why don't we go there and have a look?" Wang Wenxin suggested.


As soon as Wang Wenxin said these words, Xiao Jingyao immediately raised objections.

"Why not?" Wang Wenxin and Li Qingqiu said in unison, looking at him.

"I..." Xiao Jingyao was speechless for a moment and stopped talking.

They only learned yesterday that there was something wrong with Tianxian Temple and that it was a dangerous place. How could they be allowed to go to such a dangerous place?Especially Li Qingqiu, whose martial arts skills can only deal with a few ordinary people.

If you encounter someone who knows magic, you won't even have a chance to escape.

If there is really something wrong with that place, it may be too late to regret it.

"Yeah, sister Qingqiu, it's better not to go there!" Xiao Jingrui also agreed.

They had already discussed yesterday that they were going to explore the Immortal Temple today. Li Qingqiu was relatively good at protecting himself, but the prince didn't have the slightest effort. If he went there, he might be held back.

Li Qingqiu frowned, looked at Wang Wenxin, looked at Xiao Jingyao, then looked at the other people, and finally landed on the little breast dumpling.


The little breasted dumpling laughed and said: "You can go, you can go! Ranran wants to join in the fun too!" The little breasted dumpling opened his mouth and winked at Li Qingqiu.

When Li Qingqiu heard this, he raised his chin at Xiao Jingyao with a hint of provocation.

It seems to be saying, "Ran Ran said I can go, so I can go. "

Xiao Jingyao pursed his lips and said, "Then I will follow you too!"

What he said was a righteous one.

"Okay!" Li Qingqiu agreed, and then he didn't forget to wink at Xiao Naituanzi.

The little breasted dumpling also gave her a naughty look.

After everyone had breakfast, they went separately to find out the news as discussed yesterday.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xiao Jingyao set off to Tianxian Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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