Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 520: The soft and weak little Bai Hua Li Wang!

Chapter 520 The soft and weak little white flower—King Li!
In the evening, King Li was carried out of the palace.

At this moment, although he looked pale and weak, his mental state was extremely good.

After getting on the carriage, he hummed a little tune.

This spring-like appearance really shocked all the secret guards.

The guards guarding the palace gate all thought that King Li had been brain-damaged, and that was why he was acting so abnormally.


Which seriously injured person would be in such a state?
What if it doesn't hurt your brain?
"Hurry up, go back to the other courtyard!" Seeing that the carriage was moving a little slowly, King Li shouted very dissatisfied. How could the loud voice sound like he was seriously injured?
The guards and eunuchs who escorted him out have not yet left, and they were shocked when they heard his voice.

This is King Li...

When he was in the emperor's palace, he looked like he was on the verge of death. Why did he seem to be so alive and kicking just now?

Everyone looked at each other in shock, but no one dared to say a word.

Who doesn’t know that Prince Li holds a grudge very much!

He looks like a smiling tiger!
The problem is, he is also the emperor's good brother, a person even the emperor hates!
If you offend anyone, you can't offend him!

Adhering to the principle that one thing is worse than one thing less, each of these palace people tacitly pretended to have seen and heard nothing.

In the carriage, after King Li finished his instructions, he sat up from the stretcher.

Looking at the tightly tied bandages on his body, King Li hummed as he took a pair of scissors from the medicine box next to him and cut them. He did not forget to curse in his heart: "The Dog Emperor, I just can't see him." good!"

"I'm just jealous that his relationship with Yun Jin can be repaired!"

"Huh, I don't want what you want!"

"Sneeze, sneeze!" The emperor in the royal study sneezed twice out of nowhere.

After King Li cut off the bandages on his body, he frowned at the wound on his chest that had begun to scab.

Dog doctor!
Why don't you see them doing their duties on weekdays?
They are all a bunch of bitches who don't want to see him and Yun Jin getting along!
While cursing dissatisfied, King Li used his finger to poke the wound on his chest.


Seeing the bright red blood flowing out from the wound again, and his face becoming paler, he retracted his hand with satisfaction.

Well, Yun Jin won't have the heart to drive him back to Prince Li's Mansion after seeing this! ?
Whoever wants to go back to the place away from the palace can go back. He won’t go back anyway!

He must take this opportunity to cultivate a relationship with Yun Jin.

Although Yun Jin is still a little resistant to him now, he suffered such a serious injury because of her. At least Yun Jin will not kick him out.

Xiao Jingyao is right, as a man you should be thick-skinned.

While King Li was happily thinking about the beautiful life between himself and Princess Li in the future, he casually wrapped a bandage around his wound. In order to let Princess Li see the seriousness of his injury, he even deliberately stained the bandage with a lot of stains. Blood looks particularly scary.

After he had done all this, the carriage stopped steadily at the door of the other courtyard.

"Your Majesty, we're here!" the guard said.

When King Li heard this, he quickly lay down, covering his chest with his hands and groaning.

The guard gate outside the carriage: "..."

Is the man here really their prince who could not say a word even after being seriously injured on the battlefield?
Couldn't this have been subcontracted?

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..." King Li coughed heavily, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs. As his coughing affected the blood flow in his chest, he increased his blood flow.

The guards outside the carriage smelled the smell of blood getting stronger and stronger, and hurriedly opened the curtain of the carriage.

"Your Majesty!" the guard exclaimed.

"Get out, get out, get out, go get the princess to come out!" King Li glared at the guard angrily, and brushed away the guard's extended hand.

Guard: "..."

"Yes...yes!" Seeing that King Li still had the strength to scold him, the guard lowered his head and took back his hand, then winked at the person next to him and told him to go inside and call the princess.The guard was also very discerning. Knowing that King Li was busy, he entered the courtyard with a loud voice, as if he was afraid that others would not know that Prince Li's wound had burst.

King Li sat in the carriage and heard the guard's shouting, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Li Quan, remember to add five taels of silver to this boy's monthly payment!" King Li ordered the guards outside with great satisfaction.

Guard Li Quan: "..."


The other guards all showed envy and jealousy in their eyes, wishing that they were the ones who just shouted loudly to enter.


Everyone waited at the door for a long time, but none of the guards who went in came out.

King Li was a little unhappy!
If Yun Jin doesn't come out, the bleeding will stop before his eyes!
Although he is not afraid of pain, he only has so much blood, and it is not created by him!

After waiting for a short while, the guard who went in to report came out shouting loudly.

"It's not good! It's not good! The prince is not good!"

Li Wangshou, who had just heard the noise and was about to hit his wound again, suddenly stopped.

"What's going on!? What's wrong?"

Guard Li Quan looked at the panting little guard and asked hurriedly.

"Guard Li, Your Majesty! No... no more!" The little guard ran in a hurry, and his speech was a bit unclear.

As soon as these words came out, coupled with the anxious expression of the little guard, everyone couldn't help but feel a little thump in their hearts.

"Tell me clearly, what's missing!" Li Quan grabbed the clothes on the young guard's chest and asked.

King Li couldn't help but poke his head out of the carriage.

The little guard swallowed and replied: "Yes... it's the princess and the prince... and... there are others who are gone!"


After the little guard finished speaking, he saw King Li's eyes darkened on the carriage, and he fell straight down from the carriage.

"My lord!"

Li Quan exclaimed, let go of the collar of the little guard and rushed towards Prince Li quickly, and the other guards also gathered around him one by one.

For a time, the guards carried away the king and asked for the doctor.

The little guard who entered the other courtyard before stood there in a daze, with some two-foot-tall monks confused and confused.

what happened?
what happened?
who am I?
where am I?
Before he could figure it out, the guards had already carried the unconscious King Li into another courtyard.

After a while, King Li came to his senses. Before he could clearly see the situation in front of him, he said angrily: "Summon my army immediately. I will personally go to the border to eradicate the traitors!"

The guards at the door and the secret guards: "..."

"Cough...cough cough...Prince, please calm down first, calm down!" Guard Li Quan said bravely: "Well...the secret guards who were following the princess came to report that the princess returned with the prince. It’s the palace!”

After Li Quan finished speaking, he subconsciously took a few steps away from the king and buried his head tightly!
Li Wang: "..."

After the air was silent for a while, everyone heard King Li's roar-like roar.

After that, the little guard who came in to report not only did not receive the reward of five taels of silver, but was fined and forfeited his monthly salary for half a year and received ten military sticks from King Li.

The secret guards around Princess Li were also punished by King Li one by one.

King Li immediately packed up his things and returned to Prince Li's Mansion. Early the next morning, a message about King Li spread widely on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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