Chapter 574: Hard-spoken, meeting Mu Shiyi again
Several people rested on Yinshan Mountain all night, and did not prepare to go down the mountain until the early morning of the next day.

When Qi Yue left with them, the previous group of wolves followed them from a distance, as if they knew Qi Yue was leaving.

While going down the mountain, Xiao Naituanzi also encountered several rare medicinal materials. She picked them up one by one and put them in her pocket.

It was impossible for Qi Yue to appear in front of the public in his current state, so Xiao Naituanzi decided to stay here to heal his injuries first.

When we reached the bottom of the mountain, the sun in the east had slowly risen.

As soon as he came into contact with the light, Qi Yue felt dizzy.

"Are you OK!"

Xiao Jinghan subconsciously supported him.

"It's okay, I..."


Before Qi Yue finished speaking, he fainted and Xiao Jinghan was almost crushed to the ground by him.

Seeing this, Xiaonuituanzi hurriedly stuffed two detoxifying pills into Qi Yue's mouth.

"Third brother, move him to the carriage first! Senior brother, help Ran Ran get a light-focusing array." Xiao Naituanzi ordered softly.

"it is good."

Xiao Jinghan resisted Qi Yue and headed straight towards the carriage.

Several others followed closely.

With the previous experience, several people are already familiar with doing these things.

It's just that there is too much moss on Qi Yue's body, and it will take a long time to repair it.

Pu Dingzi knew that eating too many small milk dumplings would make him hungry easily, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to go to a nearby city to have a look first, and then buy some food back.

This whole day passed by the time I helped Qi Yue remove the moss on his body and repair it.

Xiao Naituanzi was exhausted. After giving Qi Yue two detoxifying pills, he took some blood-producing pills and handed them to Xiao Jinghan to let Qi Yue take them on time.

After a simple meal, Xiaonuituanzi drank a sip of wine and fell asleep in the carriage.

In order to make the little breast dumpling sleep more comfortably, several people temporarily went to a nearby city to rest for a while before leaving.

The little girl slept for three days and nights before she woke up.

"Are you awake?"

When she sat up, Xuan Yin opened the door and came in. He smiled and said, "I guessed that you would wake up at about this time. Senior brother will go and bring you food."

"Okay." Xiaonuituanzi nodded, covering his already resisting belly and smiling broadly at Xuan Yin.

After dinner.

Pu Dingzi walked in from outside and handed a small note to Xiao Naituanzi, "Your father wrote it, please read it~"

The little breast dumplings are embarrassing.

Just looked at Pu Dingzi intently.

Pu Dingzi was a little confused by what she saw. He touched his old face and wondered, "Didn't I wipe my face clean?"

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and said a little depressed: "I don't know how to read!"


As soon as these words came out, Pu Dingzi was stunned for two seconds.

"No...can't read?"

Pu Dingzi almost thought he was hallucinating.

The little girl gave the old man a look, "What's wrong with not being able to read?"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

It's really strange that a little kid of this age can't read, but the girl in front of me who seems to know everything...can't read?

This seems to be more unacceptable than believing that this girl knows medical skills and metaphysics. "Read it for me." Little Nipple Tuanzi turned his head away, his tone a little arrogant.

This cute little look just melts people's hearts.

"Okay, you are the little ancestor. Let me read it to you, old man." Pu Dingzi said helplessly.

"Actually, your father didn't say anything. He just found your mother's body, and he has now gone to the west and south. Also, he asked me to take good care of you! How about it? Your father is very concerned about it. You?"

When Xiao Naituanzi heard these words, she felt warm in her heart.

Although he has not officially met this father, he is still looking forward to meeting him.

From other people's words, she can also know that he is a good father.

She was thinking this in her heart, but the little girl said: "Who wants him to care?! I can take care of myself, and you old man, it's better if you don't want me to take care of you~"

Pu Dingzi: "..."

This little girl... has a tough mouth!
He clearly wanted to see that bastard Mo Heng, but his words had another meaning.

After the little breasted dumpling finished speaking, he jumped out of the door.

Clearly, she was in a good mood at this time.

She originally planned to go and see Qi Yue, but when she went out and asked Xuan Yin, she found out that Qi Yue was almost well, so she was sent to Xiao Jingzhe's place by Xiao Jinghan.

The Xiao family's treasonous grievances need to be cleared up as soon as possible. This is one of the reasons. Xiao Jingzhe's side is also in need of people. This Qi Yue is good at controlling beasts, and he is a good person who can be used. Third, they can bring one more Qi Yue. It’s not very convenient to get on the road either.

Therefore, Xiao Jinghan decided to send Qi Yue to Xiao Jingzhe first.

Having just woken up and had nothing to do, Xiaonuituanzi thought for a while and then took Xuan Yin out for a stroll.

It's not very far from the military camp, so it's not too busy.

There are not many people wandering around this street.

As I walked, I saw a commotion not far ahead, and many people on the street gathered around.

Seeing this, Xiaonuituanzi also pulled Xuan Yin and ran over.

"Aunt Mu?"

Xiao Naituanzi had sharp eyes and saw Mu Shiyi standing opposite them at a glance.

"Where?" Xuan Yin asked.

"There." Xiaonuituanzi pointed over there.

Xuan Yin looked in the direction of her finger. Mu Shiyi also saw them over there, nodded slightly to them and walked out of the crowd.

"Huh?" Xiao Naituanzi glanced at the direction Mu Shiyi left in confusion. Why did she leave?

"Maybe she has other things to do!" Xuan Yin said.

He didn't spend much time with Mu Shiyi, but Xuan Yin also saw that Mu Shiyi was a strong and thoughtful person. Even though she didn't talk much, her aura alone was not that of an ordinary woman.

For the past three days, Xiao Naituanzi had fallen asleep. When he, Xiao Jinghan and Pu Dingzi came out, they found out that Mu Shiyi was married to the Qu family here.

This Qu family can be regarded as a hero in the founding of the country. After Taizu pacified the world, this ancestor of the Qu family was granted the title of Marquis of Zhenyuan and was ordered to guard the border territory.

For so many years, the Qu family can be regarded as a local emperor in this place called Wangcheng.

Xiao Jingzhe and Mu Shiyi were childhood sweethearts, and they were engaged since childhood.

But who knew that when it came time to get married, Xiao Jingzhe was seriously injured and died soon after.

The Mu family is so powerful that they despise the poor and love the rich.

The Xiao family was defeated and was accused of treason. Xiao Jingzhe didn't want to delay Mu Shiyi, so he said a lot of harsh words to her.

Mu Shiyi almost out of anger married the eldest son of the Qu family, the eldest son of Lord Qu.

This Prince Qu had been weak since he was a child. Mu Shiyi was originally going to marry him to celebrate the occasion, but he didn't expect that the Prince Qu would die inexplicably just after the wedding ceremony!
This happy event has turned into a funeral.

As a result, Mu Shiyi became a widowed widow.

(End of this chapter)

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