Chapter 610 Pu Dingzi is dead~
As a string of obscure spells rang in his ears.

I saw Pu Dingzi's body gradually glowing with blue light.

At this moment, the black energy in the golden formation seemed to be restless, and gradually started to move around.

Pu Dingzi pinched his hand, drew it on the ground, and then dropped the blood from his fingertips to the ground.

"Monk Datou, if you are lucky enough to go out, I will say something to the old woman. I am the one who is sorry for her!" Suddenly, Pu Dingzi said.

"Old man, what are you going to do!?"

Xuan Yin looked at Pu Dingzi's appearance and already understood what he was doing, and felt sour in his heart.

Pu Dingzi did not answer his words and continued to pour blood on the ground.

As his blood dropped, a ray of blue light suddenly extended from his direction to Xiao Naituanzi's formation.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist was seen gradually overflowing from the formation, following the blue light towards Pudingzi.

In just a moment, the black mist filled his whole body.

"Old man!"

Xuan Yin shouted when he saw this.


As Xuan Yin's voice fell, Pu Dingzi's body suddenly exploded.

The little girl turned her head and saw that there were only one or two pieces of broken clothing left in the direction Pu Dingzi had just made!
"Ha! As expected of the descendants of those old guys, they still use this stupid method! It's a pity that those old guys didn't learn even half of their skills!"

Within the formation, the disdainful and mocking voice of the black mist sounded again.


When Xiao Naituanzi heard this, her emotions exploded at this moment.


The rocks outside the lake exploded instantly, like a volcano erupting.

Looking from their direction, it was as if a hole had suddenly been poked in the sky.

"Ran Ran!"

Xuan Yin was shocked.

Xiao Naituanzi gritted his teeth, cut his fingers, and drew a series of talisman seals in the air.The bloody talisman rushed from bottom to top towards the sky.


Immediately afterwards, several thunderbolts fell suddenly.

The sky thunder accurately landed in Xiao Nai Tuanzi's formation, shattering the clouds of mist into pieces.

"Ran Ran, use that flower quickly!"

Xuan Yin gritted his teeth and reminded.

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi placed the flowers that had been included in the formation around the formation.

As the thunder fell, the demon's demonic energy split and was absorbed by the flower.

"Oh, little girl, you are quite capable! But do you think you can destroy me because you attracted thunder from the sky? Don't even think about it!"

As the Demon God's words fell, a force as powerful as the Qi sweeping through the mountains and rivers swept over him instantly.


Xuan Yin couldn't resist such power at all, even when he fell to the ground, he was knocked away by this powerful force.


The little breast dumpling was almost unable to hold up, blood was rising and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, the Gobi desert not far away was suddenly broken open, and a powerful sword intention hit Xiaonai Tuanzi's formation with the power of luck.


The little breast dumpling couldn't hold on and hit the ground hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, the formation was broken, and the demon god also left the cave as if fleeing for a moment.

"Ranran~, are you okay?"

At this time, Xiao Jinghan ran over from the Gobi and held the little breast dumpling in his arms.

Xiaotai Tuanzi wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, looked up at Xiao Jinghan, her eyes were red, and said aggrievedly: "Third brother, it's great that you're okay! Boo hoo... Uncle Master... burp ...Master-uncle is dead, wuwuwu..."

ps: I’m busy with the start of school, so I reluctantly typed up a few words, please forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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