Chapter 612: Array in Array!
It's just that this exit is a little special, and they don't know how to open it for a while.

For this reason, Xu Mo was still unconscious at this time.

"Where is Mother Ranran? Have you found her?" Xuan Yin asked.

"Here." Xiao Jinghan took out the small box again.

Only then did Xiao Naituanzi pay attention to the small wooden box. After taking it over and using his spiritual sense to explore it, he found that it was indeed his mother inside.

It's just that... the seal on this is not an ordinary seal. It will take a lot of effort to open it.

Xiao Naituanzi put away the box, and the three of them supported each other towards the secret passage.

After only walking for a while, Xiao Naituanzi discovered something unusual in this secret passage. There were seals everywhere inside, and they contained very powerful spells.

Xiao Naituanzi looked up and glanced at Xiao Jinghan, who then turned his head away.

The reason why he was able to suddenly burst out with such powerful power was because he had previously found a "Spell" in this secret passage. This book recorded a secret technique.

—— Using blood as a guide, he exchanges his lifespan for extremely powerful power.

At that time, when he was hesitating whether to change, he suddenly heard the movements of Xiao Naituanzi and the others. With his ability, it was impossible to open the desert, so he forcibly used the secret technique.

With his 20 years of life in exchange for powerful strength, he was able to break through the desert and seriously injured the demon god at that moment.

If you ask him if he regrets it, his answer is - of course not.

Xiao Naituanzi also guessed where the power in Xiao Jinghan's body came from, but it was not time to talk about this at this time, so she had to quickly find Zhou Zhongren and the souls that were sucked into it.

At this time, Xuan Yin also discovered something unusual.

He glanced at the top of the Gobi in confusion, then walked slowly over and wiped away some of the dust on the Gobi with his hands.

"Look, what is this?" Xuan Yin weakly turned to look at the two of them.

Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jinghan both walked over.

Xiao Naituanzi waved his hand, and the pictures and words on the Gobi were revealed.

When Xiao Jinghan read the pictures and words on it, his face turned pale.

Xuan Yin also looked at him fiercely, and his eyes gradually became darker.

"What's written on it?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

She could probably understand the paintings on it, and they should be magic arts.

And that word...

Hmm, I don’t know him!
Once again, Xiao Naituanzi came up with the idea of ​​learning Chinese characters well.

"'s nothing." Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin replied in perfect agreement.

After replying, the two looked at each other again and nodded slightly.

"You're lying!" Xiao Naituanzi could tell at a glance. The two of them didn't have such a tacit understanding on weekdays, unless they were hiding something from him.


Xiao Jinghan sighed deeply, her eyes were slightly red, and she said half-truthfully: "What is painted on this is a secret technique. Using your own blood as a guide and your own life as a sacrifice, you can obtain powerful powers." strength."

Xiao Jinghan said, touching a strand of white hair between her ears and temples, and said with a wry smile: "Third brother didn't want to tell you!"

Xuan Yin looked at the white hair on his temples and said with a slight tremor in his voice, "Ranran, would you like to kowtow to these paintings? Those people above are your father's ancestors."

"They are all the same as the old man. They died here because they suppressed this demon."

Xuan Yin didn't lie.

Using his own blood and lifespan as a sacrifice, this was also the technique Pu Dingzi had just performed.

Before, Ran Ran's father Mo Heng also used a similar method to find Ran Ran's mother. This method was also a special method he had mentioned before when he first met Pu Dingzi.Although it is a guess, it is almost the same.

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi didn't think much about Pu Dingzi's determination at that moment. He knelt down obediently, kowtowed three times to the portrait on the Gobi desert, and said in a sweet voice: "Ran Ran will definitely know how to do it. Find the devil and kill him!"

After leaving here, the expressions on Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin's faces became obviously more solemn.

It's just that Xiao Naituanzi still had her own little thoughts and didn't notice the difference between them for a while.

After walking for a while, several people arrived at the secret passage Xiao Jinghan mentioned.

As soon as she arrived here, Xiao Naituanzi found that everything here was full of resentment.

Xiao Jinghan said: "This was a formation at first. I didn't know what the specific formation was, so I cracked it."

With that said, Xiao Jinghan ran to the unconscious Xu Mo.

"Ran Ran, look at him quickly. He suddenly passed out after the formation was broken." Xiao Jinghan helped the person up and looked at Xiaonuituanzi and said.

Xiao Naituanzi's mouth twitched as he watched the shadow of Zhou Zhongren beside Xu Mo and the ghosts standing together not far away.

"Uncle Zhou, are you okay?"

Xiao Naituanzi looked at Zhou Zhongren and asked with concern.

Zhou Zhongren shook his head and pointed at Xu Mo, "He was injured too much and was sucked in yang energy, so he fell into a coma."

"The formation here can attract nearby ghosts, and then generate resentment, and the formation eye of this formation should be where the demon god was just now."

"I'm afraid these are some arrays within arrays!"

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

She felt that something was not right about the Bagua array before, but now she suddenly understood something.

Anyone who enters the bottom of the lake must break the formation if they want to get out, and the Bagua formation has been changed by others. If the formation is broken, the formation that suppresses the demon god will also be broken.

The Demon God's formation is connected to the soul gathering formation here.

If the guess is correct, this soul-gathering array must have been arranged by someone to gather resentment for the demon god to increase his power.

"Ran Ran, these souls were all sucked in by this soul gathering array. Send them away!" Zhou Zhongren said.

"it is good."

The little girl nodded her head, and with a wave of her hand, a door appeared.

"This is the Gate of Reincarnation, you all go and reincarnate!" Xiao Naituanzi said looking at the ghosts.

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

Each of these souls rushed to leave and enter the door of reincarnation.

After all the ghosts left, several people supported each other and left the place.

Two days had passed when they returned to the inn.

There was a lot of commotion on the other side of the mountain. Granny Jinhua and Mo Heng were worried when they didn't see them come back. Granny Jinhua even had time to stand outside and wait.

Seeing them coming back at this time, they hurriedly greeted them.

"It's great that you're finally back!" Granny Jinhua greeted her with a face full of joy.


When the little girl with breasts saw her appearance, her nose became sore and her eyes turned red. She looked extremely pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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