Chapter 44 Quietly be a handsome man
"Uncle Lu, just stay quietly~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"Just wait?" Lu Qing took out his ears in disbelief. Is he that useless?
"Yeah." Little Nipples smiled at him, "Uncle Lu, just be a quiet and beautiful man. There are surprises waiting for you~"


For some reason, looking at the smile of the small-breasted dumpling, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong for a while.

I prayed in my heart not to be frightened.

The wind blew over, making a whining sound, like a ghost crying, which made people feel a little frightened.

The little girl pulled Wu Tong and Lu Qing to lie down in the grass. Then she crossed her legs and swayed her little feet in the air. She took out a few snacks from her pocket and ate them. got up.

The moonlight tonight is big and bright, and the moonlight shines on the little breast dumpling's body, as if it has coated her with a silvery white light.

Seeing her eating deliciously and looking leisurely and comfortable, Lu Qing's nervousness unconsciously dissipated a lot.

"When do we start taking action?"

After a while, Lu Qing secretly glanced at the small wooden house through the grass and asked.

The little girl looked up at the sky, patted the pastry crumbs in her hand, and yawned again, "You can take a nap~"

Wu Tong: "."

Lu Qing: "."

Are you in the mood to sleep at this moment?
Why don't you take out a sweet potato and bake it?
Lu Qing and Wu Tong complained inwardly, but when they saw that the little breast dumpling was already yawning and fighting with their eyelids, they had no choice but to let her go.

However, the two of them did not feel sleepy at all. Instead, they looked around more vigilantly.

Wu Tong also took off his outer shirt and covered Xiaonuituanzi's body, as if he was worried that she would catch a cold.

Lu Qing glanced at him and asked, "How about making a fire?"

Wu Tong: "."

"Didn't you wash your face when you got up this morning?" Wu Tong looked at him faintly and said in a deep voice.

Lu Qing's face was confused, and he reached out and touched his face, full of doubts, "Wash it, is there something dirty on my face?"

Wu Tong twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at him, and said calmly: "Now that you've washed your face, why are you still blinded by eye droppings? Are you afraid that others won't know that you are waiting here?"


Lu Qing was speechless and choked for a while.

He found that these days it seemed like anyone could criticize him!

When he was about to say something, Wu Tong had already closed his eyes and began to rest.

Lu Qing looked around and felt that the surroundings were getting more gloomy, so he subconsciously moved closer to Wu Tong.

Seeing this, Wu Tong opened his eyes and glanced at him.

Lu Qing subconsciously sat up straight and pursed his lips!
Seeing that Wu Tong closed his eyes again, he moved his buttocks again, and carefully grabbed a corner of Wu Tong's clothes with his hand.

Wu Tong: "."

With such a coward, I don’t know how I became Lord Xiao’s bodyguard.

Could it be that Mr. Xiao likes to recycle waste?

Just like this, everyone waited quietly for nearly three hours. Lu Qing finally saw a figure walking towards the wooden house from the side path.

"Wake up, wake up!"

Lu Qing pushed Wu Tong and whispered: "That man is back!"

Wu Tong opened his eyes, glanced at the cabin over there, sat up straight, his black eyes glowing like a jackal on the mountain.

"Coming, coming!" The little breasted dumpling lying in the grass stretched, rubbed his hazy eyes, then yawned loudly, and then lazily got up.

"Can we start taking action?"

Wu Tong clenched his palms secretly and breathed a little heavily.

The little girl looked at the sky and said, "Waiting."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Taoist Qingxuan over there seemed to be aware of it. He suddenly stopped and looked in their direction with sharp eyes.

"Who! Who's there?"

Wu Tong and Lu Qing were startled and subconsciously held their breath.

Xiao Naituanzi didn't expect that the Qingxuan Taoist would be so alert, so he swallowed his saliva.

His eyes rolled around in a circle, and he suddenly showed Lu Qing a bright, fox-like smile.

Lu Qing's heart trembled, and he suddenly felt something bad.

It's obviously a soft and cute little face, but why does it look so scary now?
"Hey, Uncle Lu, the rest depends on you, just give me a quarter of an hour!"

Xiao Naituanzi smiled while drawing a small talisman in the air, and then lightly tapped Lu Qing's eyebrows, and the talisman disappeared into Lu Qing's eyebrows.

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, he was lifted up by the little breast dumpling and thrown out.


Lu Qing screamed subconsciously.

But this time he made a sound, not only was he shocked, but Wu Tong and the Min family guards who were "watching the show" were also shocked.

"Female voice?" Wu Tong looked at Xiaotuanzi in disbelief.

The little girl grinned and said with a hint of pride, "It's just an illusion~"

"Brother Wu Tong, watch the show, watch the show!"

When Wu Tong heard this, he trembled and subconsciously touched his face.

Fortunately, I can still be a tool, a formation or something like that, otherwise...
The thought of being able to make a female voice gave him goosebumps all over his body.

After Lu Qing was thrown out, he fell directly in front of Qingxuan.

"who are you?"

Qingxuan's face was shocked, his eyes were wary, and he looked around with his eyes.

"Help me! Young Master, this little girl is the son of a good family. That man is greedy for my beauty and wants to take the little girl to be his concubine."

"If the little girl doesn't want to, then she will do whatever she wants."

"Sir, the little girl escaped here accidentally. Please help me, help me!"

Lu Qing lowered his eyebrows and cried, his pitiful appearance made it look like that was the case.


Wu Tong couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

This Lu Qing looks like she has thin skin and tender flesh, but she didn't expect that she would be so charming when she plays a woman.

The little breasted dumpling also covered her mouth and laughed softly.

Uncle Lu performed well, so I give you ten points~
Lu Qing didn't know that his appearance was appreciated by Wu Tong and Xiaonaituanzi. His face was soft and pitiful, but in his heart he was gnashing his teeth.

Qingxuan didn't realize that Lu Qing had been tricked by someone else. From what he could see, Lu Qing was just a poor little flower who was forced into marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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