Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 567: When saving Qin, he was born by sucking blood

Chapter 567: When saving Qin, he was born by sucking blood
She quickly found the dying Qin Shi from the dungeon.

"Uncle Qin Shi."

The little girl pulled off the iron chain on Qin Shi's body, and then stuffed a pill into his mouth.

"Ran...Ran Ran?"

Qin Shi groaned in pain and half-opened his eyes but didn't see the little breast dumplings.

"It's me, I'll save you." Xiao Naituanzi said softly.

There's no one in the cell right now, so it's a good time to get out.

Xiao Naituanzi raised his hand and put an invisibility charm on Qin Shi, then carried him out and walked out.

"Ran the the master..." Qin Shi said weakly.

"Uncle Qin Shi, don't worry. Fourth uncle is fine. It was he who asked me to save you~"

After hearing what Xiao Naituanzi said, Qin Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before the two of them walked out of the dungeon, the man guarding the dungeon had already noticed that Qin Shi was missing, and stared at Shi and shouted.

The little girl took Qin Shi out of the dungeon calmly. When she walked outside the dungeon, her little foot suddenly kicked towards the lit torch next to it.

This dungeon is made of wood, and there is a lot of straw on the ground.

The torch fell to the ground, and the dungeon burst into flames.

"Ran Ran, take... take me... to the study room of the City Lord's Mansion."

"Go to the study?"

Xiao Naituanzi was confused, but she also knew that Qin Shiding wanted to get something.

So he took Qin Shi to the banquet hall.

At this moment, the banquet hall was in a mess.

The small-breasted dumpling patted the girl’s butt and put truth-telling charms on the men around her.

After this round, all the dirty thoughts of men towards women were exposed.

However, this is not the most exciting thing. The most exciting thing is that the city lord's good brother has been exposed to covet the city lord's concubine.

Being caught by someone, everyone is watching the show, and everyone is enjoying the show.

And the little thoughts these people had in cooperating were clearly exposed in front of each other.

Little Nai Tuanzi had no idea that her little naughty move caused Yuzhou City, which was originally united, to fall into chaos in an instant.

At the same time, it also allowed Xiao Jingzhe to easily capture Yuzhou City, and then the former garrison general.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Qin Shi searched for a long time before they found the Yuzhou City Lord's study.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi didn't know how to read, and Qin Shi's body was very weak. Xiao Nai Tuanzi simply waved his hand and put everything in the city lord's study into his Qiankun bag.

When he came out, Xiaonuituanzi didn't forget to set a fire inside.

Xiaonuituanzi rescued Qin Shi, ate and drank a lot and took a lot of things, her face flushed with joy.

But as soon as they returned to Xiao Jinghan and the others, they saw Pu Dingzi screaming in pain.

When Xiao Jinghan saw her coming back, she hurriedly ran up.

"Oh, Ranran, you are back. If you don't come back, this old man will probably die of pain!"

Xiao Naituanzi glanced at the light gathering array over there, and then handed Qin Shi to Xiao Jinghan.

"Third brother, look at Uncle Qin first."

"Okay." Xiao Jinghan nodded.

Mu Shiyi jumped down from the carriage and helped Xiao Jinghan bring Qin Shi into the carriage.

"Is everything okay over there?" Mu Shiyi asked.

"Don't worry, Aunt Mu. Since I'm awake, I think there will be a way." Xiao Jinghan said.

"Yeah." Mu nodded.As far as she knew, no one with such an illness could survive more than five days.

Eventually, their whole bodies will be covered with moss and they will die.

Now Xiao Naituanzi can find that the moss is afraid of light, and the medicine can also inhibit the crazy growth of the moss, which is already very good.

This person has woken up and can find a way to treat him.

The little girl ran up to Xuan Yin and Pu Xinzi.

Compared to Pu Xinzi, who was screaming all over the place, Xuan Yin's face was just a little pale, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

"Ran Ran."

Xuan Yin saw Xiao Naituanzi coming over and stretched out the injury on his arm.

"Look at this moss... not long after being exposed to light, the moss shrank back, as if it had been burned by fire, but you see..."

Xuanyuan gently twisted the moss with his fingers, and the moss instantly turned into ashes.

But there was a small hole in Xuan Yin's arm, as if something had bitten off a small piece of flesh.

Not only that, the hole was still filled with blood and exuded a fishy smell.

The area where moss grows in Xuan Yin is relatively small. After the moss withers away, there will be so many holes, let alone Pu Dingzi, which has a relatively large injured area.

The little girl walked up to Pu Dingzi and took a look at his wound. Her little face instantly wrinkled into a meaty bun.

Pu Dingzi opened his eyes drowsily, looked at Xiao Naituanzi and said: "Little girl, you... just kill me. Old man, I have spent my whole life doing what I want. I didn't expect that I would suffer like this at this time." crime."

"Old man, what nonsense are you talking about! With you like this, how could God accept you?! The Lord of Hell will also find you too noisy, okay?" Xuan Yin said in a deep voice.

Obviously he didn't want the old man to die like this, but he still said something that was worth mentioning.

Although the two bickered happily on weekdays, Xuan Yin knew that if the old man hadn't blocked him in time last night, he might have been knocked down by the wolf.

It was precisely because of that moment that the old man was slapped on the butt by the wolf.

After all, he owed this old man a huge favor.

If the old man died like this, he would probably have a bad conscience.

Pu Dingzi groaned angrily after hearing Xuan Yin's words.

He was already hurting so much, and this piece of shit was still so angry with him.

Xiaotai Tuanzi thought for a moment and said, "Let me give Uncle Shi's pain relief first!"

With that said, Xiao Naituanzi took out the silver needle and quickly inserted it into the large acupuncture point on Pu Dingzi's body.

Immediately afterwards, he spent some inner energy to enter.

After a while, Pu Dingzi felt much more comfortable.

Xiao Naituanzi took out another medicine pill from his Qiankun bag and fed it to him.

Pu Dingzi, who had been shouting for a long time, finally calmed down and fell asleep with a groan.

Xiao Naituanzi applied muscle-promoting ointment to the wound, and then wrapped it with a bandage.

"Is he okay like this?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

The little girl pursed her lips slightly, then shook her head, "I don't know."

This was the first time she encountered this kind of disease. When she checked her pulse, she found that after the moss turned to ashes, the old man lost a lot of energy and blood.

So the pills she gave him were not only those that detoxified him last night, but also those that replenished qi and blood.

If her guess was correct, the moss... was born by sucking blood.

Now it has been reduced to ashes, but it is not yet certain whether it will grow back.

After thinking about it, Xiao Naituanzi pulled Xuan Yin out of the light gathering array and let him stand under the shade of the tree.

(End of this chapter)

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