Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 42: I didn’t come here on purpose to make a living.

Chapter 42: I didn’t come here on purpose to make a living~
Here, Xiaonuituanzi took Lu Qing and Wu Tong out of the house after breakfast.

The three of them arrived at Min's house in a carriage.

At this time, several owners of the Min family were there. When they heard that Xiao Naituanzi was coming, Mr. Min asked someone to bring them in.

"Hello grandpa!"

As soon as Xiaotuanzi entered the door, he sat down next to Mr. Min familiarly and greeted him with a smile.

Mr. Min was almost dazzled by her bright smile, "Little girl, have you found that liar Taoist priest?"

"Come on, come on."

The little girl with small breasts grabbed the big apple on the table and took a bite. It was so sweet that she squinted her eyes.

"Grandpa Min, we need manpower to catch the bad guys. You have to give Ranran ten! Ten men!"

"Only ten?"

Old Min was stunned and laughed, "Don't say ten, just twenty, or even a hundred. My Min family also has a hundred! Just in case, Third Brother, go and dispatch a small team to follow the little girl. !”


Mr. Min responded.

But the little girl with small breasts shook her head and puffed out her cheeks in disgust, "There are too many people in the way, just ten of them will be fine!"

Old Mrs. Min: "."

When Mr. Min heard this, his face immediately showed his displeasure, "Little girl, do you know that all the guards of my Min family are elite soldiers and generals! You..."

"Mr. Min, please forgive me!" Lu Qing hurriedly stood up and raised his hands to Mr. Min with a very respectful attitude, "My lady didn't mean that."

"What does that mean?"

"I want people to set up the formation!" Xiaonuituanzi bit the apple and said vaguely.

Master Min Wu next to him heard this and immediately laughed out loud.

"Just you? Are you still setting up a formation?"

Upon hearing this, the little girl put the apple in her hand on the table and jumped down from the stool. She looked at Master Min Wu with her hands on her hips and her little head raised. Her milky voice was a bit provocative, "Why?" ? Still want to fight? "

Everyone: "."


Mr. Min glanced at Mr. Min Wu and told him not to argue with a child.

"Little baby, we have an agreement beforehand. Since you want ten people, then ten people!" Old Min said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, grandpa!" After hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi put a smile on his face again, not forgetting to flatter him, "Grandpa Min still keeps his word, you are so good~"

This was the first time that Mr. Min was praised like this by a little kid, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Then my three unsatisfactory sons will go with you, and seven more from the guards in the mansion will go with you!" Old Min said.

Xiao Naituanzi picked up the remaining apple and took a big bite. While bulging his mouth and looking at the three masters of the Min family, he shook his head and said, "No!"

"Hey, little girl, what's your look like?"

Master Min Wu immediately felt unhappy.

Thinking about Min Wu, his martial arts skills were invincible in the world even in the military camp. How could he be despised by a little naughty dumpling?

"My eyes are so sparkling~" Little Nipples Dumpling replied softly and cutely, as if she didn't understand what he said at all.

After saying that, he pointed at his own eyes, winked at Min Wu, and asked, "Look, are my eyes big?"

Min Wu: "."

It's like chicken and duck talking!
This little baby is sometimes as smart as that little fox, so you can't treat it like a child at all.

When you treat him as an adult, she will make you feel childish and leave you speechless.

It's maddening.Seeing that Mr. Min Wu didn't answer, Xiaotai Tuanzi puffed out his mouth and said, "Uncle, it's hard for someone who can't speak to get a wife~"

Everyone: "."

"Cough!" Lu Qingqing coughed and reminded in a low voice, "Ran Ran, the topic has gone off the rails!"

"Oh!" Xiao Naituanzi reacted, then pointed at the three masters of the Min family and said: "It's not that their kung fu is not good, it's that they are not good~"

As soon as the word "no" came out, rows of black lines slid down the foreheads of the three masters of the Min family.

The little girl didn't know what she shouldn't have said. She raised her head and continued: "I want ten people to set up an array. I'm just trying to pick a fight. I'm just letting them watch a show."

As he said this, Xiao Naituanzi thought of something and added, "They can be allowed to bring melon seeds!"

"Why don't you watch a show? If you have some melon seeds to crack, you won't be bored, right?"

Everyone: "."

"Then who are you going to pick?" Old Min asked in a deep voice.

Ranran said crisply, "There are two men each with attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth~"

After Xiao Nai Tuanzi finished speaking, Min Wu said: "The third child belongs to gold, the fourth child belongs to earth, and I belong to fire. Why can't we do it?"


The little breasted dumpling held her chin, stood in front of the three people, and replied: "Uncle Min San is a bit old. Although Uncle Min Si belongs to Earth, when he was born, he was born in the year of Yin. No, no! As for Uncle Min, he is a bit old. Uncle Min Wu~, he’s too impulsive! It’s hard to take you to eat melon!”

Min Wu: "."

"What does eating melon mean?"

Ran Ran glanced at him and said disgustedly: "It's just eating melon seeds. It's terrible to be uneducated!"

Min Wu suddenly became angry.

When Mr. Min heard that Xiao Naituanzi revealed Min Si's birth time at a glance, he was a little shocked and couldn't help but tighten his hand on the crutch.

"Third brother, summon all the guards in the house to the courtyard and let the little girl choose."

"Yes." Min San responded and retreated.

Not long after, about a hundred people gathered in the Min family courtyard.

All of these people are strong and strong, and at a glance they all appear to be powerful.

Xiaonuituanzi was like a little old man, walking around among these people with his hands behind his back.

It took a while before ten strong men were selected.

"It's them!"

The little breasted dumpling stood in front of the ten strong men, looking very proud.

Old Min nodded and ordered, "You guys just follow this little girl and obey her instructions!"

"Yes!" Ten strong men responded in unison.

The little girl looked at Mr. Min with a smile and touched her belly sheepishly, "Grandpa Min, I'm hungry. When will dinner be served?"

Mr. Min: "."

"I didn't come here to eat for free. It's only when I'm full that I have the strength to work!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi added after seeing the dark faces of the three masters of the Min family.

I muttered to myself, how stingy!
I can't even bear to take a bite of the rice.

Mr. Min was stunned for a while by Xiao Naituanzi's sudden request, and then he realized what he was doing and asked someone to prepare the food and deliver it.

After Xiao Naituanzi took the others to eat and drink, they even prepared pastries and melon seeds to kick on them.

This casual look, as if he was about to go out for fun, made the three masters of the Min family almost go berserk.

(End of this chapter)

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