Chapter 571 Go to Yinshan Mountain again

Seeing Xiao Jingzhe and Qin Shi leaving, Xiao Jinghan sighed deeply.

"Why are you sighing at such a young age? Your good luck has been ruined by you!" Pu Dingzi said.

Xiao Jinghan shrugged, "Ran Ran said that our Xiao family are all born with good luck. It's no big deal to sigh once or twice. I'm not like you who always look for prey and get snatched by wolves."


Pu Dingzi was instantly choked.

This kid is so tough, he actually dares to challenge him.

Pu Dingzi pushed Xuan Yin, who was sitting next to him, with his elbow, seeking an ally, "Hey, Big-headed Monk said you would be scratched by a wolf even if you were looking for prey."

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Xuan Yin glanced at Xiao Jinghan faintly, and then said to Pu Dingzi: "You old guy, you are still restless after being injured?! Are you still trying to sow discord?"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

It seems that it is better for the old man to just lie down obediently.


Seeing the old man's depressed expression, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help laughing again.

"Laughing, laughing!" Pu Dingzi glared at him fiercely.

Xiao Jinghan curled his lips, he was not as experienced as the old man.

"Ran Ran, let's go to the city! We've been tired for two days, and we haven't eaten well or slept well!" Xiao Jinghan suggested.

"Well..." Xiaonuituanzi nodded after thinking for a while.

As soon as he got on the carriage, Xiaonaituanzi took out the compass.

Xiao Jinghan was driving the carriage and was about to leave when Xuan Yin beside him shouted, "Wait!"

"what happened?"

Xiao Jinghan opened the car curtain, stuck her head in and asked.

Xuan Yin pointed to the compass in Xiao Naituanzi's hand and said excitedly: "Look at this compass, look at the pointer on it... does it refer to our current position?"

Pu Dingzi took a closer look and said, "Does this refer to the Yinshan Mountain?"

Speaking of Yinshan, Pu Dingzi was a little frightened now.

After all, after living for nearly a hundred years, this was the first time I was so close to death.

"Go down and take a look." Xuan Yin said.

Xiaotai Tuanzi got out of the carriage with the compass, then turned around twice, and found that no matter how she turned the compass, the pointer on the compass pointed in the direction of Yinshan Mountain.

Pu Dingzi & Xuan Yin: "..."

It seems that this time I have to go to Yinshan Mountain!

"What? Are you two afraid? Otherwise, you wait below while Ran Ran and I go up?" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Nonsense!" the old man immediately retorted: "Who said we are afraid? Aren't we just going up one more time? What is there to be afraid of? It just so happens, old man, that I want to kill all those wolves in retaliation for them biting my butt. "

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

He is really a strong old man.

Xiaotai Tuanzi looked at Xuan Yin, and Xuan Yin immediately said: "The old man is not afraid, so what should I be afraid of? The two of us entered that place by mistake last time and were not prepared at all. This time we just need to be careful."

"Okay." Xiaonuituanzi nodded seriously.

Then she drew a lot of talismans for several people and asked them to take them with them.

Several people arrived at the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

Although it was already the end of Youshi, there was still weak sunlight on the mountain opposite, but the mountain in front of us was strangely shady and cool, with a chill everywhere.

There is also very little vegetation on the mountain, and all that can be seen are the frightening mosses.

Almost as soon as he saw the moss, Pu Dingzi put his hand on his butt behind.

He was a little scared when he thought that he also had that thing on his body.

Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan looked at him and wanted to laugh, but they held it back. This was not a good time to argue.

The little girl held the compass in her hand and walked slowly up the mountain.

When we reached halfway up the mountain, the moonlight in the sky also appeared.And the further forward, the more eerie and terrifying the atmosphere becomes.


Suddenly, the howl of a wolf was heard not far away, one after another, which made people panic.


Xiao Jinghan was just about to say out loud that the wolf was coming, but she found that the three people who had been walking beside suddenly disappeared.

"Ran Ran, big-headed monk? Old man?"

Xiao Jinghan was startled and shouted.


Following his shout, the pack of wolves suddenly ran towards them.

Under the dark night, looking at the pairs of green lanterns, Xiao Jinghan's heart was in her throat at this moment.

"Stupid! Stick the charm!"

At this time, Xuan Yinmei said angrily.

"Oh oh~"

When Xiao Jinghan heard Xuan Yin talking, she remembered that they all had invisibility charms in their hands, and hurriedly put one on herself.

At the same time, a subtle sound of music came intermittently.

And the moment Xiao Jinghan disappeared, the wolves came to their side.


Xiao Naituanzi quietly gave a signal to a few people, and then he took the lead and flew out of the wolf pack with Qinggong.

Seeing this, the other three people also flew out.

When they turned to look at the wolves who seemed a little confused, several of them couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

There are so many wolves that are not easy to mess with. The important thing is that once you are attacked, they will be contaminated with moss that can kill people.

After they disappeared, the wolves howled a few times and then crawled on the spot.

Xiaotai Tuanzi and the others turned around and avoided them and walked quietly in another direction.


Before they had taken a few steps, a "thing" that was neither human nor ghost appeared in front of them.

Several people were shocked.Xuan Yin was so frightened that he screamed.

"Who! Who is there?!" the "thing" asked, constantly looking for them.

His voice was hoarse, extremely unpleasant, and filled with uncontrollable depression, which made people feel frightened.

Pu Dingzi covered Xuan Yin's mouth and pulled him quietly in another direction.

Xiao Jinghan also tightly covered her mouth and followed them away from this "weird man". Only Xiaotuanzi stood still, staring at the weird man in front of him with his big eyes.

The reason why this weirdo is called a weirdo is because except for his eyes and the outline of his height, everything about this guy looks like a human being. The rest of the place is covered with green moss.

If he slept in any position, no one would be able to tell that he was a human being.

What made Xiao Nai Tuanzi curious was how this man, whose body was covered with moss, did not die because of the moss as nourishment, but survived.


At this moment, Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin suddenly stepped on something and made a sound.

"Who, come out!"

"Weird" shouted again.

Xiao Jinghan and others stood still in place.

At this moment, the weird man suddenly took out something and slowly put it to his lips.

Suddenly, a musical sound overflowed from his mouth.


As the music sounded, the wolves became restless again.

(End of this chapter)

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