Chapter 362 Rich and powerful!


Is he that obvious?

"Um... Ranran, look at you giving the fifth uncle the marrow-cleansing pill, and the eldest brother and fourth brother the pill to improve their inner strength." Xiao Jinghan straightened her body as she spoke, looking at the little girl with burning eyes. Tuanzi said, "As for me, I don't want pills but just want to be interested in battle techniques. Why don't you teach me a few moves?"

Everyone: "..."


While eating the pastry, Xiao Naituanzi said vaguely: "My formations are all formed by talismans. Why don't I teach you how to draw talisman!"


Xiao Naituanzi's formations are very powerful. If you can learn one and a half moves, you will benefit a lot.

"Come back to me later~"

"it is good."

After a while, the shopkeeper personally brought their meals up and placed them on the table one by one.

"Shopkeeper, you go down first. We'll call someone to clean up after you've finished eating." Wang Wenxin said.

"Yes." Shopkeeper Tong responded and led the others to retreat respectfully.

The little breasted dumpling waved his hand and formed a barrier at the door.

Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiao Jingyan while eating and asked, "Did you gain anything today?"

"We have inquired for a long time and asked many people. The people here have a very good reputation for the county magistrate. Although he has not had any major achievements in recent years, he can be regarded as a good official in the eyes of the people." Xiao Jingyan thought for a moment before replying.

"A good official?"

Intuitively, I always feel like something is wrong.

"Are you investigating the magistrate of this domineering county?" Wang Wenxin asked doubtfully.

She didn't quite know the purpose of their trip, but it didn't seem that simple.

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded his little head.

After all, Wang Wenxin is not a bad person, and judging from what happened to her brother, she is on the same path as them.

Since we are traveling together, there is no need to hide it all the time.

Xiao Jinghanrui saw that Xiaonuituanzi nodded, so he briefly told what happened yesterday.

Wang Wenxin said: "Instead of asking others about the county magistrate, it would be better to ask me, the innkeeper."

"Tong, the shopkeeper, has been in Ba County for five or six years. Our inn business is neither big nor small. There are quite a few people coming and going every day. It's a good idea to ask him for information!"

Everyone: "..."

Okay, it seems that they have been working hard for a long time in vain, guarding a treasure like Shopkeeper Tong, and they actually went to other places to look for it.

"But..." Wang Wenxin thought for a moment, then frowned and said, "I also asked about the county magistrate because of my brother's affairs, and the information you got is the same."

Everyone was speechless again.

"Then it seems we have to test that yamen again!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"It's definitely not okay to go in rashly. You need to have an open and honest contact." Xiao Jinghan reminded.

"Not bad!" Xiao Jingrui also agreed.

"I have a way!" Wang Wenxin said, "I can donate money to the county government."

Everyone: "..."

He is really wealthy! "Yes, this is an opportunity to get close to the county magistrate. As long as this dog-headed magistrate wants to achieve something and be promoted, he will not wait to see us." Li Qingqiu also agreed.

In the eyes of the Li family, problems that can be solved with money are not big problems.

What's more, both the Li family and the Wang family have donated bad money to the government. It is normal for them to donate money to the people here.

Xiao Jingyao looked at Li Qingqiu's wealthy appearance and subconsciously touched his pocket.

She must never be allowed to manage money in the future, otherwise the speed at which he makes money will never keep up with the speed at which she spends money.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I am a prodigal old woman.

"Sister Li, Mr. Wang, how much do you plan to donate?" Xiao Jinghan asked tentatively.

He is also a poor man!
"How about 20 taels?" Wang Wenxin said.

"I heard that there is a landslide area around Ba County. Landslides occur every year during the thunderstorm season. However, many people are unwilling to leave even though they know it is dangerous. For this reason, this county has become a place where landslides occur. Ling is heartbroken."

"If we provide money to the local people to support the slopes and plant trees! I think the county magistrate would be happy to see it succeed."

"In this way, we will be able to enter the county government smoothly, and once this matter spreads, our safety will be guaranteed to a certain extent."

"What do you think?"

The Xiao family looked at each other one by one, and they all had no objections to this.

But Xiao Jingyan said, "There are so many of us and the goal is too big. How stay in the light while we disguise ourselves and stay in the dark?"

"Yes, the eldest son is right," Zhang Biao said.

There were so many of them that if they entered the territory of Ba County like this, they might have attracted people's attention.

Doing this will cause a lot of inconvenience.

If the county magistrate is really evil, he might be wary of their proactive overtures.

It would be a great disadvantage to them in investigating Governor Zhou's case.

What's more, in addition to the case of Governor Zhou, this trip was also about uncovering the Taoist priests who had harmed the Xiao family and captured countless people.

This is not their territory, so they need to be careful.

"In this case, Ranran and I are in the light, and you are in the dark." Xiao Jingyao said.

"Ranran and I look alike, and coupled with my current relationship with Qingqiu, we can be said to be a family."

"The Wang family has a shop here, and the business is doing very well. The Li family and the Wang family are related, so there will be no doubts when we are together."

After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, Zhang Biao stood up and said: "Fifth Master, let your subordinates follow you! I am smart, and following you as a slave will not arouse any suspicion."

Seeing this, Wu Tong also wanted to stay, but before he could say anything, Xiao Jingyan said: "Warden Wu is with us. You are the warden of Yonglin. If you are seen by an acquaintance, you will be exposed!"

Wu Tong pursed his lips, nodded and said "Yes!"

Wang Wenxin said: "I asked shopkeeper Tong to secretly buy a villa in Ba County. You can pretend to leave tomorrow, and then disguise yourself and sneak into the city."


Several people nodded in unison.

After Xiaonai Tuanzi ate, seeing that they had finished talking, he looked at Wang Wenxin and said, "Sister Wang, I want to open a medical clinic. You ask Uncle Tong to find me a shop. The sooner the better! "

Hearing this title, the Xiao family brothers and Wu Tong couldn't help but be shocked.

A pair of eyes fell on Wang Wenxin.

"Ahem, the woman had no choice but to disguise herself as a man!" Wang Wenxin explained lightly, then returned to the topic, looking at the little breast dumplings and said: "Open a medical clinic? You should have seen it in Tianxianguan today, and the medical clinic in Ba County But it’s bound to be a loss!”

(End of this chapter)

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