Chapter 608: Organ Formation!

"Try this?"

At this time, Pu Dingzi took out a glove and handed it to Xiao Jinghan.

Xiao Jinghan was full of doubts, "What is this?"

"I got it from the old lady Jinhua. She said it can prevent poisons!" Pu Dingzi said a little unnaturally.

"You have this, why didn't you take it out earlier?" Xuan Yin glanced at him, and then teased, "Old man, are you sure that Granny Jinhua... huh?"

"Go, go, what are you talking about?"

Although Xuan Yin's words were not stated clearly, the meaning was very obvious. Pu Dingzi's face darkened completely and he turned his head away awkwardly.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but laugh.

"I have heard the name of Granny Jinhua before. It is said that she has a treasure that is invulnerable to all poisons. It cannot be touched except by her family or family members! Now this treasure..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! What happened between me and that old woman is in the past, and there is nothing happening now! Stop being such an alarmist!" Pu Dingzi became anxious.

Nowadays, none of the little ones are obedient!
Just know how to bully his old man.

"Old man, I'm not talking nonsense. I just want to ask you if you want to come and get these eggs? Just to confirm. What are you worried about?" Xiao Jinghan said with a smile.


Pu Dingzi choked.

This damn boy is setting a trap for him!

"Go, go, go aside, old man, I'll do it!" Pu Dingzi put the glove on his hand with a dark face, but as soon as his hand touched the leaves of the purple flower, he heard Xuan Yin say seriously: "etc!"

Pu Dingzi quickly retracted his hand and looked at Xuan Yin in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Let's try it first!" Xuan Yin said.

With that said, Xuan Yin took the glove and put it on the stick that Xiao Jinghan had before, and then stretched the stick towards the flower.

As before, the flower did not attack the stick.

So Xuan Yin felt relieved.

"It seems it's OK!"

Hearing this, Pu Dingzi took the gloves back, put them on his hands and began to search for the eggs of drunken butterflies in the flower clusters.

After a short while, he found a leaf with a lot of insect eggs, so he uprooted the entire flower.

As soon as the flower left the ground, it shrank visibly to the naked eye, and then a black gas floated out from the flower, and then the purple flower gradually turned into white.

Pu Dingzi: "..."

What the hell is this thing?
It looks like something evil!

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi's money sword buzzed.

Then Xiao Naituanzi heard Zhou Zhongren's voice, "Ranran, what you have in front of you is the Youluo flower, a flower that can absorb evil energy!"

Xiao Naituanzi's heart trembled.

If they can absorb demonic energy, it will be beneficial to them!

Ye Zhaozhao seems to have demonic energy in her body. If she can rely on these flowers to absorb them, her skill will be greatly reduced.

And that evil god can also be dealt with.

"What should I do?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

"Seal these things in a formation, put them in a jade object, and then take them away." Zhou Zhongren said.

"it is good."

Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded and immediately used a formation to put all these things into the jade pendant that belonged to her mother earlier.

Looking at the disappearing flowers and drunken butterflies, Pu Dingzi and others became confused.

Xiao Naituanzi said what Zhou Zhongren said, and several people nodded in understanding.

"No wonder the flower released black gas just after it left the soil. It turned out to be for this reason." Xuan Yin said.

Xiao Naituanzi took out the compass and continued to walk forward in the direction of the compass with a few others.

After not walking far, a few people arrived at a cliff. "Is there no way out?"

Xiao Jinghan glanced at the compass in confusion. The position indicated by this thing hadn't been reached yet?

"Let's look around!" Xuan Yin said: "The position shown by the compass should be correct, it must be here."


Several people followed the compass around, but the position it finally pointed to was where they were. But where could they find it in this desolate land?

It can't be buried underground, right?

At this time, Xu Mo and Xiao Jinghan, who had followed them, suddenly stepped on something, and a gap suddenly opened on the ground, and the two fell directly.

"Three brothers!"

"Little three!"

Xuan Yin and Xiao Naituanzi were startled at the same time and headed towards the gap.

But where the cracks in the ground had just appeared, there was suddenly no trace at all.

"There is a mechanism formation here!" Pu Dingzi said firmly.

"We need to find them as soon as possible!" Xuan Yin looked at Xiao Naituanzi, "Ran Ran, can you see anything?"

The little breasted dumpling shook his head seriously.

"It's over. Even you can't see anything. Then the arrangement of this mechanism formation is too clever." Xuan Yin said worriedly.

"Don't panic! Since we can know that it is a machine formation, we can always find something if we search carefully." Pu Dingzi said in a rare serious and calm voice.

The three of them searched aimlessly like this. When it got dark, they still couldn't find the breakthrough point of this formation mechanism.

The little breasted dumpling couldn't help but become a little anxious.

This was the first time in her life that she had encountered such an institution, and he had no clue at all.


At this time, Xiao Naituanzi's money sword buzzed again.

Xiao Naituanzi stopped and took out the money sword, and a black shadow emerged from her money sword.

"Ran... Ran Ran..."

When Zhou Zhongren called her, his expression was very bad.

"Uncle Zhou!"

Seeing that something was wrong with him, the little girl frowned, "You...what's wrong?"

"I...I don't know what's wrong with me!" Zhou Zhongren covered his chest and spoke with difficulty, "I've been restless since you guys went up the mountain, and I can't calm down to practice. Just now, something seemed to be coming. As if calling me, I..."

Before Zhou Zhongren could finish speaking, a powerful force pulled him in another direction.

"Uncle Zhou!"

The little breasted dumpling exclaimed and hurriedly chased after him as fast as he could.

Seeing this, Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi quickly followed.

After a while, they came to a lake, and Zhou Zhongren disappeared on the lake.

Not only that, Xiao Nai Tuanzi also saw a lot of supernatural things coming this way, as if there was something about the lake that attracted them.

"How is this going?"

Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi were both shocked.

"Let's go in and see!"

Xiaonuituanzi said.

With that said, she took out her money sword and cut through the lake with one sword, and then plunged into it.

Xuan Yin and Pu Dingzi followed closely behind.

(End of this chapter)

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