Chapter 477 Fire pit?Looking for Yunyan?
"Didn't I say before that the princess had a sweetheart before marrying the prince? Guess who that person is?" Lu Wu's face was filled with interest.

"Who is it? Who is it?"

All the girls started gossiping, looking at Lu Wu with expectant eyes. Rose even pushed Lu Wu with her elbow and urged: "Say it quickly, tell it quickly! We are so curious."

"Yes, yes!" Others agreed.

"My good sister, please stop showing off, right? Say it quickly!" Haitang said anxiously.

Xiao Jingyao rolled his eyes, reacted instantly, and blurted out, "Could the person you are talking about... be the prince?"

Although Xiao Jingyao's words were just words, the expression on his face already explained the situation.

"Ah? It's the prince???" The other sisters all widened their eyes, looking like they couldn't believe it. Then they all looked at Lu Wu, with all the expressions on their faces. Ask for proof.

Lu Wu was stunned for a moment when he heard Xiao Jingyao's words, and then thought that Xiao Jingyao had just met Prince Li, so it was not surprising to know this.

So she didn't continue to sell things, and nodded in the eyes of everyone's expectant and gossipy eyes, "Yes, it's the prince!"

Everyone: "..."

what the hell! ?
The man that Princess Li hides in her heart is actually Prince Li?So what happened when the princess reluctantly married the prince?

It is said that after the princess and the prince consummated their marriage, the princess wanted to die many times!
If it hadn't been for the fact that the princess became pregnant later, coupled with the many conflicts with the Duke's Mansion and the old prince's dissuasion, the princess would have gone long ago! ?

If this is true, wouldn't it be a big mistake? ?
After everyone was quiet for a while, they immediately started discussing.

These women were just talking about this matter as a joke, but Xiao Jingyao already had an idea in his heart.

Although he didn't get along with Prince Li very much, Xiao Jingyao could feel that this Prince was not a bad person.

In addition, judging from the prince's previous concern for the princess, that feeling is not just because of the fact that the princess is his wife.


The reason why King Li conspired with the people in the Duke's Mansion was just for his son... no, to be precise, it was for Princess Li.

But in an instant, Xiao Jingyao's mind changed several times.

A plan gradually took shape in my mind.

After sending these "good sisters" away, Xiao Jingyao returned to his room and started writing with paper and pen.

In the evening, Xiao Jingyao sent the "Wife Chasing Plan" he had written to Prince Li.

After Prince Li read it, his face turned dark.

However, he was not willing to tear up this "wife chasing plan", but read it over and over again.

The next day, the Duke's Mansion.

"Old princess, what brought you here?" The second lady of the Duke's Mansion welcomed the old princess in with a smile on her face, her expression was as flattering as she could be.

"Mrs. Yun Er, if you don't tell secrets, I am naturally here for my grandson's marriage!" Princess Xin said in a deep tone.

Although she came to talk about marriage, there was no joy in the face of the old princess.

The usual kindness was also kept clean, and even a bit sullen.

Mrs. Yun Er likes to be good at looking at people's faces. When she saw the old Princess Xin looking like this, she couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart.

Why doesn't this old princess look like she came to the job early?Looks like you're here to ask for guilt?
"Haha, I believe that since the old princess is here for the prince's marriage, I will go and invite my sister-in-law here." Mrs. Yun Er said with a smile, and did not forget to give a message to the mother-in-law beside her when she was done. Wink.The mother-in-law understood and turned around.

Princess Xin took a sip of tea leisurely, and then said: "Mrs. Yun Er, are you willing to get married between the Duke's Palace and Prince Xin's Palace?"

"Hey, what did Princess Xin say? Of course our Duke is willing to marry Prince Xin!"

Mrs. Yun Er said while observing the expression of Princess Xin.

It's just that the old princess Xin sat as steady as a rock, but her expression didn't show the slightest bit.

Mrs. Yun Er smiled and continued: "Xin Wangfu is such a good family. It is her blessing that our sister, Lian, can marry her. After all, no one can become the princess of the county as soon as she marries. If not, At that time, the old prince Xin asked Sister Lian to be the princess of the county. I wanted to fight for such a good marriage for my Yan'er. You must know that the prince of the county is a great person. He has been very courageous and intelligent since he was a child. It is a pity that my family Yan'er has no chance to meet the prince."


As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Princess Xin put the life in her hand heavily on the table with a "pop" sound.

Mrs. Yun Er was so frightened that her heart trembled.

This old princess is indeed someone who has been on the battlefield, and her aura is indeed not something that ordinary people can compare to.

Although he has gained a reputation for being friendly over the years, his nature is still the same as before.

Mrs. Yun Er's head was spinning rapidly, thinking carefully about what she had just said.

Did she say nothing wrong?


Before Mrs. Yun Er could think about it clearly, Princess Xin said loudly: "Don't you think that Prince Xin's Mansion is a pit of fire, and marrying your own daughter to me and marrying Yuan'er is pushing her down into a pit of fire?"


The tone of Princess Xin's words was more or less questioning, which made Mrs. Yun Er confused for a while.

However, without reaching out to hit the smiling person, she continued to smile and talk about the scene, "What do you mean by what Old Princess Xin said? Who is this Prince Xin's Mansion? That is a place that many famous ladies want to enter. In addition, Prince Xin's Mansion has There are people like the old prince Xin and the old princess Xin who understand the world. Who dares to say that it is a fire pit? "

"Being lucky enough to marry into Prince Xin's palace is a blessing that cannot be achieved in several lifetimes!"

"Okay, if that's the case! Why don't you let your Yan'er marry you!!!" Princess Xin said.


The expression on Madam Yun Er's face froze instantly.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he spoke in an unbelievable tone with a tentative tone, "Old...Old Princess, you are not joking!"

"What? You don't want to!? Didn't you just say that whoever marries into I believe in the palace is a blessing earned in several lifetimes? Didn't you say that your Yan'er and my Yuan'er have no fate? Now that fate has come, Mrs. Yun Er only needs to Just nod and the marriage will be made immediately! Don’t worry, I won’t treat your Yan’er badly.”

Mrs. Yun Er: "..."

Is this a matter of not being treated unfairly?How come my grandson doesn’t have any idea?
If it was a normal marriage, she would happily beat gongs and drums to marry off her daughter, but the county prince was so unlucky that he almost died soon!
If I marry my daughter off at this time, will I have to remain a widow for the rest of my life?
She just said a few words, but she really took them seriously! ?

I never knew that this old princess was so skilled at poking her nose and face!
For a moment, Mrs. Yun Er's face dropped, and she managed to force out a smile for a while.

ps: Because I am a teacher and I am busy with a lot of things in June, I stopped updating for a long time. I am very sorry for bringing a very bad experience to all the sisters.

I am almost done with school work now, and updates will be resumed slowly!
Just one chapter for today~
see you tomorrow!
Hey, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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