Chapter 398: The dog thing has dirty my sword!

"Everyone, be careful, only accept but don't attack!"

After hearing what Wang Xiancheng said, Xiao Jingyao said loudly.


Hearing Xiao Jingyao's words, Wang Xiancheng laughed wildly as if he had heard some funny joke!

"Xiao Jingyao, has your brain been eaten by a dog? You only defend but don't attack? Hahaha..."

Does he know that the puppet will never die?
If you only attack but don't defend, these people will be killed even if they are exhausted!


How stupid!
Xiao Jingyao didn't waver at all after hearing his taunting words.

It’s not certain who will really win!

Do you really think they came here without any preparation and died easily?
Since they chose to take action today, they never thought they would fail!

Everyone obeyed Xiao Jingyao's instructions and only defended but did not attack.

Although facing these puppets consumes a lot of physical strength, at least some injuries are sustained on the body.

And each of them knows a little bit of Qinggong, so they can dodge with ease.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wang Xiancheng, who was still standing proudly by the side, suddenly lost his composure!

These people and puppets are just wasting away like this, it's obvious...

Just waiting for rescue!


Just as he thought that, there were a lot of torches in the mountains and forests not far away!

Wang County Cheng panicked, his mind turned around, and he reacted instantly!
He's hit!

These people may have discovered the existence of the puppet a long time ago and deliberately set up a drama for him to invite you to the urn!

By delaying time like this, he clearly wants to expose all the puppets so that they can be killed in one fell swoop!
Do not!

He must never compromise like this!
Wang Xiancheng glanced at the Tianxian Temple halfway up the mountain and tightened his palms.


Fortunately, he sent the puppets away in batches!
So what if it's discovered?
Now that they have not entered Tianxian Temple, it is not enough to prove that they are related to Tianxian Temple.

As long as Tianyin protects Tianxian Temple, the remaining puppets can be saved!

Thinking like this, Wang County Cheng felt a little at ease, raised the sword in his hand and shouted: "Kill, kill for me!"

Xiao Jingyao heard the word "kill". He was already determined to die!
Xiao Jingyao snorted coldly and glanced at the location of Tianxian Temple.

Want to learn how to escape by cutting off a gecko's tail?
What a whimsical experience!

Soon, those holding torches hurried over.

When Wang County Cheng saw that the person leading the way and the person following him was County Magistrate Xue, he felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Magistrate Xue, hurry! Kill these people! These are rebels who are harming our county!" Wang County Cheng shouted loudly.

Magistrate Xue: "..."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

If it weren't for the bad timing, he would have burst into laughter!
I'm afraid that Magistrate Wang doesn't know that Magistrate Xue, who has been oppressed by him for a long time, has long wanted to dig out his heart and eat his flesh!

"Come here, the Prime Minister of Wang County has lost his conscience and used the common people to make puppets. His heart is so cruel that he must be arrested by me!"

At this moment, Magistrate Xue's eyes were filled with scarlet red, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He has been waiting for this moment for eight years!

He finally got it!

If he couldn't kill his enemy today, he would be a useless person!When Wang County Magistrate heard what Magistrate Xue said, he was in disbelief!

"Xue, you don't want to live anymore!??? Don't forget, your brother's life and your own life are still in my hands!" Wang Xiancheng shouted loudly.

At this moment, he was in a state of embarrassment!

The blue robe was covered with scars and blood under the firelight.

"Ha! In such a life where life is worse than death, I don't want to live a long time ago!" Magistrate Xue also became angry, grinding his molar teeth and said: "Although I am not a good official, I am still a human being after all!"

"You united with the Tianxian Temple and killed countless people. You used poison to control these people and turned them into puppets for you to control. More than nine years ago, you also designed to kill Governor Zhou, and the Li family who knew pharmacology were also designed by you. Framed!”

"I've had enough of the Wang surname!"

"Even if you die here today, I will expose your crimes to the public and bring you to justice!"


Wang County Cheng was furious, and the little hope that had finally risen in his heart was shattered in an instant!
"Oh, the surname is Wang! I can't believe it!"

Xiao Jingyao flew over with his sword in hand, heading straight for Wang Xian Cheng's life gate!

Those puppet clones who had no skills but only a few moves were subdued by Xiao Jingyao!
Wang Xian Cheng gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, wanting to bite his tongue and commit suicide so that all the accusations could be placed on his own head.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jingyao had already noticed his movements and raised his hand to remove his chin!

Wang County Cheng screamed miserably.

However, Xiao Jingyao was not a good person. Before Wang Xian Cheng could react, he raised the knife and cut off his lifeblood that could continue the family lineage.


Wang Xiancheng let out another scream, his face was as pale as snow, he glared at Xiao Jingyao fiercely and then fainted.


"You bitch, you dirty my sword!"

Magistrate Xue on the side: "..."

"Old Xue, you are quite fast, so you can wait for us!"

Xiao Jingyao turned to look at Magistrate Xue, raised his hand and patted him hard on the shoulder several times.

Magistrate Xue was immediately frightened to the point of sweating!

He's an old man, so it's a miracle that he can arrive at this speed, right?

"Don't tell anyone what happened just now! Especially to my wife! If she finds out, I want you to look good!"

Magistrate Xue: "..."

"Master Xiao Wu, what are you talking about? Why didn't I understand a word? Oops... It's really dark today. This man is old and his eyes are prone to problems. I didn't see anything. Heard nothing!"

Seeing Magistrate Xue covering his eyes and talking to himself, Xiao Jingyao curled his lips and patted him on the shoulder again!

Not bad, pretty good!

"Tie him back and keep him under guard! Make sure he reveals everything he knows!" Xiao Jingyao ordered.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Magistrate Xue nodded hurriedly.

After Magistrate Wang was unconscious and arrested, his henchmen were also quickly arrested.

The remaining emotionless puppets did not receive orders from their masters, but they were very brave and did not care at all when beating people.

"Ran Ran, it's your turn to take action!"

At this time, Xiao Jingyao shouted loudly in the direction of a certain big tree, and then raised his voice and ordered everyone: "Everyone try to go to the side as much as possible, and don't get close to those puppets!"

After receiving Xiao Jingyao's instructions, many people were deceived!
Many of them were just martial arts people who came to see the excitement. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing!
What these people talk about most is "loyalty".

When seeing something like this, it is natural to act chivalrously.

(End of this chapter)

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